Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 321 Method of Entering Dragon Valley

Chapter 321 Method of Entering Dragon Valley
Gu Yuena knew that the purpose of her trip was to explore the specific origin of this soul bone.

Maybe she can really find the burial place of the Dark Dragon King. As one of the clones of the Dragon God, she will naturally not let the Dark Dragon King's body fall into other unknown places.

"I do know the origin of the 10-year-old soul bone. It was a strange area that I accidentally arrived at when I went out, and I got the 10-year-old soul bone from there."

Lu Yun said lightly, he was not surprised by Gu Yuena's question.

With Gu Yuena's spiritual power, it is natural to detect the dark dragon king's aura contained in that 10-year-old soul bone.

And he didn't hide it on purpose, and then said it lightly.

"Then can you tell me where that area is?"

Upon hearing these words, Gu Yuena's eyes lit up slightly, and she hurriedly asked Lu Yun.

According to Lu Yun's words, that area is absolutely inseparable from the place where the Dark Dragon King fell.

"I know your purpose. What you want to find is nothing more than the bones of the Dark Dragon King, but I'm here to tell you that that area has been completely destroyed. Even if you go there, you are destined to return empty-handed."

Lu Yun continued, directly clarifying Gu Yuena's purpose, telling her not to waste her time going to that area.

When he left, the palace had collapsed, and the keel inside was naturally completely damaged.


"Who are you? Why do you know the Dark Dragon King?"

Gu Yuena, who heard this sentence, was slightly taken aback, and suddenly her whole expression changed drastically, and she asked Lu Yun in front of her in a serious tone.

She never said anything about the Dark Dragon King from the beginning to the end, but Lu Yun was able to directly guess her plan and name the Dark Dragon King.

This made Gu Yuena have to become very vigilant, this secret had already disappeared in Douluo Dalu.

According to the ancient records of human soul masters, they would not know at all, unless it is the group of gods in the God Realm.

"As for how to find out, I have my own way, and no one can stop us from what the Star Dou Auction Pavilion wants to know."

"Put away the speculation in your heart, I have nothing to do with the group of gods in the God Realm!"

Lu Yun glanced at Gu Yuena lightly, then said indifferently.

Hearing this, Gu Yuena breathed a sigh of relief, but she still didn't dare to relax her vigilance.

No one knew whether what Lu Yun said was true or not.

At this moment, Lu Yun suddenly remembered one thing, that is, after today, he will take some time to go to Dragon Valley to get the remaining pieces of Dragon King bones.

Although he knew the location of Dragon Valley through the magic mirror, he didn't know how to enter Dragon Valley at all.

With the current background of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, if "Heaven" makes a move, it is completely possible to enter Dragon Valley.

But no one knows if breaking into Dragon Valley by force will cause any unforeseen situation?
Lu Yun didn't want the divine bone that was about to be obtained, because it was completely destroyed without knowing it.

Therefore, he has no intention to break the entrance of Dragon Valley by absolute means.

At this time, Lu Yun focused on Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena will also go to Dragon Valley in the future. There is the core of Dragon God in Dragon Valley, and she will never let it miss it.

So if you want to know the specific method of entering Dragon Valley, you can only find the answer from Gu Yuena.

With this in mind, Lu Yun waved his big hand, and the reverse scale of the Dark Dragon King floated in front of him.

"The reverse scale of the Dark Dragon King!"

Sure enough, when Gu Yuena saw this piece of dragon scales and felt the thick divine beast aura, she was extremely shocked.

She also didn't expect that the Dark Dragon King's Ni Lin was actually in Lu Yun's hands.


Before she could continue to ask, a burst of dark power suddenly emerged.

Above the entire Nilin, a black shadow suddenly appeared, which was the power of the remnant soul of the Dark Dragon King.

"Lord Dragon God!"

The moment the Dragon King of Darkness saw Gu Yuena, he knew that Gu Yuena was a clone of the Dragon God, and also the only dragon beast that escaped the clutches of the God Realm.

When the Dark Dragon King saw Gu Yuena, he was naturally very excited, as if he had endless words to say.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun didn't stay here any longer, and left the box immediately.

After a while, Lu Yun sensed that the last remnant power of the Dark Dragon King had completely dissipated, so he didn't say anything more.

He had sensed the remnant soul of the Dark Dragon King a long time ago, and it was already at the end of his battle. He happened to meet Gu Yuena, explained some things, and dissipated directly between the heaven and the earth.

After the remnant soul dissipated, Lu Yun returned to the box and put away the Dark Dragon King's Ni Lin.

After all, this piece of reverse scale can withstand the full blow of the king of the gods, there is no reason to waste it.

Gu Yuena understood all the reasons through the words of the Dark Dragon King, and thanked Lu Yun in front of her: "Thank you!"

After talking with the Dark Dragon King just now, she knew that Lu Yun had found the burial places of other Dragon Kings.

And it is clear that Lu Yun has opened a corner of the screen of the ancient war for some reason.

Knowing these secrets, it seems not surprising.

Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded slightly, and accepted Gu Yuena's thanks.

"I didn't let you see the remnant soul of the Dark Dragon King for no reason. Now that you know everything you know, it's time to talk about business."

Lu Yun intends to speak out the plan in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, under Gu Yuena's curious eyes, Lu Yun immediately stated his purpose: "I want to know the specific method to enter Dragon Valley!"


"You should know what Dragon Valley means to our soul beast family. I will never tell a human soul master the way to enter Dragon Valley."

After hearing this request, Gu Yuena was shocked, she refused without hesitation, there was no room for negotiation.

Gu Yuena knows the importance of Dragon Valley better than anyone else.

In the entire soul beast family, only she and Ditian knew the exact location of Dragon Valley, and the other soul beasts didn't know the existence of Dragon Valley at all.

"you sure?"

"I already know the location of Dragon Valley. Even if you don't tell me the specific method of entry, I can still break through the entrance of Dragon Valley with absolute strength. The consequences at that time are not what I can predict."

Lu Yun, who knew the answer earlier, said indifferently.

If there is really no other way, he can only do it himself and forcibly open the entrance of Dragon Valley.

"you dare!"

Upon hearing this threat, Gu Yuena was furious and snorted coldly.

She never imagined that Lu Yun would be so shameless, and without knowing how to enter Dragon Valley, would actually want to break through it with absolute strength.

(End of this chapter)

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