Chapter 322

If the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is really forced to open the entrance of Dragon Valley, I am afraid that the space inside Dragon Valley will gradually shatter.

Even the entire Dragon Valley will be destroyed once.

What's even more frightening is that the internal space of Dragon Valley is broken, and it will fall into the turbulent flow of time and space.

At that time, Dragon Valley will drift to other places with the turbulent flow of space.

At that time, even with her means, she will not know the specific location of Longgu.

This scene is not what Gu Yuena wants to see.

"Then do you think I dare?"

Lu Yun smiled disdainfully, feeling ridiculous for Gu Yuena's boldness.

The next moment, Lu Yun directly used the Invincible Domain, a powerful confinement force, to directly block the void.

After Gu Yuena noticed the fluctuations in the surrounding space, she was startled.

Crazy use of all, trying to block the flow of the surrounding space, but the end result is to no avail.

No matter how powerful the strength is, it is impossible to resist the power of space that is gradually approaching around.


After feeling Lu Yun's terrifying strength again, Gu Yuena sighed helplessly.

She realized that she was a little reckless just now, because Dragon Valley is really too important to the soul beast clan.

So for a while, I lost my composure.

She knew that if she continued to provoke, maybe she really had no choice but to leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion intact.

Sensing this situation, Lu Yun shook his right hand lightly, restoring the surrounding space to calm.

"Don't worry, I know that what you care about the most is the Dragon God's Core in Dragon Valley. Although the Dragon God's Core is the top treasure in Douluo Continent, it is not worth mentioning to our Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

"Tell me the specific method to enter the Dragon Valley, and you can take the Dragon God core at will!"

Lu Yun continued, giving Gu Yuena a choice.

Although the core of the Dragon God contains the powerful original power of the Dragon God throughout his life, there are countless things more precious than it in the god-level store.

The core of the dragon god is only useful to the soul beast family, and it is really not of much use to human soul masters.

He really doesn't like it.

"You even know the core of the Dragon God!"

Hearing Lu Yun utter the deepest secret in her heart, Gu Yuena couldn't help but exclaimed.

After all, even the Nine Dragon Kings don't know about the core of the Dragon God, and only she and the Golden Dragon King know about it.

I never thought that this human soul master would be so clear about it.


This made Gu Yuena couldn't help taking a deep breath, it seemed that the matter had come to this, and she had to agree.

Otherwise, not only would she not be able to leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion alive, but even the Dragon God core would fall into the hands of this human soul master.

"I can tell you how to enter Dragon Valley, but you promise me, do what you say!"

"On the other hand, my purpose is indeed the core of the Dragon God, so I want to go to Dragon Valley with you."

"At that time, you will take your soul bone, and I will take my Dragon God core. The two of us will not interfere with each other."

After a while, Gu Yuena sighed leisurely, and said the plan in her heart.

Even though Lu Yun has already said that he doesn't care about the core of the Dragon God, he still has to keep it just in case.

In any case, the Dragon God core must not be lost, she must obtain it herself.

No one knows whether Lu Yun will change his mind temporarily in the end. If she really repents, then she will be at a big loss.

As for the soul bones in Dragon Valley, she doesn't really care about them!

It is better for so many powerful soul bones to fall into the hands of Xingdou Auction Pavilion than to fall into the hands of other soul masters.

After all, Xingdou Auction Pavilion once said that they would not intervene in the war between human soul masters and soul beasts for no reason.

"You made a wise choice!"

Upon hearing this answer, Lu Yun nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't have much patience in the first place, if Gu Yuena disagreed, then don't blame him for starting the first plan.

"I will set off in a few days to Dragon Valley, and I will let you know then."

Lu Yun said lightly, and after saying this, he disappeared instantly, leaving only Gu Yuena with a complicated face.

Gu Yuena sighed in this quiet box, then used the power of space to leave the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.


After Gu Yuena returned to the Lake of Life, she saw Di Tian and other beasts studying the "Complete Talismans and Talismans".

"How powerful is the talisman manifested from this "Complete Collection of Talismans and Talismans"?"

Gu Yuena put aside what happened before, and asked Di Tian directly.

I also want to know whether the talisman in this "Complete Collection of Talismans" is really as terrifying as the Xingdou Auction Pavilion introduced.

"My lord, we don't know yet. We just took out this "Complete Talisman" and did not use soul crystals to manifest the talisman."

Di Tian secretly shook his head and said.

"Then start now, try the power of the talisman!"

Gu Yuena continued.

As soon as the words fell, Ditian waved his big hand, and countless soul crystals were suspended in midair.

Following a specific method, Di Tian injected his soul power into this "Complete Collection of Talismans and Talismans".

In an instant, a burst of golden light emerged, and the powerful suction filled the entire space.

The soul crystal in front of Ditian was sucked into this "Complete Talisman" in the blink of an eye.

The golden light on the surface of "Complete Talismans and Talismans" receded, and the cover began to slowly open.


After seeing this situation, Ditian and the others were taken aback.

They have also studied it before, but no matter what method they use, they can't open this "Encyclopedia of Talismans and Talismans".

But I didn't expect it to absorb the soul crystal and open it automatically.

After a while, Di Tian and the others hurriedly began to look at the talismans in the "Complete Collection of Talismans".

What Ditian took out just now was only 100 million soul crystals, and the level of the opened talisman was only six-level talisman.

After some inspection, Ditian found that the cheapest type of sixth-level talisman actually required 100 million soul crystals, which made Ditian couldn't help but take a deep breath.

How terrifying would the price of the highest tenth-level talisman be?
It's no wonder that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion has already reminded him before that in order to obtain powerful talismans, countless soul crystals will be consumed.

"Just choose this Lightning Inducing Talisman!"

At this time, Ditian directly chose the cheapest attack-type talisman.

There are also some auxiliary sixth-level talismans, the price of which has not reached 100 million soul crystals.

But what they tested this time was the offensiveness of the talisman. As for the auxiliary talisman, we will explore it later.

Di Tian lightly tapped the Lightning Talisman, and the next moment the space in front of him flickered, and a purple talisman floated in front of Di Tian.

On the surface of this lightning-inducing talisman, streaks of purple thunder shone brilliantly, producing a powerful aura that spread towards the surroundings.

Ditian and the others looked at this talisman with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

I am very curious, what kind of power will this sixth-level lightning-inducing talisman explode?

(End of this chapter)

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