Chapter 306 A Remnant of Soul

Seeing this situation, the Nine Dragon Kings behind them dragged their seriously injured bodies and desperately unleashed the strongest blow to fight for a chance to escape for a clone of the Dragon God.


The final result was without exception, the nine dragon kings died in battle, and the silver dragon king completely escaped the fate of death.

As for the Golden Dragon King, who was brought back to the God Realm by the five great god kings, he fell into an endless captivity.

The entire battlefield was in depression, and the terrifying fluctuations of divine power still permeated the surroundings.

Suddenly, the picture in front of Lu Yun shattered like a mirror.

The whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

"Huh? Still in place?"

When Lu Yun opened his eyes again, he found that he was still in the same place. As for the scene he saw before, Lu Yun couldn't understand it.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yun, who really didn't know the specific reason, ignored the situation and continued to walk forward slowly.

He wanted to see what was the reason that allowed him to see a corner of the scene of the Great War of the Ancients.

Could it be that all of this is the means left behind by the Dark Dragon King?

Being able to capture a picture and leave it here, it seems that the Dark Dragon King is more difficult than he imagined.

Just like that, Lu Yun walked forward with cautious steps.

After a long time, Lu Yun suddenly came to a dark palace, and the periphery of this palace was filled with thick black air.

As for the reason why this forest has become so strange, it is because of the influence of this palace.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun immediately released the time-space god tower martial soul, and the majestic power of time-space surrounded his body.

Completely isolated from the uncomfortable dark force around him, he pushed open the gate of the palace and walked in.

There was nothing strange in this hall, but the scene in front of him surprised Lu Yun.

I saw a huge deep pit in front of me, and in the deep pit was a corpse with a length of [-] meters.

This corpse is exactly the keel.

"It seems that this keel should be the corpse of the Dark Dragon King."

Lu Yun looked at the huge keel ahead, and felt a terrifying coercion. Even after countless years of wear and tear, this keel could still exude such a powerful coercion.

This keel must have been left behind by the fall of the Dark Dragon King.

Just a dead object can exude such a palpitating aura, who else can do it except divine beasts?

Lu Yun looked around and suddenly saw the abdomen of this huge keel, and there was a strange soul bone emitting a dark light.

There is a god-level aura in it, making it hard to move your eyes away.

This piece of bone, if nothing else, is the divine bone left by the Dark Dragon King.

This soul bone contained a very powerful dark aura, and the purpose of his coming here this time was to obtain this soul bone.

Immediately, Lu Yun stayed where he was, and looked around with his mental power to see if there was any hidden danger.

A dignified dark dragon king, he didn't believe that after his death, there was no means left behind.

Be careful, just in case.

After some investigation by Lu Yun, he found that there was no danger around him, so he was relieved.

So, he walked forward with light steps, the closer he was to the keel, the more he could feel this amazing coercion.

Lu Yun kept using the power of his martial soul to resist this coercion.

It wasn't until he stood in front of this keel and saw the huge corpse in front of him that Lu Yun felt that the human soul master was too small.

The strength of the Dark Dragon King in its heyday was definitely very strong.

How strong can the Dragon God be at its peak?

Lu Yun circulated his soul power with both hands, and slowly pushed forward, preparing to use his soul power to take out the divine bone.

Just when Lu Yun's soul power touched the divine bone, a powerful force burst out instantly.

Seeing this, Lu Yun was startled, and suddenly thought something was wrong.

"It happened!"

Immediately afterwards, the nine soul rings on his body flickered one after another, and a barrier formed by the power of time and space blocked in front of him.

Even so, Lu Yun was still knocked back a few steps by this powerful aura, and finally a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect the Dark Dragon King to tamper with his divine bones."

Lu Yun couldn't help feeling annoyed by his carelessness.

Originally thought that the Dark Dragon King would leave behind in the place where he fell.

He never thought that he would leave a deadly breath of crisis on his own divine bones.

Blame him for being a little careless, if he had been investigating carefully and kept vigilant, he would not have been attacked by this dark force.

At this moment, Lu Yun's mental strength moved, and he noticed a subtle aura.

The body was in an offensive posture, and he said solemnly to the void in front of him: "Come out, Dark Dragon King!"

As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, the space in front of him fluctuated slightly, and a black light suddenly came out from the divine bone.

In the end, it turned into a middle-aged man in a black robe, and the dark aura in his body spread towards the surroundings.

The divine bone behind him also emitted a faint light, as if welcoming the appearance of this phantom.

"you know me?"

"Tell me! Did the God Realm send you here!"

This phantom figure was also very surprised, Lu Yun knew his identity.

However, he suddenly thought of the group of hypocritical gods in the God Realm, and roared at Lu Yun with killing intent on his face.

"You guessed it wrong. I wasn't sent by those people from the God Realm. I'm just an ordinary soul master in the Douluo Continent."

"As for why I know you, it is naturally the keel behind you, which emits a powerful dark breath, far surpassing ordinary soul beasts."

"Except for the Dragon King of Darkness under the seat of the Dragon God, there is probably no one else who can possess such exquisite power of darkness."

"You say yes, Dark Dragon King!"

Lu Yun said calmly.

After some observation, he knew that this phantom was just a ray of breath left by the Dark Dragon King before his death.

For him, there is not much threat.

As for why he was injured before, it was precisely because he was not aware of it for a while, and was seriously injured by the remaining power in the god bone.

Now that he is prepared, even if the phantom in front of him attacks him, he doesn't need to take it seriously.

"Oh, really?"

Hearing this, the Dark Dragon King's suspicious tone came out.

However, the vigilance in his eyes gradually decreased a lot.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for outsiders to know about the battle that took place before them.

Apart from the five great god kings of the God Realm, other human soul masters probably wouldn't know about it.

With the hearts of the five god kings, Xing would never tell other people about this matter.

How did the human soul master in front of him know about it?

According to his observation, this human soul master did not have the aura of the God Realm on him, so he gradually believed that this human soul master was not sent down by those hypocritical gods from the God Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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