Chapter 305 The end of the war

Hearing this news, Dragon God's face became extremely ugly, and the aura in his body also became more chaotic, and his own strength declined at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Dragon God looked at the smiling faces of the five god kings ahead, and knew that he had miscalculated this time.

Now he has lost his combat power, and the Nine Dragon Kings behind him, although they are comparable to first-level gods, are not strong at the level of god kings after all.

Facing God King Shura and others, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Therefore, the Dragon God had the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

If they stayed here, not only would he die on the spot, but even his nine subordinates would have no chance of surviving.

Their strength is comparable to that of a first-level god, but it is almost impossible to defeat a god-king powerhouse.

For the sake of the future of the soul beast clan, Dragon God had no choice but to withdraw from this competition.

He didn't want the soul beast clan to completely perish in his hands.

The Dragon God supported the arms of the Dark Dragon King and stood up with difficulty, the injuries in his body rapidly aggravated.

Under the action of this toxin, it won't be long before his own fighting power will be completely lost

During this time, there must be no further delay.

Immediately, the Dragon God sent a voice transmission to a Dragon King. This person is the Space Dragon King, who has mastered the power of space and is unpredictable.

"Later, you and I will work together to open the space tunnel. We will take advantage of this time to escape from this battlefield and wait for my injury to fully recover before we settle accounts with the God Realm."

Space Dragon King nodded viciously after hearing what Dragon God said.

After all, he also knew the seriousness of the situation.

For the future of the soul beast clan, they must escape from this place as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the consequences are not something they can bear.

Now that the dragon gods have lost all their combat power, even if they have nine people working together, they will not be the opponents of the five great god kings at all.


The space dragon king instantly turned into a dragon body, and the majestic power of space vibrated towards it. Countless spaces around it turned into jade fragments one after another, forming pieces of turbulent space.

As for the dragon god at this time, using the little divine power left in his body, the seven-colored light shines on the sky and the earth.

Combined with the power of the Space Dragon King, it directly opened up a space tunnel.


Seeing that the space tunnel had formed, Dragon God quickly said to the Nine Dragon Kings behind him.

Under the leadership of the Space Dragon King, several people instantly turned into streaks of light and flew towards the upper space tunnel.

"I've anticipated this situation a long time ago. Do you think it's possible to escape under the eyes of the five of us?"

God King Shura didn't show any surprise when he saw this scene.

Turning his head to the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction, he said, "It's your two's turn to interrupt this space tunnel. Today, we must completely wipe out the soul beasts from the God Realm."

The God King of Life and the God King of Destruction nodded solemnly upon hearing these words.

Immediately afterwards, the scepter of destruction and the tree of life, two super artifacts, released unprecedented light.

The two held hands, and the divine power in their bodies slowly blended.

The power of life and the power of destruction, two kinds of forces that generate and restrain each other, unexpectedly merged together strangely at this moment.

The power of the two super artifacts also created a weak connection.

Just when Dragon God and the others were about to step into the space tunnel, the two super artifacts, the Tree of Life and the Scepter of Destruction, combined into one, bursting out with a bright light.

Blast directly towards the upward space tunnel!

The space tunnel was shattered violently by the two merged forces.

Dragon God and others saw that the space tunnel was completely destroyed, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"I really underestimated you!"

The Dragon God gritted his teeth and stared at the God King of Destruction and God King of Life.

He also didn't expect that the power of the two could be fused together, and a supreme power erupted.

Thus shattering the space tunnel that he and the Space Dragon King jointly created.

Now that the space tunnel has disappeared, they only have one battle on this trip, but they have long been able to predict the final result.

The Dragon God hoped to delay as long as possible to open the way for the remaining Dragon Kings to let them live.

As long as there is life, there is hope.


Seeing that the Dragon God and the others had nowhere to retreat, the Shura God King said in a serious tone.

Immediately afterwards, the five great god kings held the super artifact, and instantly burst out a powerful attack, attacking forward.

The nine dragon kings behind the dragon god were also not to be outdone, and turned into their own bodies, bombarding the five god kings with a violent aura.

At this moment, the top powerhouses of the two sides were caught in a big battle.

Where the force bombarded, everything turned into nothingness, it was simply a scene of destruction.

As a bystander, Lu Yun watched this scene with a clear expression.

He knew all this clearly, and he never thought that such a powerful dragon god would be planted with a poison by the five great god kings in the end.

Although he has never heard of this kind of poison, it can make a top powerhouse at the level of a god king completely lose his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

You can also imagine how powerful this poison is.


God King Shura is right, the most important reason for Dragon God's failure is that he trusted the five Great God Kings too much.

Otherwise, the final outcome would definitely not be like this.

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

"It seems that the five great kings have a lot more cards than I imagined!"

Lu Yun naturally saw the God of Life and the God of Destruction, and finally unleashed a tyrannical attack that directly broke the space tunnel and blocked the chance of Dragon God and others to escape.

For such a method, after some observation, it is similar to the martial soul fusion technique of a soul master.

The power of the martial soul fusion skills of ordinary soul masters is far higher than the soul skills of soul masters of the same level.

As for the martial soul fusion technique displayed by the two great god kings, it can explode with devastating power.

According to his guess, even the Dragon God in its heyday should be very cautious when dealing with the fusion skills of the God King of Life and the God King of Destruction.

Lu Yun considered the seriousness of this matter, perhaps the remaining three great kings also had unknown trump cards.

It seems that he still needs to be more careful in the future, and now is not the time to attack the God Realm.

When he reaches the realm of the god king, all difficulties will be solved.

No matter what cards the five great god kings have, they are all vulnerable to a single blow in his hands.

Therefore, Lu Yun continued to watch the battle.

Time seems to have passed for a moment, and it seems to have passed for a long time, only to see the war gradually end.

The dragon god finally dissipated his origin and turned into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King.

The Golden Dragon King erupted with powerful physical power and completely blasted back the five great god kings, while the Silver Dragon King used the power of space to quickly run towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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