Chapter 31 Going to the Eye of Ice and Fire

"Yes, yes, it is indeed the most mysterious power of time and space in the world, killing people invisible."

Lu Yun looked at the strength of his attack just now, nodded in satisfaction, but couldn't help sighing in his heart.

It is indeed the power of time and space, the supreme power composed.

The soul skill he released just now was the space-time strangle that was born by absorbing the second soul ring.

Make full use of the power of time and space around to unleash a powerful attack.

It's still because his own soul power level is too low, so he can't really release the real power of time and space strangle.

But even so, its power should not be underestimated.

The power of time and space is invisible and invisible, hidden in the endless air, making it impossible for people to notice it.

It is completely possible to strangle by time and space, killing people invisible.

Greatly increased the mystery and power of this soul skill.

With the improvement of Lu Yun's strength, the power of this space-time strangulation will also show a geometric multiple growth.

When Lu Yun's strength reaches a certain level, he can completely destroy everything with this soul skill.

Lu Yun continued to master the use of the second soul ability, then sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to digest today's harvest.

Hastily absorbing two soul rings in a row, his own soul power level has been raised to level 26.

Generally speaking, after absorbing two ten thousand year spirit rings, it is impossible for one's own spirit power to rise so low.

Thanks to the two chaos-level martial spirits in Lu Yun's body, they kept compressing their soul power, which only increased their soul power by six levels.

Otherwise, Lu Yun's soul power level at this time must have soared to above level [-], becoming a soul master.

But doing so would do more harm than good, completely restricting his subsequent development.

A soul master's strength is not only related to his martial soul, soul ring, and soul power level, but also the most important point, which is the purity of his soul power.

The purer your soul power is, you can finally use less soul power to unleash unprecedented attacks.

And can increase the durability in battle!
Lu Yun would not do such a thing of killing chickens and eggs for the sake of his soul power level.

He had to refine his soul power to a certain level, then he could unleash even more astonishing power.


In this way, another day passed, and the next day came quietly. The golden sun shone on the earth, and everything ushered in a new life.

Lu Yun got up early, packed his luggage, and planned to let Jiuyou follow him to the Binghuo Liangyiyan, and began to collect the treasures of the auction in a month.

If you want to say that the place with the most treasures on the entire Douluo Continent is the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye.

Now the Binghuo Liangyi Eye is occupied by Dugu Bo, but he doesn't know the true function of the fairy grass in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

Putting these top-level fairy grasses in Dugu Bo's hands is simply a waste of money, and it can't bring out the true value of the fairy grasses at all.

Then it's better to give him the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, he can bring out the effects of those fairy grasses, and not insult the prestige of these fairy grasses.

On the other hand, Lu Yun didn't want the fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi to be given to Tang San for nothing.

Lu Yun knew that the current Tang San did not go to the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye to pick all the top immortal grasses.

Today, Lu Yun is going to take Jiuyou to pick the immortal grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes thoroughly.

However, Lu Yun also hopes to move the Ice and Fire Yangyiyan to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

In this way, the eyes of Ice and Fire Yinyi can continuously produce fairy grass, which is very conducive to the progress of the auction.

Lu Yun was not sure if he could move the Ice and Fire Yangyiyan to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

He doesn't have this ability, maybe the system can help him do it, it's nothing more than paying a little price.

Auctioning the fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi can collect a large number of auction points, so the transaction with the system is enough to make up for it.

"Jiuyou, you and I will go to the Eye of Ice and Fire, and as for Xuanshuang, you will stay in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion and guard it."

Lu Yun left his room, and then gave instructions to Jiuyou and Xuanshuang beside him.

One person is responsible for following him to the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, and the other person is responsible for guarding the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

With his current strength, of course he will not be Dugu Bo's opponent, but both Xuanshuang and Jiuyou have the strength to crush Dugu Bo.

Just in case, let Jiuyou follow him to the Binghuo Liangyiyan, and try to get rid of Dugu Bo as quickly as possible.

In this way, after Lu Yun arranged everything, he took Jiuyou and disappeared in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in an instant, and flew towards the Sunset Forest of Tiandou Empire.

When Jiuyou was using all his speed, within half an hour, Lu Yun and the two arrived at the outskirts of the Sunset Forest.

Lu Yun had asked Jiuyou to find out the specific location of the Binghuo Liangyi Eye, and then walked towards the arranged route.

From the moment you enter the setting sun forest, you will be greeted with a damp breath mixed with the aroma of earth.

The more you go deep into the setting sun forest, the more and more spirit beasts appear, but all of these spirit beasts are powerful spirit beasts, and even the ten thousand year spirit beasts encountered several on the way.

It's just that Jiuyou fully released his own strength.Those soul beasts trembled, and took the opportunity to coax them away.

Facing a strong Limit Douluo, even a 10-year-old soul beast would flee in haste.

Otherwise, they will be reduced to a soul ring.

"Is this the Binghuo Yangyi Eye?"

Lu Yun and the two came to a valley, and saw that the valley was completely covered by lush vegetation.

If you don't observe carefully, you won't find such a hidden place in the Binghuo Yangyi Eye.

Lu Yun clearly felt that there was a faint poisonous gas mixed in the air. It should be Dugu Bo's poison formation to cover up the existence of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

These methods can indeed block the foreign soul masters, but they can't hide it from their eyes.

"Jiuyou, I will leave this poison formation to you!"

Lu Yun turned his head and said to Jiuyou, with his current strength, it is impossible to destroy these poison formations.

That being the case, the only option is to give it to Jiuyou.

"Yes, Pavilion Master!"

Hearing this, Jiuyou responded respectfully.

The next moment, the huge soul power rushed forward in an instant, and the originally extremely strong poison formation was instantly shattered under the bombardment of this powerful force.

The power that erupted, using this valley as the origin, quickly spread towards the surroundings.

The soul beasts in this area were also frightened by this powerful soul power, running around and running frantically for their lives.

Just when Lu Yun asked Jiuyou to destroy the surrounding poison formation, Dugu Bo, who was inside the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye, immediately noticed the change.


The majestic poisonous gas from his body poured out towards the surroundings, causing the entire Binghuo Liangyi Eye to be shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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