Chapter 354
After getting everything ready, Lu Yun took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the spot, and immediately mobilized the power of heaven and earth in the secret realm of chaos.

A steady stream of soul power surrounds the blood essence of the Didou God of War ape.

Immediately afterwards, strands of blood essence differentiated like silk threads, surrounding Lu Yun's body.

As for the remaining Essence Blood of the Fighting God of War, it was completely imprisoned in the void by Lu Yun's power, preventing it from leaking a trace of breath.

After all, this drop of blood essence from the God of War Ape is hard-won, and it must not be wasted.

After a while, Lu Yun focused on the golden threads surrounding his body, and a burst of soul power surged out of his body.

A ray of blood suddenly entered Lu Yun's body, and the next moment, a majestic force of blood burst out from Lu Yun's body.

"Boom boom boom!"

The heart beat violently at this moment, resounding through the entire core area.

At this moment, Lu Yun's whole body was red, a crack appeared on the surface of his body, blood gradually overflowed, and his whole body was like a bloody man.

Lu Yun desperately used his soul power, began to repair his injuries, and accelerated the refinement of this ray of blood.

"Damn it, how could this ray of blood be so strong? I only differentiated one ten-thousandth of the blood essence, and the result was still close to causing my body to completely collapse."

At this time, Lu Yun couldn't help sighing inwardly after feeling his terrible situation.

Only one ten-thousandth of the blood essence contained such powerful energy that he almost couldn't bear it.

The energy of a complete drop of blood is unimaginable.

If it wasn't for a critical moment, he immediately mobilized the power of heaven and earth in the secret realm of chaos to repair himself, then the consequences would not be what he could have expected.

As time passed, one ten-thousandth of the blood essence was continuously integrated into Lu Yun's body.

The blood power in Lu Yun's body began to evolve towards a higher level.

His own strength also showed a geometric multiple growth, and the surrounding void shook slightly because of the aura that Lu Yun unintentionally released.

Waves of invisible ripples spread in all directions.

It can be said that Lu Yun's current physical strength has increased by more than ten times compared to before.

This is only refining one ten thousandth of the blood essence.

After refining this strand of blood essence, another strand of blood essence began to be refined.


With the strengthening of the previous ray of blood essence, Lu Yun's refinement is relatively smooth this time.

Even so, Lu Yun still did not dare to relax his vigilance.


In this way, time passed slowly, and three days passed.

Lu Yun refines the blood essence around him all the time, and has already absorbed one-thousandth of this drop of complete blood essence.

Lu Yun, who was sitting cross-legged on the spot, completely changed, his black hair was replaced by golden hair.

His face became tougher, handsome and extraordinary, and the aura around him appeared very heavy and full of majestic aura.

The golden light released from the surface of the body is so sacred that people dare not approach it easily.

When Lu Yun completely fused the remaining ray of blood in his body, there was a sound of a broken bottleneck suddenly coming from his body.

In an instant, the soul power in the entire chaotic secret realm poured into Lu Yun's body continuously as if it belonged to him.

Lu Yun's cultivation level at this moment broke through the bottleneck of Limit Douluo in an instant, and moved towards a higher cultivation level at an extremely fast speed.

A moment later, when Lu Yun had completely reached the cultivation level of a god-level powerhouse, his aura became even more violent, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, shaking the sky.

"Haha, after spending so much blood, I finally raised my cultivation level to the god level."

Feeling the change in his own strength, Lu Yun laughed out loud.

He also didn't expect that it would take so much energy for him to break through from Limit Douluo to God level.

But on second thought, it's normal.

Perhaps it was because he possessed two chaotic-level martial souls, and his background was too deep.

Therefore, in order to break through to the god level, it takes at least a hundred times more resources than ordinary soul masters.

Fortunately, the appearance of this drop of Dou Zhanshen's ape essence successfully allowed him to break through the bottleneck of Limit Douluo and become a real god-level powerhouse.


Then, Lu Yun touched the ground with his right foot, and he jumped up, suspended in mid-air.


Cracks began to appear on the ground that Lu Yun stepped on with his right foot, forming a deep pit about ten meters deep in an instant, and the terrifying aura still pervaded the surrounding area.

Seeing the destructive power he caused, Lu Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Now that his strength has broken through so quickly, he has no way to control his own strength for a short time.

"Compared to before, my physical strength has been fully enhanced by a thousand times, and my overall strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes from before."

"It seems that the most important function of this drop of blood from the God of War Ape is to help me improve my physical strength."

Lu Yun sensed the change in his own strength, and analyzed that the main function of this drop of fighting god ape's blood essence is to enhance the strength of his body.

Although his soul power level has also been greatly improved, it is far less terrifying than the improvement of his physical body.


"The level of the Chaos Secret Realm has started to increase again?"

Suddenly, with a movement of Lu Yun's mind, he sensed that the entire secret realm of chaos was spreading towards the chaos at an extreme speed, rapidly expanding its area.

Moreover, the soul power in the secret realm of chaos also increased rapidly.

After the concentration of soul power in the secret realm of chaos increased to a certain limit, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change.

In an instant, a ray of miraculous aura appeared in the entire chaotic secret realm, and these auras appeared one after another.

Lu Yun tapped lightly with his right hand, and a trail of gray gas appeared in front of him.

"This is divine power."

After Lu Yun carefully sensed this power, he also knew the specific situation.

This kind of power is the same as the divine power in his body.

In other words, the soul power of the entire chaotic secret realm has completely transformed into a higher level of divine power.

After a soul master breaks through to the god level, his own soul power has completely become divine power, and it will be even more difficult to absorb soul power to improve his strength.

And if a god-level powerhouse wants to quickly improve his strength, he must absorb majestic divine power.

Originally, he was a little depressed before, and his strength improvement must not be as fast as before.

It turned out that the secret realm of chaos actually brought him such a surprise, which was really surprising.

There are not many divine powers in the Chaos Mystery now, but after a few months of evolution, the result will be very different.

Of course, the birthplace of divine power is still in the core area of ​​the secret realm of chaos.

After all, there are methods he arranged before, and countless treasures have been planted here, which leads to the concentration of soul power in the core area of ​​the chaotic secret realm, which is about a thousand times lower than other areas.

Today, the soul power outside the chaotic secret realm is still soul power, but in the long run, it will also transform into divine power, but it will take several years.

Regarding the polarization in the secret realm of chaos, Lu Yun didn't say anything.

If the peripheral soul power transforms into divine power, the soul master can't absorb it at all, which is very unfavorable. He uses the secret realm of chaos to restrain a large number of soul crystals.

(End of this chapter)

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