Chapter 316 The Power of the Seagod
After the others stopped making shots, Bo Saixi slowly stood up from the chair.

I saw the scepter in Bo Saixi's hand coming out, floating in front of him, releasing the power of the blue sea.

The Seagod Martial Soul behind him gradually emerged.

The coercion of the huge god-level martial soul burst out from the body at this moment, spreading towards the surroundings.

Fortunately, due to the particularity of the box, the coercion released by Bo Saixi was completely isolated, otherwise some weak soul masters would not be able to resist at all.

"The power of the sea god!"

Bo Saixi's expression became extremely serious, his pupils released endless blue light, and the power in his body was directly injected into the scepter in front of him.

The Seagod Martial Soul behind him also released its full power at this moment.

After the soul power was condensed, Bo Saixi raised his right hand slightly, and the scepter suddenly released a bright blue light, which blasted directly towards the star sea realm through the box.

"The great offering actually used the power of the Sea God!"

When Seahorse Douluo saw the wave of soul power released by Bo Saixi, he couldn't help being horrified.

He also didn't expect that Bo Saixi would use all his strength this time.

The Seagod's power released on the mainland is far less powerful than that released in the sea area, even so, it is difficult for ordinary Limit Douluo experts to resist.

At this time, Seahorse Douluo was also curious about the star sea realm ahead.

With the defensive power of this star sea realm, can it withstand the full blow of the great priest?

Seahorse Douluo's probing eyes fell on the light sphere in front of him, wanting to know the final result.

Right after Bo Saixi unleashed this attack, everyone's eyes were focused on that brilliant blue beam of light.

Ordinary strong people felt this power as deep as the sea, and a stormy sea arose in their hearts.

He kept using his soul power to resist the coercion of this soul power.

As for the top experts in the boxes on the second floor, they stared at the box on the second floor.

After all, with their eyesight, they can naturally feel the momentum carried in this attack.

"Huh? This momentum actually contains a trace of the power of a god? Could it be that a god-level powerhouse was born among human soul masters?"

Di Tian in the No. [-] box felt the power, he was startled, and then he said to himself.

Gu Yuena on the side also showed vigilance, after a little thought, she probably knew everything.

"No, her strength has not broken through to a god-level powerhouse. She should have borrowed the power of a certain god. This power is an external power and does not belong to her own power."

Gu Yuena directly told the truth.

As soon as the words fell, Ditian and the other beasts breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation of their soul beast clan is already so difficult, if a human soul master now gives birth to a god-level powerhouse, it will be very unfavorable to the soul beast clan.

Fortunately, the soul master who released this attack was only using external force.


Box number ten.

"How is this possible? Who is in the No. [-] box? It can explode with the power of a god. Could it be..."

At this time, when Bibi Dong felt this force, she couldn't help but be terrified, and said inconceivably.

She also sensed a deadly sense of crisis from this attack.

"No, why is this breath so familiar?"

After some thought, Bibi Dong resolutely denied the speculation in her heart.

Soon she felt a very familiar feeling from this attack, as if she had felt this force many years ago.

"The power of the sea? Is infinitely close to a god-level powerhouse, could it be her..."

Bibi Dong suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and felt that this force was completely composed of pure sea power, and its strength had reached the current level.

Bibi Dong also guessed, who is this person?

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong sneered, she never thought that the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could attract Sea God Island.


All this was beyond her expectation.

Bibi Dong also wanted to see if a powerhouse who was infinitely close to a god could break through the defense of the star sea realm?


Lu Yun, who was on the third floor, also felt Bo Saixi's shot, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"That's good, there is a soul master who is close to a god-level powerhouse, and he will try it out, so that everyone can clearly realize the preciousness of this auction item."

"Perhaps the final transaction price of this auction item will be far beyond my expectations."

Lu Yun murmured softly.

He was very satisfied with this large-scale auction. The first two auction items were all auctioned by the soul beast clan, and the soul crystals he got in the end were countless.

After the first three pieces were auctioned off, he had already made a lot of money.

As for this realm of the star sea, it is also very precious.

I just don't know, will the transaction price exceed 2000 million soul crystals in the end?

Lu Yun stayed in the room with anticipation, waiting for the final result.


Under the eyes of everyone, this blue beam of light directly bombarded the boundary of the star sea.

A roar sounded, and the terrifying soul power instantly covered the entire Star Sea Realm.

After the soul power dissipated, everyone found that there were no cracks on the surface of the star sea boundary.

It's just that the blue light on the surface has become much dimmer, as if the energy has been exhausted.

Seeing such a situation, Xuanshuang smiled lightly. She had expected such a result a long time ago.

After a long time, Xuanshuang waved his hand, and the huge ball in front of him suddenly floated in the palm of his hand, releasing a faint blue light, which was extremely miraculous.

"I believe that you have seen the scene just now. You should know the defensive power of the Star Sea Realm. As for the person who made the attack before, the attack released is infinitely close to that of a god-level powerhouse."

"Even so, a full blow will not be able to break the defense of the Star Sea Realm."

At this moment, Xuanshuang directly announced the final result.

"Next, I will introduce to you the functions of the Star Sea Realm in detail. The Star Sea Realm has a very strong defense force, and the size of the Star Sea Realm can be changed as you like. You can make it as big as you want."

"Of course, the defensive power of the Star Sea Realm will decrease as the volume increases."

"As for what size and what power it corresponds to, you need to explore by yourself. On the other hand, the defensive power of this star sea realm depends entirely on the amount of soul power."

"That is to say, the more soul crystals you use to activate this star sea realm, the final defense will be terrifying."

"The final defensive power of this realm of the star sea can withstand the attacks of the gods, but every time it resists the attack of the gods, it will consume countless soul crystals, even a sky-high price."


Xuanshuang introduced the sky-defying effect of the realm of the star sea, the most powerful level can be as low as a god-level attack.

This effect also made the soul masters present show extremely shocked expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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