Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 344 Going to the Star Dou Great Forest

Chapter 344 Going to the Star Dou Great Forest

After all, in the rumors of the soul beasts in the extreme north, the Ice God is a very talented existence.

After breaking through to the god level, not only did his cultivation not progress slowly, but he also improved rapidly. In just a few years, he reached a very advanced level.

How could there be a pie in the world?
For the final consequences, Snow Empress has no reason to blame Ice God.

If the strength of the Ice God hadn't reached that level, I am afraid that the extreme north would not be so peaceful and safe from the flames of war.

"I'm sorry, all this mess has fallen on you."

From the moment the ice god was about to dissipate, a sorry smile appeared on his face.

As soon as the words were finished, the power of Ice God's spiritual thoughts was completely exhausted.

The Ice God Sword inserted into the chest of that phantom made a sword cry at the moment the Ice God disappeared, as if bidding farewell to its former master.

Snow Empress and Ice Empress looked sadly at the place where the Ice God disappeared.

"Xue Di, how do you think we can solve this unknown hidden danger?"

After a while, Bingdi asked Xuedi aloud, breaking the sad atmosphere present.

"I don't know either. Anyway, we in the extreme north are not capable of solving this disaster."

Xue Di was also very troubled by this matter.

And she didn't dare to do it privately, if she touched the seal, then the phantom would break through the seal again.

The entire land of the extreme north will be devastated, and even turned into a purgatory.

Not fully prepared, Xue Di didn't dare to make a move at all.

"Maybe I can ask that existence to help me."

Suddenly, Xue Di had a flash of inspiration and thought of a person.

Perhaps she is the only person who is willing to help her now.

After hearing what Xuedi said, Ice Emperor's first reaction was doubt, and soon a figure appeared in his mind, and he nodded slightly.

"Let's go, solve this matter as soon as possible."

Afterwards, the Snow Emperor did not intend to delay, and said to the Ice Emperor beside him.

Immediately set off to the Star Dou Great Forest to solve this disaster.

Otherwise, this time bomb placed in the extreme north would make the two of them feel very uneasy.

Afterwards, the two of them turned into a stream of light and left the extreme north in the blink of an eye.

Before leaving, place an enchantment around the collapsed ice temple.

After all, this matter is too serious, if some unknown soul beast touches the Ice God Sword after going to the Ice Temple, it will be bad.

Just in case, no one is allowed to approach even the collapsed Ice Temple.


Several hours later, two figures suddenly appeared in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, they were the Snow Empress and the Ice Empress who hurried over from the extreme north.

From the moment the two of them appeared, their aura of beast level was undisguised.

Under the Lake of Life, Di Tian and other beasts were discussing how to restore the Dragon God's core, and soon sensed the aura of Snow Empress and Ice Empress.

Di Tian's eyes lit up, after all they had discussed for so long, but they still didn't have any clue.

It just so happened that Xue Di and the other two came, and asked them to think about how to repair the Dragon God's core.

Thinking of this, Di Tian made a flash, left the Lake of Life in an instant, and appeared in front of Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor.

"The two of you came at the right time. We currently have a dilemma that needs to be solved by the two of you."

Before Xuedi and the two could speak, Ditian spoke first, and after saying this, he led the two of them into the different space below the Lake of Life.

Not knowing why, the two Xue Di followed Di Tian to the bottom of the Lake of Life.

I saw it soon, all the ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest gathered together, each with a serious expression on their faces
"what's going on?"

Snow Emperor asked curiously.

"Is such that……"

Di Tian slowly talked about the Dragon God's core, but he didn't clearly state that it was the Dragon God's core, but it was a top-notch treasure.

The overall characteristics are not much different from the core of the Dragon God.

After all, the core of the Dragon God is the secret of the soul beast family, even the fierce beasts beside him don't know that what they restore is the top treasure of the soul beast family: the Dragon God core.

Only he and the Lord know about this matter.

After all, the less people know about this secret, the better.


After hearing Ditian's narration, Xue Di and the two had a lot of thoughts in their minds, but there was really no way to restore that treasure.

"I can't think of a way to fix it right now."

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Xue Di shook her head secretly, she had no choice.

As soon as the words fell, Ditian waited for a wave of fierce beasts, showing disappointment on his face, but he quickly faced it calmly.


All of them concentrated on discussing for a few days, but couldn't find any solution, and how could Xuedi and the two of them do it in a short period of time?
"By the way, the two of you came to the Star Dou Forest suddenly, what's the matter?"

Di Tian calmed down his emotions, raised his head and asked Xue Di the purpose of coming to Star Dou Great Forest.

He didn't believe that the two of them would come here for no reason, and there was a big event that they couldn't solve.

"You should know that a god-level powerhouse was once born in our extreme north, and today in the Ice Temple..."

Snow Empress told all the people present what happened in the Ice Temple.

After a while, Ditian's expression became very serious, and the rest of the beasts showed a hint of shock on their faces.

A god-level powerhouse with evil power made Ditian and the others feel extremely dignified.

There is no need for Xue Di to emphasize, they also know the seriousness of this matter.

After all, the soul beasts in the extreme north also belong to the soul beast family, if the Snow Emperor did not get rid of that evil body within three years.

When he breaks the seal again, I am afraid that the disaster will definitely affect the extreme north, and even spread to the Star Dou Forest.

This is no small matter!

The embarrassing thing is that he is a real god-level powerhouse. If they make a rash move, it will be different from courting death.

Now the soul beast has the ability to solve the existence of this hidden danger, only the Lord.

"You want to ask the Lord to take action and kill that phantom."

Di Tian said in a solemn tone.

"That's right, after all, those strong men have already surpassed the scope of mortals, and the only one of the soul beast family who has the ability to solve this matter is the Lord."

Snow Emperor nodded and said.

"You are a little late. After the Lord gave us this task, we fell into retreat. No one knows how long the Lord will retreat."

Di Tian said slowly, lamenting that Xue Di came late.

If she had come a few days earlier, the master at that time hadn't retreated, but she could have helped Xue Di solve that hidden danger.

(End of this chapter)

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