Chapter 30 Two Great Soul Skills
A sliver of strength from the Wuhun improved Lu Yun's physique, making his body stronger and able to easily withstand the pressure of the thousand-year-old spirit ring.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be the prestige of a chaos-level martial soul?

In this way, Lu Yun supported for a long time, and the first soul ring was completely absorbed.


A dazzling purple soul ring tightened violently, and it was firmly placed on Lu Yun's space-time god tower martial soul, releasing a bewitching purple light.

The age of Lu Yun's first soul ring was finally raised to more than 7000 years.

If outside soul masters were to see Lu Yun's first purple soul ring, they would surely turn pale with fright and think that Lu Yun was a freak.

After all, which soul master's first soul ring can absorb such a high age soul ring.

The age of this kind of soul ring has already exceeded the age of the fourth soul ring of ordinary soul masters, which is enough to shock people.

"Finally the absorption is completed. Sure enough, it is really difficult to absorb the spirit ring at a higher level!"

"If it wasn't at the last moment, the real Wuhun released a ray of strange power to strengthen my physique, otherwise the lifespan of the first spirit ring will definitely not reach more than 7000 years."

After absorbing the soul ring, Lu Yun's eyes were filled with unprecedented joy.

Absorbing the first soul ring, one's own gains are great!
Not only did he obtain such a heaven-defying soul skill, but also his physical strength, as this soul ring stimulated the power of the two chaotic martial souls, his physical strength increased several levels again.

Therefore, Lu Yun has great confidence in his heart that the lifespan of the second soul ring will definitely reach the ten thousand year level.

In addition, this spirit ring is a growth spirit ring. As his physical strength increases, the lifespan of this spirit ring will also increase endlessly.

Lu Yun himself doesn't know how far he can reach in the end, but he thinks it will not be less than 50 years.

"Time and space control!"

After Lu Yun absorbed the first soul ring, his eyes were filled with bright light.

That's right!

After he absorbed the first soul ring, the soul skill that was born was: control of time and space.

As the name suggests, it is the power to activate the soul ring, which can control part of the space-time power in a certain area.

It's a pity that with Lu Yun's current strength, he only has the power of time and space within a radius of ten miles.

The power of time and space mastered by Lu Yun is just a superficial part of it, which can barely speed up and slow down the time in one area.

It can't be said in the legend that controlling the power of time and space can make people travel to the future.

With such a heaven-defying means, Lu Yun guessed that he would at least have to be a god-level powerhouse to be able to display such heaven-defying power of time and space.

Lu Yun was very satisfied with the effect of the first soul skill.

With the first soul skill, he can completely speed up the flow of time around him, and then he will have a longer time to improve his soul power level.

Greatly shorten the time for future practice.

Of course, the control of time and space means that Lu Yun can use the power of time and the power of space within a radius of ten meters.

As for the previous deceleration and acceleration of time flow, it is just the use of time power.

As for the use of the power of space, Lu Yun can teleport within a radius of ten meters.

Casting the teleportation skill consumes a huge amount of soul power. With his current soul power level, he cannot perform too many teleportations, otherwise his soul power will be exhausted.

Before the critical period, Lu Yun would not use teleportation frequently.

This is the supreme power composed of the power of time and the power of space.

The degree of mystery of the power of time and space is the most in the world.

"The first soul skill: time and space control!"

Lu Yun stood up and began to test his first soul skill.

Squinting his eyes slightly, the Space-Time God Tower Martial Soul in his right hand released a silver light, causing waves of ripples to affect the surrounding space-time.

After using the first soul skill, Lu Yun could already clearly feel the power of time and space around him, all under his control.

Of course, he can only use a fraction of this vast power of time and space, but even so, its power is still astonishing.

Just like that, Lu Yun slowly tested the power of the first soul ability, and began to accelerate and decelerate the surrounding time.

At the same time, use the power of space to teleport in any direction non-stop.

After a while, Lu Yun truly mastered his first soul skill, and an unprecedented look of joy appeared on his face.


Controlling time and space, this soul skill really did not disappoint him, it was really too powerful.

However, with his current level of soul power, he can only speed up the surrounding time by five times and slow it down by five times.

As his soul power level increases, the multiplier will also show endless growth.

"Next, prepare to absorb the second spirit ring!"

Afterwards, Lu Yun continued to sit cross-legged and began to absorb the second soul ring.


Holding the golden ball in his right hand, the power of his palm exploded the next moment, and the golden ball shattered instantly.

A soul ring was attached to the Martial Soul of the Time-Space God Tower, the color of the soul ring turned black in the blink of an eye, and the Martial Spirit unleashed the majestic coercion of the ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Just like that, Lu Yun kept enduring the pain as if absorbing the first soul ring.

The age of the soul ring gradually increased, time passed slowly, and an hour passed.

There were two black soul rings floating on Lu Yun's body, releasing dazzling light.

The spirit of the time-space god tower released its divine power, and the power of time and space around it rippled through the entire room, causing astonishing movements.

Fortunately, due to the Xingdou auction price, these movements were completely calmed down and did not attract too many people's attention.

"Phew, the harvest this time is really great. It is worthy of being the Martial Soul of the Space-Time God Tower, which is extremely against the sky."

After absorbing the second soul ring, Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very excited.

When absorbing the second soul ring, the same chaos-level power poured into his body, and his physique was strengthened several times.

It was easy to increase the age of the second soul ring to 2 years, and the age of the first soul ring was also upgraded to 2 years.

Lu Yun can be regarded as a great soul master with two ten thousand year soul rings, which has never appeared in history since the birth of Douluo Continent.

"Second Soul Skill: Time and Space Strangling!"

With a thought of Lu Yun, the second soul ring on his body shone with brilliance, releasing endless power of time and space.

Lu Yun waved his hand, and saw the power of time and space in front of him rippling, releasing strange silver ripples.

The power of time and space in the entire room boiled instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This huge power of time and space slowly condensed in Lu Yun's right hand.

When the power of time and space was condensed to a certain level, Lu Yun slammed his right fist forward, and there were bursts of explosions.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tables and chairs in front exploded and turned into fine sawdust. When they touched the gate, a mysterious force suddenly flashed, completely dispelling these space-time forces.

(End of this chapter)

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