Chapter 331 Plan
"But the Silver Dragon King is one of the clones of the Dragon God. Even if his strength has been greatly weakened, ordinary god-level powerhouses cannot take him down at all."

"We gods in the God Realm can't easily go to the Douluo Continent, so how should we kill the Silver Dragon King?"

At this moment, the God King of Destruction murmured with the same solemn expression.

He is very clear about how powerful the Dragon God was in its heyday.

And ten thousand years ago, if they hadn't tampered with the Dragon God, even if the five of them worked together, they would definitely not be the opponent of the Dragon God.

Although the Dragon God has completely disappeared from the world now, the Dragon God has transformed into two clones.

They are the Silver Dragon King I saw before, and the Golden Dragon King who was imprisoned in the God Realm.

Both of them have combat power comparable to that of a god king, so they don't know how to deal with the silver dragon king if they destroy the god king.

"What you said is indeed a troublesome matter."

The rest of the God Kings also nodded slightly after hearing what the God King Destroyed said, feeling very troubled by the next thing.

If the Silver Dragon King is not completely eliminated, the few of them will not feel at ease at all.

"There is no need to worry about this matter for the time being. After all, a clone of the Dragon God is imprisoned in the God Realm, so the Dragon God will definitely not be able to reappear."

"Even if the Silver Dragon King is so powerful, he will not be the opponent of the five of us."

The God King of Life said with a serious expression, one of the turning points.

The strength of the Dragon God in its heyday really made the five of them fearful.

But if the Golden Dragon King is gone, the Dragon God will not be able to appear again.

Only relying on Silver Dragon King's own strength, it is impossible to threaten the existence of the five of them.

After hearing the words of the God King of Life, the other god kings nodded lightly, agreeing with this statement in their hearts.

"Look at it."

Among them, the kind-hearted God King suddenly saw that something was wrong with the picture in front of him, and immediately shouted out loudly.

Sure enough, the attention of the other god kings was once again focused on the picture that evolved in front of them.

In the picture above, "Heaven" directly killed the Dragon God phantom, almost destroying the Dragon God's core.

Regarding the occurrence of this scene, the five people present showed horror, and everyone realized the powerful strength of "Heaven".

The Silver Dragon King is at least one of the Dragon God's avatars, and its strength is comparable to that of a God King, which is really not an exaggeration.

In addition, the phantom of the Dragon God was transformed from the core power of the Dragon God, but the two of them joined forces, and they still couldn't resist the man's casual blow.

Not only the phantom of the dragon god was destroyed, but even the extremely hard core of the dragon god behind him was gradually shattered.

If Gu Yuena hadn't reacted in time to prevent the Dragon God's core from continuing to shatter, then the Dragon God's core would definitely become a pile of fragments.

Thinking of this, the few people present were extremely disappointed and couldn't help but feel pity.

I sighed in my heart, why didn't that man use more powerful power to directly destroy the Dragon God's core.

Then they don't have too many worries in their hearts. If the Dragon God's core is destroyed, then the Dragon God has absolutely no chance.

However, seeing the cracks on the surface of the Dragon God's core, which was on the verge of breaking, I was relieved.

"Strange, have you noticed that the breath of this man is very similar to that of the Dragon Clan?"

God King Shura noticed something was wrong. From the moment the man made a move, he sensed the aura released by the man, which was similar to that of the Dragon Clan.

The five of them worked together to stimulate the nerve center, looking back at what happened before Douluo Dalu, not just seeing the scene at that time.

He could even perceive the rhythm of any aura through the screen, so from the moment the man made a move, God King Shura immediately noticed the familiar aura.

"Don't tell me, it's really a bit like it."

As soon as the words fell, the other god kings felt it carefully, and also noticed a very familiar feeling.

The hearts of the five god kings present became very dignified.

But after looking at the man's attack on the Dragon God and the Silver Dragon King, it seems that he has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan.

All this was beyond their expectations.

After a while, until Longgu completely collapsed, the whole nerve center regained its calm.

Seeing this happening one by one, everyone became even more confused.

All these mysteries emerged in their hearts, so that they really didn't know how to solve them for a while.

"Let's go back and discuss this matter."

"It just so happens that I left a sliver of my divine sense in the capital of killing to find out what happened."

"I always feel that a strange change has taken place in the current Douluo Continent. There are even some areas in the Douluo Continent that I can't explore at all."

"Perhaps all the changes in Douluo Dalu should be related to that man."

God King Shura revealed his current plan, intending to ask him to leave behind the Divine Sense of the Slaughter City to explore the situation in Douluo Continent.

Before that, he inadvertently explored the Douluo Continent, and found several areas in the Douluo Continent, which were very blurry, as if there was a layer of fog that blocked his spiritual thoughts.

At that time, he didn't care about it, but now the nerve center has changed, which has to make God King Shura more vigilant.

So he came up with the idea that he must investigate what happened in Douluo Continent.

He didn't want to see another existence that threatened the God Realm.

"That's all."

After hearing this plan, God King Destroyer and others did not refute too much, but nodded slightly, and planned to separate a ray of divine sense to explore the Douluo Continent.

By the way, go find where the Silver Dragon King is hiding.

Now that the Silver Dragon King has appeared in the Douluo Continent, they have a direction to investigate.

Afterwards, God King Shura waved his hand, and the entire hub of the God Realm was operating normally, and disappeared in place one after another.

Only the God King of Life is left here to guard the safety of the hub of the God Realm.


Outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

In this dense forest, two figures suddenly appeared, it was Lu Yun and "Tian" who left from Dragon Valley.

Just as the two continued to walk forward, "Tian" on the side frowned, looked in the direction of Longgu, and a meaningful smile flashed across his face.

"what happened?"

After seeing "Tian"'s expression, Lu Yun immediately asked suspiciously, could something have happened.

After all, he rarely saw "Tian" showing such an expression.

"It's nothing, the main thing is that I sensed that a strong person made a move and went back to what happened in Dragon Valley."

"Heaven" said the question in a flat tone.

His strength has already surpassed the limit of Douluo Continent, and a trace of his own strength is also left in Dragon Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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