Chapter 355 Unknown Origin
When Lu Yun perceived the birth of divine power in the secret realm of chaos, Jiuyou and Xuanshuang were in another position in the core area.

From the moment Lu Yun broke through, the two of them instantly woke up from the closed state.

He watched helplessly as Lu Yun's body released a powerful god-level coercion, successfully ascending to the god position by absolute means.

Both of them couldn't help being shocked in their hearts. As expected of the pavilion masters, the means of breaking through are superb.

"Why do I feel the breath released from the pavilion master, which makes me feel full of pressure, and even if I fight against the pavilion master, I don't have a [-]% chance of winning."

At this moment, Xuanshuang felt the aura around Lu Yun in the sky, and couldn't help but said.

At the same time, comparing her own strength with that of the pavilion master, she found that her own strong aura, under the pressure of the pavilion master, was like a boat drifting in the sea, and she had no power to resist at all.

"Indeed, I feel the same way as you. Facing the strength of the pavilion master, even if I exert all my strength, I still have no [-]% chance of winning."

Jiuyou on the side also lamented that the pavilion master is too strong, he is not qualified to fight against him at all.

"The pavilion master is the pavilion master after all. It seems that we have to work harder in cultivation next, and we must not leave too much distance with the pavilion master."

Hearing this, Xuanshuang nodded slightly, secretly making up her mind.

In the next period of time, you must work harder and never slack off.

If they are really drawn farther and farther away from the strength of the pavilion master, then the pavilion master will not think much of them.

Immediately, the two ignored this little episode, and immediately sat cross-legged on the spot, absorbing the majestic soul power around them.

They naturally noticed the birth of wisps of divine power in the air, and they knew that all of this was the pavilion master's means.

So he concentrated more on practicing.


After a few days, the entire Chaos Secret Realm temporarily returned to calm.

However, the area has expanded by more than a thousand times, and the concentration of soul power has become even more intense.

Lu Yun didn't stay in the chaotic secret realm for too long. After all, there were still two things left to investigate.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun flashed and disappeared into the secret realm of chaos in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was in his room.

However, at this moment, only a few seconds passed by the outside world.

With the improvement of his strength, the speed of time in the secret realm of chaos became more and more exaggerated.

After staying inside for a few days, only a few seconds passed outside.

Lu Yun calmed down his emotions, took out the mysterious picture scroll covered by golden light, lightly shook his right hand, and the golden light dispersed.

Suddenly, a picture scroll slowly floated in front of Lu Yun.

The whole picture scroll looks ordinary, but the picture on this picture scroll is a place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, like a paradise.

Sitting next to a patch of grass was a woman in a long white dress, swaying in the wind.

The ethereal temperament attracted Lu Yun's attention. For some reason, Lu Yun felt a strange feeling in his heart.

But the most noteworthy thing is that the face of the woman on the painting scroll is blocked by a white mist, no matter how Lu Yun's divine sense probes, he can't see the specific appearance of the woman in the painting.

"How did that happen?"

"A picture scroll that looks so ordinary can actually block all my divine thoughts. This picture scroll must not be simple!"

Afterwards, Lu Yun continued to increase the output of his divine thoughts, and probed into the scroll, but found nothing.

He still couldn't see clearly the specific appearance of the woman in the painting. This strange phenomenon made Lu Yun extremely incomprehensible.

A ray of divine power appeared in Lu Yun's hand, and he probed towards the scroll, wanting to see how hard the scroll was.

When his divine power touched the scroll in front of him, it seemed as if he had touched a piece of nothingness and passed through the scroll directly.

However, at this time, the picture scroll did not cause any loss due to Lu Yun's divine power, as if the previous power did not appear.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lu Yun was once again very confused by this painting, which seemed to completely block his power.

With his own divine power, he couldn't touch this picture scroll at all.

"System, what is the origin of this mysterious scroll?"

After a while, Lu Yun really didn't know the origin of this scroll, so he had to ask the system.

Before, he used his mental power to investigate the specific origin of this scroll, but the introduction given to him by the system was very vague.

[A mysterious picture scroll: the origin is unknown. 】

Just four simple words like this, introducing the information of this picture scroll.

Even the system doesn't know the origin of this painting, which makes Lu Yun feel very strange.

This picture scroll must have gone far beyond his cognition.

[The origin of this mysterious picture scroll is against the sky, and all the specific information needs to be explored by the host itself. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind, and he refused to answer Lu Yun's question.

It's just roughly stated, the origin of this picture scroll is so against the sky, even the system is unwilling to say anything more.

After hearing this vague answer, Lu Yun's face was full of dark lines.

However, he is not a master who admits defeat, no matter what today, he must know the specific origin of this mysterious scroll.

Lu Yun walked forward slowly, staring at the picture scroll in front of him, and gently touched the picture scroll with his right hand.

The entire picture scroll is as smooth as silk, and the patterns on the surface are not painted with any paint or ink, as if they are naturally generated paintings.

At this moment, the mutation protruded.

This mysterious scroll seemed to come alive, exuding a cyan light, followed by an invincible aura that instantly hit Lu Yun's chest.

"not good!"

Lu Yun's expression changed drastically, and he immediately used the Invincible Domain to counteract this coercion.

But in the end, there was a scene that surprised him. This burst of power actually resisted the attack he used the invincible domain to display.

Even his invincible domain is still firmly at a disadvantage.


When Lu Yun was shocked, a light voice of doubt resounded from the picture scroll.


Lu Yun desperately resisted the attack ahead, and when he heard this suspicious voice, he immediately asked with a vigilant expression.

At the same time, they looked towards the source of the sound, and fixed their eyes on the mysterious scroll ahead.

It seems that this voice came from the picture scroll.

"Interesting, there are actually people in the world who can resist my casual blow."

Afterwards, the voice continued to sound, but the tone was full of endless curiosity.

Not a moment later, when Lu Yun was about to be unable to resist, the cyan light suddenly dissipated, and the mysterious scroll returned to calm.

Lu Yun began to sit on the bed, panting heavily.

After all, I tried my best and used the invincible domain just now, and my divine power has almost been exhausted.

In the end, there was still no way to completely annihilate that cyan light, which also caused a storm in Lu Yun's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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