Chapter 350 Mutation and Mutation
The snowflakes ahead began to spin violently, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When it reappears, it is in front of the red bead above the shadow.

The breeze blows, and the snowflake enters the bead.

In an instant, the red bead that originally released a strong aura turned into ice blue, and the inexplicable aura was completely blocked.

The red bead exploded with a bang.

The surrounding black air suddenly became much calmer, and the snowflakes that had entered the red beads before appeared again.

Rotating slowly above the black shadow, the entire snowflake grew larger and larger, releasing an ice-blue light that instantly enveloped the entire northern land.

Under the snowflakes, an endless cold current struck, freezing everything, and even the space seemed to be frozen by the power of this ice.


From the moment the red bead above shattered, Xu Ying's aura suddenly dropped, and his figure gradually faded away.

Soi Ying couldn't be more shocked, what's going on?
The red bead just now was a collection of his own power, which contained his own original power.

It stands to reason that ordinary attacks cannot destroy the red bead at all.

As a result, the woman only released a snowflake, completely destroying his original crystallization, how could this not frighten this phantom.

Without this red light ball, his strength at this time has been greatly reduced.

Could it be that he really couldn't escape the fate of death?

"It's time to end."

Xuanshuang looked at the phantom indifferently, and stretched his right hand towards the void, and then exerted force with his palm.


The snowflakes in the sky suddenly exploded, and a beam of icy light suddenly bombarded downwards.

After the phantom felt the attack, a desperate expression appeared on his face.

Even so, he refused to accept his fate, and then frantically operated to resist with all his strength, but he knew that under this attack, he would undoubtedly die.

At this moment, a meaningful smile appeared on the phantom's face.


In an instant, the breath in the body became extremely boiling, and with the sound of the explosion, a large cloud of black air surged around.

The blockade originally arranged by Jiuyou was directly shattered by this powerful black energy.

The terrifying black energy spread like a torrent, and some soul beasts that were close to the battlefield suddenly became crazy after being contaminated by the black energy.

Their own soul beasts also became extremely powerful and began to fight each other.

The soul beasts contaminated with these black energy fell into a great riot.

This situation also made Jiuyou react immediately.

Jiuyou didn't expect that before the last phantom died, he actually wanted to die with them.

In fact, this is also his fault. At the last critical moment, he did not strengthen the surrounding blockade.

This directly caused the black air to spread towards the extreme north.

It also caused some soul beasts close to the battlefield to fall into the slaughter, and the whole battlefield was filled with a bloody smell.

"Divine Skill: Breath of the Nether Dragon."

Jiuyou knew that he had to contain this situation as soon as possible, and if it continued to spread, he also released his own magical skills.

The Nether Dragon Martial Soul behind Jiuyou also burst out with the coercion of a god-level martial soul at this moment.

The huge dragon head poked forward, and slowly spit out streaks of purple gas from the dragon's mouth, spreading towards the surroundings.

The black energy that originally contained explosive power was exhausted when it touched the purple light.

Completely turned into nothingness, as if nothing had ever happened.

The soul beast that was contaminated with the black energy and fell into the slaughter before, gradually calmed down after touching the purple light, and then fainted to the ground.

Although he did not die, his own foundation was still affected by these black energy, and it may be difficult to improve his strength in the future.

After a while, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield became extremely quiet, and deep pits appeared on the ground where the black figure in front was standing.

Numerous cracks spread towards the surroundings.

"Okay, Wannian Ice Essence!"

Suddenly, after Jiuyou and Xuanshuang saw what happened on the ground, their expressions changed slightly.

They know that under the ground is a very precious ice attribute treasure: the ten thousand year ice essence.

As a result, the phantom chose to expose itself, causing such a great destructive power.

Even if a god-level powerhouse is greatly weakened, the destructive power of self-exposure is unimaginable.

The entire ground was blown up horribly, and even a small part of the ten thousand year ice marrow under the ground was damaged by the perception of the two people's divine senses.

This made the two of them a little distressed, no matter what, they also knew how precious the Wannian Ice Essence was.

On the other hand, this was a task entrusted to them by the pavilion master, but they messed up, which made the two of them a little guilty.

But they also knew the Pavilion Master, and they would not blame them for this matter.

In order to prevent the remaining power from continuing to spread around and destroy the ten thousand year ice essence, Xuanshuang intends to immediately put away all these ten thousand year ice essence.

A blue light flashed in Xuanshuang's right hand, and a white box appeared in the palm of his hand out of thin air.

Xuanshuang injected a ray of divine power into the white box, and the volume of the whole white box instantly expanded, and the terrifying suction spread to the surroundings.

Under the influence of this inexplicable suction, the ten-thousand-year ice essence that was originally deep in the ground burst out of the ground one after another, and entered the white box in the blink of an eye.

Even the ground was not damaged at all, but the ten-thousand-year-old ice marrow under the ground disappeared out of thin air.

This scene made Jiuyou and Xuanshuang very surprised, it seems that their pavilion master thought thoughtfully.

If they were allowed to dig out these ten-thousand-year ice marrow, not to mention that it would destroy the integrity of the ten-thousand-year ice marrow, I'm afraid it would also waste a lot of time, far less convenient than this white box.

Less than a moment later, all the Wannian Ice Essence entered the white box.

With a wave of Xuanshuang's hand, he put away the white box. The area that originally contained the power of terrifying ice had undergone major changes.

After the ten-thousand-year ice marrow disappeared, the temperature in this place became much warmer.

Maybe it won't be long before this area will become extremely common.

Not even as cold as other regions.

This is the deepest part of the extreme north. The reason why it is so cold here is because of the thousands of years of ice marrow that exists underground.

Xuanshuang and Jiuyou didn't care about such a change in the extreme north.

After all, the Wannian Ice Essence is also the reward paid by the Snow Emperor.

There is no free lunch in the world, and the Star Auction Pavilion helped Xuedi solve the hidden dangers in the extreme north.

There is nothing unreasonable about them taking away these ten thousand year ice marrow.

(End of this chapter)

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