Chapter 343

"Don't waste your efforts, you can't escape the Ice Temple at all."

"Go back to where you should be honestly."

The Ice God walked forward with heavy steps, and the Ice God Sword in his hand burst out with a sword cry, releasing majestic power.

At this moment, the entire Ice Temple also released a bright blue light, completely blocking the phantom's actions.

"Don't think about it."

This phantom also knew that he was in the Ice God Temple and had no chance to escape, so he roared at the Ice God unwillingly.

He tried every means to escape from Shengtian, and before he even stayed for a moment, he would return to that dark space again.

How could this make Xu Ying happy?
After he was sealed by the Ice God, he has been planning to escape from the sealed place.

Just today, he suddenly felt a very pure power of ice appearing in the entire extreme north.

So he burst out with a ray of divine power, causing the treasure to enter the Ice God Sword.

Sure enough, everything was as he expected. The original Ice God Sword's seal was weakened because of this pure ice power.

So he took the opportunity to break the seal.

Now the ice god wants to seal him again, and he is very angry.

This opportunity he had worked so hard to plan would be destroyed by the Ice God, and then the aura of his whole body rippling around, as if to destroy everything.


After seeing the phantom, the ice god showed a gloomy look in his eyes.

The next moment, the Ice God Sword in his hand floated in front of him and began to spin slowly.

The Ice God instantly injected all the divine power in his body into the Ice God Sword.


In an instant, the entire Ice God Sword released an unprecedented ice-blue light.

As the sword energy diffused out, the surroundings of the Ice Temple fell into collapse.

The momentum it created has completely spread to the entire extreme north.

After seeing this change, the Ice Empress and Snow Empress withdrew their mental power, ignoring the scene ahead, and frantically used their soul power to protect the soul beasts in the extreme north.

After all, this coercion of divine power is really too strong. If the two of them don't interfere, I am afraid that the soul beasts in the entire northern land will suffer countless deaths and injuries.

In order to avoid this kind of disaster, they can only do their best to try to weaken this powerful wave of divine power.

"Ice God Barrier!"

As the figure of the Ice God gradually faded to the point where it was almost impossible to see his appearance clearly, the aura of the Ice God Sword in front of him became stronger and stronger.

After the Ice God sensed his own divine power and fully poured it into the Ice God Sword, he waved his hand.

The Ice God Sword broke through the air in an instant, and the violent power completely shook the void.


Seeing the flying Ice God Sword, the phantom in front struggled desperately, but was still completely pierced through the chest by the Ice God Sword.

Under Xu Ying's frightened eyes, a layer of ice gradually formed on the surface of his body.

Less than a moment later, it was completely frozen into an ice sculpture, and the ice sword inserted into his chest also became dim at this moment.

So far, the changes in the Ice Temple have completely returned to calm.

The Snow Empress and the two tried their best to protect the soul beasts in the extreme north, and suddenly noticed that there was no movement in the Ice Temple.

I know, I'm afraid the Ice God has completely solved the phantom.

The two turned into a stream of light and flew towards the direction of the Ice Temple
Immediately afterwards, they saw the ice god's body gradually fade away, as if it was about to dissipate between heaven and earth in the next moment.

"Master Ice God, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, Xue Di hurriedly said, why is the Ice God now in such a state, and his breath is extremely weak.

"It's nothing, I've already died, this is just a strand of my divine thoughts."

"Now, this ray of my divine will has exhausted my divine power, and I urged the Ice God Sword to seal it, and this ray of divine will has also completed his mission."

Ice God shook his head secretly, and said in a weak tone.

They also informed Xue Di and the other two that the hidden danger in the extreme north had been temporarily resolved.

As soon as the words fell, Snow Empress and Ice Empress stared at an ice sculpture ahead, and couldn't help but gasped.

Such a powerful existence, under the ray of divine thought of the Ice God, was beaten to pieces, and was even sealed once again.

But now this phantom has been frozen into an ice sculpture, but she is still worried. If one day this ice sculpture melts, who can save the soul beasts in the extreme north from the water and fire?

"Don't worry, as long as you don't pull out the Ice God Sword without authorization, there is absolutely no way for him to escape within three years."

"However, I also hope that you can find some powerful existences to solve this hidden danger. When he breaks the seal again three years later, all lives will be destroyed."

The Ice God continued to speak to the Snow Emperor and the two, and told them to remember to find other ways to deal with that phantom.

He had already died long ago, so naturally he had no spare energy to solve this hidden danger.

The burden of all these can only fall on Xuedi and the two of them.

Xuedi sighed secretly, and at the same time became very urgent. It seems that this hidden danger has not been completely resolved.

With their current strength, it is impossible to do it.

How to do this?

"Ice God, I want to know his origin."

Afterwards, the Snow Emperor wanted to know the specific origin of that phantom, so he asked the Ice God directly.


"Actually, he's right. He's also the God of Ice, a part of my body."

"A long time ago, when I just broke through to the gods, I traveled the universe and found a treasure, and through that treasure, I reached the realm of a half-step god king in just a few years."

"How can there be no price for the rapid increase in strength? And that phantom is the evil body formed by the evil power generated by myself."

"I also know that if the evil body continues to grow, and even can exist in the world without me, then his strength is absolutely unprecedented, and even I may not be his opponent, so I deprived him from my body Go out and seal it with the Ice God Sword."

"It indirectly caused my strength to drop sharply. At that time, there was a battle between the soul beast and the soul master, and the ice sword sealed the evil body. Unfortunately, I fell into that battle."


The Ice God fell into the long memory, and slowly told the Snow Empress and the Ice Empress about the origin of the phantom before.

After all, this matter is still a secret in his heart.

All these hidden dangers were caused by him!
If it weren't for his thirst for power, he wouldn't use that wicked arcana.

Although his own strength has been promoted to half-step god king, he has created a terrifying existence.

"I see."

After Xue Di heard these words, he immediately showed a clear expression.

He didn't expect that phantom to have such an origin, and the confusion in his heart before was also easily resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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