Chapter 317 The Last Auction Item
After the soul masters present heard Xuanshuang's introduction, everyone showed a surprised expression.

After all, before this, after being tested by some soul sages and Contra powerhouses, the final result of the defense of the Star Sea Realm has surprised them all.

But until Xuanshuang told them that the attack just now was infinitely close to the full blow of a god-level powerhouse.

Even with such a powerful attack, it still failed to break through the defense of the Star Sea Realm, which made everyone realize how strong the defense of this auction item is.

As a result, many top forces began to try and take down this treasure.

This is equivalent to another life!

And with this Star Sea Realm, it is completely possible to protect its own power from foreign enemies.

If you miss this treasure, you may have very little chance to encounter this top defensive treasure again.

"These are the specific functions of this Star Sea Realm. As for the detailed defense, it needs to be explored by the photographer."

"Since this is the case, the first auction price for this Star Sea Realm is: 1000 million soul crystals!"

Xuanshuang finished the introduction of the fourth auction item and directly announced the official start of the auction.

It was the same initial auction price as the previous auction item, which reached 1000 million soul crystals.

No soul master can refuse such a top treasure.

Xuanshuang then began to listen to the competition of other soul masters, and was very curious, what kind of price would the final transaction price of this Star Sea Realm be?

"1000 soul crystals!"


"1136 soul crystals!"


With the official start of the auction, individual forces have already started bidding to compete for this realm of the star sea.

Bo Saixi in the No. [-] box, after seeing her attack with all her strength, still unable to cause any damage to the Star Sea Realm, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"It seems that this treasure is completely beyond my expectation. If so, we, Sea God Island, want this realm of the star sea!"

After knowing the outcome of everything, Bo Saixi said to himself in a solemn tone.

The premonition in her heart is definitely not groundless, maybe it is really possible in the future, some shocking events will happen.

For the future of Sea God Island, she had no choice but to take down this Star Sea Realm.

It's just that I don't know what the final transaction price of this Star Sea Realm will be.

Are the soul crystals brought enough?
"1300 soul crystals!"

Seahorse Douluo at the side heard Bo Saixi's order, and immediately called out the price, competing with other forces.


At this time, in box 10.

"It's such a pity that the defense of this Star Sea Realm is so strong. It's a pity that we have already spent all the soul crystals we brought this time in order to win the third auction item!"

"It seems that this auction item has nothing to do with us!"

Seeing the defensive power of the Star Sea Realm, Bibi Dong was also very moved.

However, her pockets are empty, and she can't take out so many soul crystals to participate in the next competition.

I had no choice but to let this treasure be photographed by other forces.

But when she thought that she had successfully won the third auction item, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, in this large auction, none of their Wuhundian returned empty-handed.

With these two soul ring age promotion cards, her strength will definitely be improved to a higher level.

For Wuhundian to unify Douluo Continent in the future, it will have great benefits.

Other forces have different ideas in their hearts.

Ditian, Xuedi and other ferocious beasts in the soul beast camp, the strange thing is that they didn't make a move immediately.

Let other human soul masters compete with each other.

They also didn't know that Di Tian and Xue Di and other ferocious beasts were waiting until the last to strike.

Or to keep enough soul crystals to compete for the final auction item.


The time was long, and ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

After some fierce competition, the auction is gradually drawing to a close.

"1862 soul crystals!"

At this moment, Seahorse Douluo shouted in a serious tone.

When this price appeared, the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion became extremely quiet.

But no one shouted out the price immediately, and continued to increase the price.

Just like that, after a while, under Seahorse Douluo and Bo Saixi's nervous mood, no one continued to increase the price.

After seeing this situation, Bo Saixi knew the final result, and a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"It seems to be stable!"

Bo Saixi murmured softly, after all, she didn't have many soul crystals left.

In case other forces compete for a while, I'm afraid she will not be able to sustain it with her current soul crystal.

So, Bo Saixi began to sit quietly on the chair, waiting for Xuanshuang to announce the final result.

"1862 soul crystals once!"

"1862 soul crystals twice!"

"1862 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one chooses to continue to increase the price, I declare that this realm of the star sea will finally be taken by the second box."

Xuanshuang confirmed again and again that no one continued to increase the price, and directly announced the ownership of the fourth auction item.

It was Bo Saixi who successfully won it at a price of 1862 million soul crystals.

After Bo Saixi handed the soul crystal to Xuanshuang, she also got the Star Sea Realm. After feeling the mysterious power of the Star Sea Realm, she couldn't help being surprised.

No matter how she probed, she couldn't find out how this star sea realm was constructed.


Since it can withstand the attack of a god-level powerhouse, it is worthy of being a treasure from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

They Seagod Island really made a lot of money this time, even though they paid for all the soul crystals condensed in the past few months.

But it's not a loss to get this treasure!
As soon as Bo Saixi thought of the premonition in his heart, his face became extremely serious, and he tightly held the realm of the star sea with both hands.

This premonition is very strong. Now that there is this Star Sea Realm, the burden in her heart has finally fallen.

Even if Seagod Island is doomed in the future, with this Star Sea Realm, it will be able to protect all soul masters on Seagod Island.

Xuanshuang finished the auction of the fourth auction item, and then with a mysterious smile on her face, she was about to start auctioning the most curious item among many soul masters.

"The first four auction items are over. Next, I will reveal to you the finale auction items of this large auction."

Xuanshuang said in a light tone.

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of many soul masters lit up, and everyone was very much looking forward to the next auction finale.

Even most soul masters are not qualified to participate in the auction of the last auction item.

But it didn't stop them from being very curious about what kind of treasure the finale item of this large auction was.

Each of the finale auction items of the previous small auctions was extremely rare.

I want to come to the finale auction item of a large auction, the value is even more extraordinary, and it is rare in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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