Chapter 342 Secret

The breath was extremely cold, and the next moment, the Ice God Sword began to tremble slightly, turning into a stream of light, and flew into the hands of the young man.

Seeing this situation, the two Xuedi were extremely happy in their hearts. They never thought that they would actually be able to see the Ice God again.

"The Snow Emperor pays his respects to Lord Ice God."

"The Ice Emperor pays homage to the Ice God."

After knowing all the answers, Xuedi and the two stood up with difficulty, and saluted the ice god in front of them.

"Get up!"

The young man finally spoke. Although his tone was full of coldness, it contained a breath of soothing everything.

"Hey, why are you so stubborn?"

After seeing the phantom in front of him, the Ice God sighed leisurely, and the whole person fell into a long memory.

"Hmph, you are the one who is obsessed with obsession. If it wasn't your actions, why would I have been sealed here for hundreds of thousands of years? Everything I have experienced was caused by you."

Hearing this, Xu Ying became even angrier in his heart, and roared at the Ice God regardless of his image.

"Your ambition is too great. If I had known today, I should not have created you in the first place."

Then Bingshen said in a calm tone.

"Hahaha, what you said is so ridiculous. If it weren't for me, how could your strength reach that level? It's so funny."

Suddenly, Xu Ying burst out laughing after hearing Bingshen's explanation, mocking Bingshen for being too shameless.

The reason why Ice God was able to break through to that level was thanks to his help.

But who knows that in the end, Bingshen turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, how could this not make him angry?

"However, you are just a ray of divine sense attached to the Ice God Sword. With your current state, how can you be my opponent?"

"So the final winner still belongs to me."

Xu Ying said disdainfully after perceiving the state of Ice God carefully.

How could a mere divine sense be his opponent?

This made Xuying heave a sigh of relief, after all, he suffered a big loss in the hands of the Ice God for hundreds of thousands of years.

learn from mistakes.

This time he will definitely not give Ice God any chance to hurt him.

"Really? You have to know that I am the person who understands you best in the world today. Back then, I left a ray of divine sense attached to the Ice God Sword, just for what happened today."

"No matter what, I will never let you escape from the Ice Temple and harm the Douluo Continent."

At this moment, the Ice God's tone suddenly became icy cold, and the breath of the entire Ice God Temple became extremely cold at this moment.

The Ice God Sword in his hand, after feeling the change of the Ice God's breath, released a powerful divine weapon, as if it could destroy everything.

The Snow Empress and Ice Empress behind them, after hearing the conversation between the two, seemed to realize that this might be an ancient secret.

Immediately, the two of them waited quietly, also wanting to know what happened to the Bingshen back then.

"Let's do it, I want to see your divine sense, what can I do?"

Xu Ying didn't intend to spend any more time with the Ice God, so he no longer concealed his majestic aura, and spread towards the surroundings, resisting each other with the Ice God's aura.

Hearing this, the Ice God disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the Ice God Sword in his hand flickered in the void.

Waves of sword energy appeared behind Xu Ying, and the Ice God Sword in his hand stabbed forward.

In an instant, the figure of the Ice God disappeared again, and the power of the extremely thick ice burst out, and the Ice God Sword transformed into illusory ice god swords.

It permeates the entire Ice Temple, directly surrounding all directions of the phantom.

Seeing this, the Ice God waved his big hand, and all the Ice God swords concentrated their firepower and blasted towards Xuying's body.

The surrounding range was completely blocked by the Ice God Sword, Xu Ying knew that he could not escape at all, so he could only use all his strength to resist these Ice God Sword.

When the attacks collided, terrifying power erupted, and a corner of the Ice Temple completely collapsed and fell into a shock.

After Snow Empress and Ice Empress felt this momentum, their expressions changed, and they left the place quickly.

After all, a battle of this level is not something that the two of them can intervene at all.

In order not to disturb the Ice God, they had no choice but to withdraw from the scope of the battlefield and keep an eye on the development of the situation on the battlefield.

I hope that at the critical moment, I can help the Ice God get rid of that phantom.


There were bursts of roaring sounds, and the scene of the battlefield was reflected in the eyes of the two Xuedi.

At this time, the black energy around the phantom was shattered by the powerful sword energy, and there was even a magic ice sword stuck in his back, and the whole person was much weaker.

However, the Ice God was fine, and stood there with a calm expression, only his own phantom, which seemed to have faded a little.

"I didn't expect your strength back then to reach the level it is now. Just a ray of divine sense can explode such a powerful force. It seems that you still kept your hand against me back then."

Xu Ying had to admit that the Ice God was powerful, and he had to do his best to deal with a mere ray of divine sense.

The Ice God in his heyday may not have used all his strength to deal with him.

This made him feel frustrated.

Originally thought that he knew the existence of the Ice God the most in the world, but in the end he still underestimated the Ice God.

"Back then, I also hoped that you would find your way back. That's why I didn't kill you. Who knows that you are still determined to change."

After hearing these words, Bingshen didn't show any emotion on his face, and said in a cold tone.

"Go back to where you belong."

Bingshen continued, not intending to delay any further.

After all, he knew that his current spiritual thoughts would not last for too long.

So the plan is to directly burst out the full power of this divine sense, and seal the phantom again.

His current state is at the end of his strength, and he cannot kill this phantom at all.

It can only be sealed again to the greatest extent, hoping that there will be strong people in the future who can help him solve this scourge.

"It's crazy to want me to go back there again!"

Hearing Ice God's words, Xu Ying roared angrily, and retreated frantically towards the distance.

He knew that he couldn't do anything to the Ice God, so he had to take the opportunity to escape from here.

He didn't believe that the Ice God's divine sense could persist for such a long time.

"Escape under my nose, do you think it's possible?"

Seeing that he wanted to leave, Bing Shenjian's expression changed slightly.

With a wave of his hand, an icy blue halo suddenly appeared around the entire Ice Temple.

Spreading towards the void, it completely blocked the entire void.

The Ice Temple used to be his residence, and there are countless methods left in it.

Use some means to completely block this void.


There is an invisible barrier around, completely blocking the phantom's leaving figure.

(End of this chapter)

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