Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 332 "Heavenly Technique of Artifact Refining"

Chapter 332 "Heavenly Technique of Artifact Refining"

After the scene before Longgu was recalled by the strong man, he noticed it immediately.

"Oh, really?"

Hearing this, Lu Yun showed a pensive expression on his face, and he knew the specific couple without thinking too much.

Being able to go back to the past, powerhouses below the god level can't do it at all, and even among the god level powerhouses, there are too few people who can do it.

The only ones who can affect the time in Dragon Valley and investigate the past of Dragon Valley are the five great kings of the God Realm.

He didn't expect that today's unintentional move would attract the attention of the five great kings of the God Realm.

However, Lu Yun didn't care about this situation at all.

He believed that the five great god kings would not act hastily without knowing their details.

Even if the five great god kings came to Douluo Dalu, there would be no problem.

As long as they dare to come to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he is [-]% sure that they will stay here forever.

"I don't care about this matter for the time being."

Lu Yun said casually, telling "Heaven" not to pay too much attention to this matter.

Now is not the time to turn against the God Realm, at least wait until his strength completely breaks through the god level.

"Tian" who heard this sentence didn't say much, followed Lu Yun's figure and rushed towards the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

After Lu Yun returned to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, he rested for a day.

The next day came quietly, and Lu Yun stayed in the room with nothing to do.

There is still one month until the next auction, so there is no need to prepare auction items for the time being.

Suddenly, with a thought, Lu Yun remembered the divine bone he had obtained earlier.

He wanted to take this time to think about how to deal with these god bones.

With a big wave of Lu Yun's hand, ten colorful bones suddenly appeared in front of him.

Every piece of divine bone released a god-level coercion, and even the entire space in the room seemed to have become stagnant.

The ripples generated on the surface of these god bones created a weak connection.

Especially the nine-colored sacred bone in the center, its strength firmly suppressed the other nine sacred bones.

Lu Yun looked at the ten spirit bones ahead, touched his chin, and thought about how to deal with these spirit bones.
In fact, he also thought about letting the soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion absorb these pieces of divine bones, but after some thinking, he directly dismissed this idea.

It's not that he doesn't want to part with these god bones, but that the age of these god bones is really too high.

This is the breath contained in the god bone, it is too powerful, this is a million-year soul bone.

Soul masters below the god level may even explode and die if they want to absorb it.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Lu Yun does not want the personnel inside the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, because these few sacred bones have caused irreparable losses.

Besides, he also obtained other divine bones in Dragon Valley. Although the age is far less than this divine bone, it has reached the level of a million years.

It just so happens that those sacred bones can be considered in the future and let the soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion absorb them.

"System, do you have any way to perfectly deal with these ten divine bones?"

Lu Yun really didn't know what to do, so he threw the problem to the system.

He felt tempted in his heart, to see if the system could give him a perfect solution to perfectly deal with the ten divine bones.

[The host can use the method of refining tools to completely fuse these ten divine bones together to refine a weapon. 】

At this moment, the cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind, giving him a solution.

Hearing this solution, Lu Yun didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Why didn't he think of it?
It's no wonder that he didn't think of it. After all, no one in Douluo Continent had the idea of ​​refining soul bones into weapons.

On the other hand, the plane level of Douluo Continent is too low, and there is no such magical method of refining weapons.

Lu Yun focused his attention on the god-level store and began to search for the method of refining weapons.

Although there are methods provided by the system, he doesn't know how to refine weapons himself, so he can only put this hope in the god-level store.

After searching for an hour, Lu Yun found a very expensive book on the method of refining weapons, called: "The Art of Refining Weapons".

This is a very high-level refining manual, and the price has reached 300 million auction points.

Although the method of refining weapons at such a price is relatively middling in god-level shops.

There is even a method of refining weapons that is more precious than "Skills of Refining Weapons", but he has no choice.

After all, this "Art of Refining Artifacts" is enough to deal with these ten divine bones, more than enough.

There is no need for the time being, to practice a more advanced method of refining weapons.

After Lu Yun purchased "Scheme of Refining Artifacts", a golden light suddenly entered between his eyebrows, and golden characters appeared in his mind, slowly forming a vast golden book, exuding a powerful pressure.

Lu Yun began to comprehend this "Skills of Refining Artifacts" with all his strength.

Time passed, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

After Lu Yun comprehended this "Skills of Refining Artifacts" all the time, his aura changed drastically, as if he was a master of refining weapons.

"It seems that it will take a lot of time to fully comprehend this "Art of Refining Artifacts"."

Lu Yun gradually withdrew from the state of comprehension, sighing again and again.

He also didn't expect that this "Heavenly Art of Refining Artifacts" was so mysterious that he only comprehended one-fifth of it in three days.

The reason why he has comprehended so much is all because he has been staying in the secret realm of enlightenment for the past three days, absorbing countless lights of enlightenment, which is why he was able to comprehend so quickly.

Otherwise, even if he comprehend it as usual, even if he spent a month, he would not be able to comprehend one-fifth of the "Spirit of Refining Artifacts".

Lu Yun is now [-]% sure that he can completely fuse these ten divine bones together to refine a peerless weapon.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun disappeared into the room in an instant, and went to the secret realm of chaos with ten divine bones.

During the refining process, no one can guarantee what will happen.

To be on the safe side, it was still done in the secret realm of chaos. As his strength improved, the secret realm of chaos was almost no different from a small world.

Even if an accident happened, Lu Yun, relying on his identity as the master of the secret realm of chaos, could perfectly resolve any emergencies.

In this way, Lu Yun came to the core area of ​​the secret realm of chaos, sat cross-legged on the spot, and took a deep breath.

With a wave of his big hand, ten divine bones floated in front of him. Lu Yun spread out his right hand, and wisps of soul power gathered around in an instant.

It kept pouring into Lu Yun's body, and slowly condensed into a furnace-like object.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun smiled lightly. This furnace-like object was condensed entirely by his soul power.

(End of this chapter)

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