Chapter 289 Soul Search
When Lu Yun and Jiuyou saw the phantom of the spirit beast rushing towards them, their expressions did not change.

It's just that Lu Yun is a little impatient with such tricks.

"Resolve these troublesome things as soon as possible, maybe after the phantoms of these soul beasts are resolved, the culprit will show his feet."

Lu Yun didn't want to waste any more time on this matter, and immediately let Jiuyou burst out with all his strength to deal with these spirit beast phantoms.

"Okay, Pavilion Master!"

After hearing this sentence, Jiuyou nodded solemnly.

The next moment, he spread his arms, and behind Jiuyou, a huge black dragon surrounded him.

Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, gold.

Nine red and one gold, ten soul rings.

A terrifying coercion was released immediately, sweeping across this strange place in an instant.

The phantom of the soul beast that was about to approach in front was directly annihilated into ashes under this powerful god-level coercion.

In the end, it turned into wisps of black mist and dissipated between heaven and earth.

As for the color of Jiuyou's soul ring, why it has been improved so much? It was Lu Yun who asked Jiuyou to go to the secret realm of chaos to hunt down soul beasts.

As a result, his own soul ring has reached nine red and one gold, such a heaven-defying level.

The last golden soul ring was after Jiuyou broke through to the god level, absorbed a god bestowed soul ring, and truly reached the million-year level soul master.

"The eighth soul skill: Light of Destruction."

After receiving Lu Yun's affirmation, Jiuyou didn't intend to hold back, and used nearly [-]% of the strength in his body to instantly cast the eighth soul skill.

I saw a black ball of light condensed from the mouth of the black dragon, bursting out with a destructive aura.

As the ball of light got bigger and bigger, the whole area began to tremble violently.

More and more phantoms of soul beasts that were transformed were smashed to pieces by this powerful aura.

"go with!"

At this moment, Jiuyou smiled indifferently, and the black giant dragon behind him spit out the black ball of light in his mouth instantly upwards.


This ball of light exploded violently, destroying all soul power, and spreading around.

Continuing to spread towards the surroundings at an exceedingly extreme speed, only Lu Yun and Jiuyou were safe and sound in the entire area.

As for other places, the phantom of the soul beast evaporated in the blink of an eye, the ground cracked, and the whole world began to tremble violently.

At this time, the strange man in an unknown place naturally also noticed the movement of this strange place, as if the whole world was about to collapse in half.

Such a situation made the strange man look astonished: "What's going on?"

Obviously, the man was also very puzzled as to what was going on.

With a thought, he immediately felt that the reason for all this was the two men who came to his cards.

"How is it possible, he turned out to be a real god-level powerhouse!"


Feeling the aura of this attack, the strange man also knew that the strength of Jiuyou beside Lu Yun had surpassed the limit Douluo and reached the real god-level powerhouse.

How can this prevent this man from showing a look of horror?
With his strength, there is only a slight barrier from the god-level powerhouse.

He originally wanted to take advantage of this time to break through and become a god, but he didn't expect that man to be a real god, reaching the realm he longed for.

He knew Lu Yun's strength before, and on the surface it was similar to him.

But he never expected that the man next to Lu Yun would be so powerful.

After knowing this situation, the strange man secretly thought that something was wrong and thought of running away.

If he continued to stay here, he would definitely die.

As a result, this strange man ignored his own cultivation, and immediately turned into a stream of light, which swept towards a direction not far away.

"Got you!"

At this time, Lu Yun's mental power was fully released, and he was always on guard for changes in this area.

At this time, he actually sensed a powerful wave of soul power not far away, and if nothing unexpected happened, this might be the culprit.

"Do you want to escape? It's just a dream!"

Lu Yun murmured disdainfully, it was too naive for this man to want to escape under the hands of the two of them.

Jiuyou at the side waved his big hand, and all the strength emerged from his body, and he flew forward with Lu Yun at a super-extreme speed.

The space behind him gradually turned into a phantom, which was enough to see how fast Jiuyou had reached.

The strange man running ahead noticed Lu Yun and Jiuyou who were following behind him, and his expression became extremely terrified.

The speed of the two of them far surpassed him, perhaps in less than a moment, he would be successfully chased by these two.

Thinking of this, the strange man didn't know what to think of, his face hesitated, and then became firm.

Stay in the void, waiting for the arrival of Lu Yun and Jiuyou.

Lu Yun and the two who were chasing after saw the weird behavior of this strange man, with very puzzled expressions, and slowly came to the man.

Through close perception, Lu Yun knew the origin of this man, but it was just as he had guessed before.

This man has the blood of soul beasts and soul masters in his body.

But the strange thing is, how did this man manage to maintain the form of a human soul master and at the same time have the characteristics of a soul beast?
Moreover, he couldn't perceive the blood of the soul beast in this man's body, what kind of soul beast it was.

too weird!

"What happened to the mermaid clan is your fault?"

Lu Yun said to the strange man in front of him indifferently.

"That's right!"

The bewitching man replied truthfully, without any change in expression.

This also made Lu Yun even more puzzled, does this man have any cards?
"Tell me your purpose, what is your plan to control the strong mermaid clan?"

Lu Yun continued to ask.

Although he can kill the man immediately now, some follow-up things are unknown.

The mermaid clan and him should not interfere with each other, why did they go to such lengths to do such a thing?

"Hmph, don't try to get anything else from me."

The strange man snorted coldly, and didn't intend to tell Lu Yun his plan.

"Since you don't say it, don't blame us for being rude."

Lu Yun had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and immediately smiled dismissively.

All the soul power in the body surged, and the majestic power of time and space covered the front.

The man finally realized that something was wrong. He was completely imprisoned in the void by the surrounding space-time force, unable to move a bit.

"Damn, what did you do to me!"

The strange man found out that no matter what means he used, he couldn't break free from the confinement around him, so he roared angrily.

The heart became very frightened.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun walked forward slowly, put his two fingers together, and instantly tapped the man's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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