Chapter 351 Get the Summoning Card Again

The Snow Empress and Ice Empress who were far away from the battlefield area naturally felt that the atmosphere of the entire battlefield had completely returned to calm.

The two used their mental power to explore the scene deep in the Far North, and couldn't help but gasped.

The entire battlefield was filled with the smoke of war, and countless icicles collapsed, and the remaining divine power in the air still made the two of them tremble with fear.

They also didn't expect that the existence that made them helpless and required the Ice God to exhaust his last divine sense to solve it, was completely helpless under the hands of that woman.

Especially the snowflake that appeared in the sky, when that snowflake appeared, the atmosphere of the entire extreme north became even colder.

It made the two of them realize that the ultimate ice may not be the limit of the power of the ice attribute.

The woman actually did it.

It can be said that under the application of the power of ice, Snow Empress thinks that she, as the Ice and Snow Girl, a unique race of soul beasts, is far less mastery than that woman.

At this time, a goal was born in Xue Di's heart. It seems that she can't be attached to the ultimate ice, and must approach a higher level of power.

The Snow Emperor also saw it, and Xuanshuang took out a mysterious white box, and directly put away all the ten-thousand-year ice essence underneath, without destroying anything on the ground.

Although these ten-thousand-year ice marrows, she had already promised to hand them over to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

But looking at the entire Ice Temple, after all the ten thousand-year-old ice marrow under the ground was taken away by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Xue Di was very depressed.

Originally, she also planned to go downstairs, but the Star Dou Auction Pavilion actually had such a mysterious treasure, so she miscalculated.

For this matter, Xuedi did not pursue anything, but fortunately, the hidden danger in the extreme north was finally resolved.

If you don’t have these foreign objects, then you don’t have them.

Just when the two were not at peace, the figures of Xuanshuang and Jiuyou suddenly appeared in front of them out of thin air.

"Okay, we have completely resolved the hidden dangers of your extreme northern land, and the transaction between you and the Xingdou Auction Pavilion has come to an end."

Xuanshuang told Xuedi that the transaction had ended perfectly, and it was time to leave.

"thank you all."

Hearing this, Xuedi said gratefully.

Although the Extreme Northern Land paid so much Ten Thousand Years Ice Essence, but this time it can be regarded as a favor owed to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

After hearing Xuedi's thanks, Xuanshuang and the two nodded slightly, and the next moment they stopped hesitating, their bodies gradually blurred and disappeared in place.

Not a moment later, Xuanshuang and the others returned to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

When the two entered the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, Lu Yun immediately sensed it.

Immediately, he appeared in front of the two of them. Seeing that they had no injuries, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In such a short period of time, the hidden dangers of the extreme north were solved. It seems that he still overestimated the strength of that existence before.

"Pavilion Master, this transaction has come to a perfect conclusion, and here is all the Wannian Ice Essence we brought."

Xuanshuang took out the previous white box, slowly suspended in mid-air, and told Lu Yun that the mission had ended perfectly.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yun nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanshuang and the two left the place one after another, returned to the secret realm of chaos, and continued the previous retreat.

Lu Yun picked up the white box and returned to his room.

At the same time, he probed into the white box with mental power, and couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the countless ten thousand-year ice essence inside.

After all, the number of ten thousand year ice marrow here is even more than Snow Emperor estimated before.

He also didn't expect that there are so many ten thousand-year ice essences in the extreme north, but why didn't Snow Empress find it before?

However, all of this may have something to do with that strong man, but the matter has ended perfectly, so there is no need to pursue it further.

Anyway, so many ten-thousand-year ice essences have all entered his pockets, and he also thinks about how to use these ten-thousand-year ice essences.

Now among the soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, only Xuanshuang has an ice-type martial soul. Lu Yun plans to give some of these ten thousand-year ice marrows to Xuanshuang to enhance his strength.

There are some ten-thousand-year ice marrow left, and Lu Yun has to think about its final ownership.

After Lu Yun put away the Ten Thousand Years Ice Essence, he suddenly thought of something while he had nothing to do.

After these few months, he didn't draw a lottery, and his hands were itchy.

Next, I plan to do a lottery draw to see what kind of treasures I can draw this time.

You can also prepare in advance for the next auction.

Following the familiar steps, Lu Yun directly opened the lottery page of the system, lost [-] auction points, and came to a ten consecutive draw.

Immediately afterwards, the huge golden disc began to rotate violently.

After a while, ten golden lights suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun, exuding a miraculous aura.

The specific names of these ten things also appeared in Lu Yun's mind.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a kitten. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a summoning card. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: nuclear bomb (soul power version). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a drop of unknown blood essence. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: the decoration drawings of a villa. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a soul bone (random age). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a god-given soul ring. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: 5-year flame tiger soul. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Illusory God Flower (Immortal Grass). 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a mysterious picture scroll. 】

After seeing the names of the ten things, what surprised Lu Yun the most was the summoning card.

"It seems that I was lucky this time, and I even drew another summoning card, but I don't know which world's strong will be summoned by this summoning card?"

Lu Yun rubbed his chin with his hand, and felt pleasantly surprised by the appearance of this summoning card.

Nowadays, there are still a few strong players in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

He couldn't predict this summoning card, which world would the strong man summoned come from?How is the strength?
Is it an existence above the god level?

Or below the god level?

All of this is unclear, after all, the powerhouse summoned through the summoning card is an unknown in the first place.

It's all about luck.

It can be said that he summoned "Heaven" before, which belonged to the level of overwhelming luck.

Now that the strength of "Heaven" is being sealed, how far will the full strength reach in the end?

Lu Yun didn't understand either!

"Put this summoning card at the end for viewing."

Afterwards, Lu Yun ignored the summoning card and checked the other nine items first.

Hope this call will not disappoint him.

At the very least, one must summon a strong man above the god level.

If the strength really did not reach the god level, then he could only hope that the other nine things would not disappoint him.

In this way, even if this summoning card summons a not very strong existence.

Overall, it's not too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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