323 - Go to Dragon Valley
It is the first time for everyone to see a novelty like a talisman, so of course they have to test its power immediately.

Di Tian stared at the lightning-inducing talisman in front of him. He knew how to use talismans from the "Complete Collection of Talismans and Talismans".

After a while, Ditian didn't delay anymore, put his fingers together, and then a ray of soul power was attached to the lightning-inducing talisman.

The soul power surged, and a flame suddenly appeared, burning the entire lightning-guiding talisman instantly.

From the moment the talisman was completely burned, a purple thunderbolt suddenly shone brilliantly.

Dozens of thunderbolts suddenly appeared in the entire space, continuously surrounding the area where the lightning-inducing talisman disappeared, mixed with a terrifying aura.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thunderbolts crashed down one after another, directly hitting the ground where Di Tian and the others were on the ground.

These thunderous forces lasted for nearly ten seconds before gradually returning to calm.

Naturally, Di Tian and the others would not pay attention to such weak attacks.

Even so, after Ditian and the others felt the power of these thunders, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

After all, they didn't expect that this Lightning Inducing Talisman could really explode with such power that should not be underestimated.

The ground in front of it was scorched black, and there were even a few cracks.

It can also be seen from this that the power of thunder released by this lightning-inducing talisman is still mixed with a very terrifying power of destruction.

"It seems that the power of this lightning-inducing talisman is indeed beyond our expectations. According to such a power assessment, I am afraid that a soul beast that has just stepped into the ten-thousand-year level will hardly survive under the thunder bombardment of the lightning-inducing talisman."

"According to the physical strength of human soul masters, perhaps only soul saints and above can resist the power of these dozens of thunderbolts. As for soul masters below, there is no way to save their lives, and I am afraid they will die completely."

At this moment, Brigitte on the side felt the attack power of these thunders, and made an assessment of the power of the lightning-inducing talisman in her heart.

The rest of the people nodded slightly after hearing Brigitte's words.

At this time, everyone also began to take this "Encyclopedia of Talismans" seriously.

Unexpectedly, the power of the talismans in this "Complete Collection of Talismans and Talismans" is indeed as powerful as that introduced by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Without experiencing it personally, there is really no way to realize the horror of this "Encyclopedia of Talismans and Talismans".

Only the sixth-level talisman, or the lowest level of the sixth-level talisman, can threaten the soul saint powerhouse of human beings.

The power of that more advanced talisman is really unimaginable.

However, they also knew that the ninth-level talisman, and even the highest level tenth-level talisman, required countless soul crystals, which made them gasp.

After all, the price of those talismans is really too expensive.

Even with their current wealth, they can only win a ninth-level talisman, which is the lowest level of ninth-level talisman.

As for the tenth-level talisman, there is no need to count on it now.

This made Ditian and the others realize the importance of soul crystals. It seemed that the next step would be to summon the strong members of the soul beast clan to gather soul crystals with all their strength.

In this way, when the talismans in their hands accumulate to a certain level, the importance to the soul beast clan is beyond words.

Even if they counterattack the God Realm in the future, they will be able to use these talismans to catch them off guard.

"This "Encyclopedia of Talismans" is indeed very precious. Remember to protect it well. In the next time, we will do our best to gather soul crystals and strive to produce more high-level talismans."

"At that time, these talismans can be used as an attack method for our soul beast family."

Gu Yuena solemnly told Di Tian and the other beasts to keep this "Complete Talismans" safe.

This time the Soul Beast Clan really made a lot of money, and this "Complete Talisman" is too precious.

The only pity is that too many soul crystals are consumed.

But thinking of the number of soul beasts, Gu Yuena breathed a sigh of relief.

The soul beast clan worked together to condense soul crystals. Even if they could not obtain tenth-level talismans in a short period of time, after a long period of condensing soul crystals, they would definitely be able to obtain many high-level talismans.

Therefore, Gu Yuena ignored this matter, left this place, and began to prepare for the next plan to go to Dragon Valley.


Time flies, and five days have passed.

Lu Yun planned to go to Dragon Valley today, so he passed the information to Gu Yuena early in the morning and set off together.

After all the staff arrived, Lu Yun followed the guidance of the magic mirror, took Gu Yuena and Di Tian to leave the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and flew in the direction of Longgu.

Lu Yun knew that he left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and was unable to use the Invincible Domain, so his safety on the road was really uncertain.

But Lu Yun thought of another thing, even if he followed Gu Yuena to Dragon Valley alone, he didn't care at all.

At present, he has a lot of auction points in his hand, and he can buy a god king or even a higher level strength experience card from the god level store.

Therefore, in his hands, Gu Yuena couldn't make any waves at all.

In order to save the auction site, Lu Yun had long since thrown this idea out of his mind, so he asked "Heaven" to follow them to Dragon Valley.

On the one hand, it can prevent Gu Yuena from making some small moves, but the most important thing is that he doesn't know what's going on in Dragon Valley.

Dragon Valley may be the battlefield where the ancient dragon god and the five great kings of the gods fought.

There are countless strong men who have fallen, and even he doesn't know what methods the Dragon God and the five great kings have left behind in the Dragon Valley.

Just in case, he did not choose to go to Dragon Valley alone.

With "Heaven" beside him, he felt much more at ease.


In less than a few hours, after Lu Yun and the others exerted all their strength to hurry, they immediately came to the endless mountains.

This mountain range is barren, there is no green in sight, and there are even no traces of soul beasts and human soul masters living here.

This is where the Dragon Valley is located.

"We have arrived!"

Lu Yun said to Gu Yuena who was on the side, so that she could tell the specific method of entering Dragon Valley.


Hearing this, Gu Yuena's expression was slightly taken aback, obviously she did not expect that this place is where Longgu is located.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuena suddenly released a colorful light from the center of her eyebrows, and began to detect all the surrounding environment.

"This is……"

Suddenly, Gu Yuena noticed a space node not far away, the power inside and her own divine power complement each other.

He knew that Lu Yun was right, this area was where Dragon Valley was located.


After a while, Gu Yuena withdrew her strength, with a thoughtful expression on her face, and her heart became very solemn.

If she were to look for the location of Dragon Valley, she would really not be able to find it for a while.

The position of Dragon Valley will move slowly with the turbulence of time and space, but the speed of movement is not fast at all.

The dragon god core inside has a strong connection with her own power, so with her own divine power, she can completely perceive the location of Dragon Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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