Chapter 356 Mysterious Woman
The so-called invincible field.

As the name suggests, as long as he is in the Star Auction Pavilion, he is invincible and no one can be his opponent.

But today's scene made Lu Yun extremely puzzled as to why someone could match him in strength and even be able to suppress his invincible field.

"System, what's going on? Why can't my invincible domain still be able to repel that attack?"

Lu Yun asked the system in a serious tone, what is going on in the invincible field?

[The so-called invincible field actually gives the host invincible power at the system level. However, if a being is on par with the system or even superior to the system level, then the invincible field is no longer invincible. 】

The system's cold voice continued to sound, giving Lu Yun a vague answer.

Then the system fell silent and did not continue to explain anything to Lu Yun.

"What? You said that the strong person who released this power is even stronger than you."

Lu Yun heard the implication of the system and was suddenly shocked.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He never expected such a result.

Although he didn't know the strength of the system, it must be one of the most powerful energy levels in the world.

As a result, the being who released the attack just now couldn't even completely resolve the invincible domain granted to him by the system, and could only fight against each other.

Lu Yun was sweating in his heart, what should he do?

If the system can't solve it, then his life will be in danger.

After a long time, Lu Yun stepped back, looked at the mysterious scroll in front of him, and began to think about the next strategy.

Fortunately, he had just sensed the attack released by the mysterious scroll. Although it could resist the invincible field, it would not completely crush the invincible field.

In other words, as long as he stayed in the Star Auction Pavilion, he still had a certain ability to protect himself.


Under Lu Yun's serious expression, the mysterious scroll in front of him lit up again.

Then the woman on the scroll slowly stood up and walked forward, as if she was about to walk out of the scroll.

Lu Yun stared at this scene dumbfounded, and soon a burst of cyan light flashed in front of him, and the woman in the original painting disappeared.

In the void, a woman in a white dress walked towards her. Her whole body was filled with green light, and the light of chaos obscured her specific face.

The aura that burst out unintentionally all over his body frightened Lu Yun.

Even when he used the invincible field, he noticed that the invincible field seemed to be about to collapse.

Lu Yun's heart skipped a beat. He had underestimated this woman's strength before.

She didn't take action, but her aura almost caused the invincible realm to collapse.

So if this woman exerts all her strength, is there really any hope that he can resist her?
"Little guy, it was you who took action just now and resisted my casual blow."

At this moment, an ancient voice that seemed to come from outside the world sounded in Lu Yun's ears.

"who are you?"

Lu Yun tried his best to calm down his inner panic and asked solemnly.

Surrounded by an invincible field, prepare to deal with the next fatal crisis.

"I can't tell you where I come from, but you can ask the person in your head."

The woman's calm tone sounded softly.

At this moment, the energy in the entire Star Auction Pavilion began to vibrate slightly and gathered around the woman's body.

Hearing the woman mention the existence of the system, Lu Yun broke into a cold sweat.

This woman still knew about the existence of the system, once again making Lu Yun aware of this woman's strength.The system had been very taboo about this woman before and did not immediately explain to him the specific origin of this woman.

Lu Yun, who knew everything, had to be more vigilant.

After this observation, he found that the woman did not show any murderous intention towards him, which made him feel relieved.


"I see. I'm just saying that there are very few people in the world today who can resist my casual attack. I never thought that it would be such a magical method."

This woman sensed the invincible realm around Lu Yun and was connected to the entire attic.

After some thinking, I knew everything.

This woman was inevitably a little disappointed. She originally thought that another top powerhouse was born in this world.

"This seems to be a brand new world. It just so happens that after spending countless light years in the fairy scroll, I can relax properly."

At this moment, the woman waved her right hand lightly, and a long silver river surrounded the front.

A picture suddenly appeared in this woman's mind.

This woman completely understood the birth of the entire Douluo Continent and everything.

"what is that?"

Lu Yun was very confused when he saw the silver river surrounding the woman.

What exactly is this?

Although he didn't know the origin of this long silver river, facing this long silver river, he felt like an ant.

Suddenly, Lu Yun's thoughts moved and he noticed that his own Space-Time Tower Martial Spirit was shaking slightly at this moment.
The aura released by the silver river in front was actually the same as his martial spirit, both of which were the power of time and space.

I saw a picture of silver water droplets appearing in the long river ahead.

Lu Yun suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his heart.

"Could this be the river of time and space?"

After Lu Yun realized the specific origin of this long river, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Little guy, your knowledge is extraordinary. He even knows about the rivers of time and space."


The woman in front said in an unexpected tone after hearing Lu Yun talk about the long river of time and space.

This woman didn't care at all about all this. After all, she was already an invincible existence in this world. No one or thing could shake her state of mind.

Therefore, this woman did not pay attention to Lu Yun. The man in her head was busy exploring the entire Douluo Continent.

After a while, the woman made a slight tap, and the time and space disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, I want to stay in your world for a while."

After a while, the woman said with a smile, and instantly entered the picture scroll without giving Lu Yun any chance to answer.

Then, the entire mysterious painting slowly floated to the surrounding walls and hung on the walls. The entire picture returned to calm again.

When Lu Yun saw this scene, he naturally did not dare to say anything, and at the same time he felt a little distressed.

After all, having such an invincible being in his room was like a time bomb that made him feel uneasy.

But for all this, he had no room to resist, he could only take it one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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