Chapter 304
At this moment, the mutation protruded!
After the world-destroying roulette touched the colorful shield, a terrifying force of destruction burst out.

The five-color shield in front was gradually shattered under the attack of the Extinguishing Roulette.

The defensive power gradually weakened, and less than a moment later, a roar sounded, and the shield instantly shattered.

Although the power of the world-destroying roulette has been reduced a bit, the aura carried in it is still bombarding forward.

At this time, the Shura God King and others did not realize that the strength of the Dragon God in this state is still so terrifying.

Immediately, several people crazily exerted their full strength to resist the world-destroying roulette.

It's a pity that several people were still bombarded by this powerful force, and they stepped back a few steps, their faces becoming extremely pale.

Fortunately, the God King of Life exerted his divine power, and the majestic healing power poured into the bodies of several people.

Most of their previous injuries also recovered at this moment.

"What a terrifying world-destroying roulette, is this the strength of the Dragon God at its peak?"

At this moment, Lu Yun looked at the Extermination Roulette, and with an invincible momentum, he directly blasted through the shield jointly cast by the five great god kings. He was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

This trick is really too strong!

After some observations, Lu Yun also knew why the World Extinct Roulette was so powerful.

Dragon God holds the power of seven elements, and the main power of this world-destroying roulette is to completely integrate the power of seven elements.

The power that exploded in the end was not just the sum of the seven powers, but increased geometrically.

The power of the seven elements is fused together, and the power born out of it does have the power to collapse and disintegrate everything.

It is simply impossible to fuse the power of seven completely different elements.

Even he couldn't imagine how many years it took the Dragon God to perfectly fuse the power of these seven elements together?
It's no wonder that the five god kings joined forces, and they were not the opponents of the Dragon God.

Dragon God has already reached the realm of God King, which is equivalent to a veteran powerhouse, while Shura God King has just ascended to the position of God King.

Therefore, not being the opponent of the Dragon God is also a reasonable result.

However, what made Lu Yun even more curious was how the Dragon God was defeated by God King Shura and others?

If this trend continues, the Dragon God alone is enough to eliminate the five great god kings, not to mention that the Dragon God has nine dragon kings who are comparable to first-level gods.

So, with curiosity, Lu Yun continued to watch.

Perhaps next, there will be an unexpected scene.

"What should we do? Why is Dragon God still so powerful now? Could it be that our previous plan has failed?"

God King Shura and the others still kept resisting the World Destruction Roulette in front of them. No matter what kind of defense they used, they would be disintegrated by this force.

Defensive measures are of no avail at all.

It can only consume divine power continuously to weaken the power of the world-destroying roulette.

But this is not the most effective solution at all. With their current divine power, they definitely cannot persist for too long.

As a result, God King Shura and the others had doubts in their hearts, why the backhand they had left before had not succeeded

"Just because the few of you want to get your hands on the position of the ruler of the God Realm, you are beyond your control!"

Seeing this situation, Dragon God said to the Shura God King and the others with a mocking face, and did not regard them as a threat.

At this moment, Dragon God's heart was beating suddenly, and he suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling.

At this moment, the divine power in the body suddenly became extremely slack.

At a certain moment, Dragon God's face suddenly became extremely pale, the meridians in his body ruptured rapidly, he vomited blood instantly, and the breath in his body became extremely disordered.

The world-destroying roulette in front of it also dissipated immediately at this moment.

"Dragon God!"

The Dark Dragon King and others behind the Dragon God looked horrified when they saw the situation of the Dragon God, and then went forward to check the Dragon God. What happened?

After they detected the state of Dragon God's body, everyone became terrified in their hearts, and their faces were extremely worried.

They sensed a force in Dragon God's body, and they kept disturbing the power in Dragon God's body.

Moreover, this force is very domineering, constantly destroying the Dragon God's meridians, etc., which made the Dragon God immediately fall into a state of serious injuries.

They tried to use power to dispel the strange powers in the Dragon God's body, but in the end it was all to no avail.

After their power touched the source of this mutation, they were disintegrated one after another, and they had no effect at all.

"Hahaha, Dragon God, you are still too naive, do you think we will attack the soul beast clan for no reason? Of course it is impossible!"

"We have made the best plan a long time ago. We know how much we have, so we can't be your opponent."

Seeing the state of the Dragon God, the Asura God King immediately burst out laughing.

The rest of the four god kings also showed a relaxed look, and the backers they left behind finally appeared.

"It's you, damn it, what did you do to me!"

The Dragon God's face became extremely ugly, and he knew it after hearing the words of the God King Shura.

The reason for such changes in his body must be the hands and feet of these five great god kings.

But he didn't know exactly when he touched him.

This force is very strange, even if he exerts all his strength, he can't drive it out, and there must be no way to recover from his injuries in a short time.

It may even damage his foundation.

"It is also thanks to you for trusting us, and it is not in vain that we have planned for today's plan for three years."

"The reason why your body became like this is naturally our masterpiece. As for why? Because you have been poisoned by a poison from ancient times, named: Diyuan Youqian."

"Moreover, this poison contains the blood essence of our five god kings. If you have just taken this poison, it will have no effect on you, and you can even dispel it at any time."

"But this poison has been lurking in your body for three years. Don't say that you are a strong god king at this time, even if you are an existence above the god king, there is no way to expel this poison in a short time. "

"You are seriously injured, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, Dragon God, you are still defeated by our hands."

God King Shura slowly spoke of this long-term plan.

The poison of Diyuanyouqian is not fatal, but it has a fatal effect. The strong person who has been poisoned by this poison will be in a state of serious injury all the time in the next few days.

The strength in the body is extremely chaotic, and its strength is less than one ten-thousandth of its heyday.

No external means can cure it.

For today's plan, the five great god kings planted this poison in Dragon God's body three years ago.


I recommend a book by a friend, if you are interested, you can read it.

Title: "Douluo: Rebirth of the Mandala Snake, Many Sons and Many Blessings"

(End of this chapter)

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