Chapter 37 Continent situation
Due to his own two chaotic level martial souls, he has absorbed a lot of power from the god bones.

Therefore, the power in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi is far less powerful than before.

Even so, many top-notch fairy grasses can be produced, but it takes a long time to mature.

"Pavilion Lord!"

Dugu Bo and Jiuyou respectfully greeted Lu Yun after he woke up.

Seeing Jiuyou after Lu Yun woke up, there was no disturbance in his heart, but Dugu Bo beside him was very shocked.

Take a deep breath and try to calm your mind.

The changes in this scene shocked him beyond measure.

After his perception, he discovered that the age of Lu Yun's first two soul rings had reached 4 years, which was obviously more than 2 years ago.

How could the lifespan of the soul ring be increased?

Although Dugu Bo was full of doubts, he didn't ask Lu Yun.

After some thinking, I probably knew that the increase in the lifespan of the soul ring was also controlled by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

If this guess is true...

Dugu Bo's heart became anxious.

If he is serious about helping the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, doesn't that mean that the lifespan of his soul ring can also be increased in the future.

This made Dugu Bo very pleasantly surprised, as if a huge pie fell on his head.

From now on, Dugu Bo completely regards himself as a member of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and he will work hard for Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

At that time, not only will his soul power be improved, but the lifespan of his soul ring will also increase, and he will even have the legendary 10-year soul ring.

All these good wishes appeared in Dugu Bo's heart.

Lu Yun saw the change in Dugu Bo's eyes, and then nodded slightly.

Everything that happened today has completely shaken Dugu Bo's view of the world. Next, he should concentrate on helping Xingdou Auction Pavilion to do things.

Of course, if it is done well, Lu Yun will not be stingy, and give Dugu Bo something at will, which is enough to benefit him for life.

"Let's go, the trip to Ice and Fire Yin Yang is over, and it's time to go back to organize the auction in a month's time."

After Lu Yun understood what he had gained, he said to Jiuyou beside him that it was time to leave Sunset Forest.

Originally, he came to Binghuo Liangyiyan for two purposes, one was to pick all kinds of mature celestial grasses, which would be used as auction items in the future.

The other is to use the Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot to enhance one's physical strength.

Of course, subduing Dugu Bo was his temporary idea. In the end, this trip was a bumper harvest, and it was time to leave here.

"Dugu Bo, you are responsible for guarding the safety of the Binghuo Liangyiyan. Of course, if you want to go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, you can also, the premise is that you must guarantee the Binghuo Liangyiyan, and no one can step into it."

Lu Yun continued to explain some important matters to Dugu Bo, asking him to protect the safety of Binghuo Liangyiyan.

He knew the means Tang San possessed, and he had the memory of his previous life.

If Dugu Bo leaves the Binghuo Liangyan, maybe Tang San will really take advantage of the loophole and come to the Binghuo Liangyan.

At that time, relying on Tang San's character, wouldn't it be that he wanted to completely wipe out the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes.

This is not what Lu Yun wants to see.

"Yes, Pavilion Master, I will swear to the death to protect the Binghuo Liangyiyan."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo assured with a firm tone.

In order to improve his strength, he must guard the Binghuo Liangyi Eye with all his strength.


"Jiuyou, let's go!"

Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded lightly, followed Jiuyou to leave the Eye of Ice and Fire, and flew towards the Star Dou Forest.

After Lu Yun's figure left, Dugu Bo began to stay in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi as usual.

At this moment, what happened in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is spreading to the entire Douluo Continent at an extremely fast speed.

A new storm is coming.


Spirit Hall!
"Your Majesty, what you said is true, the Star Auction Pavilion really took out a 10-year-old soul bone for auction?"

At this time, in the Pope's Palace, the top powerhouses of the entire Wuhun Temple gathered, and everyone present was all titled Douluo level powerhouses.

If outside forces see this scene, they will definitely be full of disbelief.

After all, they didn't expect that there were so many titled Douluo inside the Spirit Hall, which made people terrified.

The soul master who raised this doubt just now is an elder of the Wuhun Temple, Lingyuan Douluo.

"The Pope is right. The old ghost and I were also there at the time. We saw the Star Dou Auction Pavilion with our own eyes and took out a 10-year-old soul bone for auction."

"The good news worth mentioning is that this 10-year-old soul bone was auctioned off by the Pope."

At this time, Chrysanthemum Douluo gave Lingyuan Douluo a white look, and said in a haughty tone the shocking event that happened today.

Anyway, this 10-year-old soul bone was also auctioned by him, Ju Douluo, who called out the price.

Naturally, he felt extremely proud. He had never seen a 10-year-old soul bone.

Even seeing him once, Ju Douluo was extremely pleasantly surprised.


"Where did this Xingdou Auction Pavilion come from? Why do you have such a big hand, even the top treasure of the Douluo Continent, the 10-year-old soul bone, is put up for auction. It's really inhumane."

Another strong man with the title of Douluo couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this extremely certain news.

10 year spirit bone!

They have never seen it before, who knows that an unknown force, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, actually put it up for auction.

so amazing!

However, the few titled Douluo powerhouses present felt a little regretful. If they had known about it, they would have gone to the Star Auction Pavilion together with His Holiness the Pope to witness the auction of 10-year-old soul bones.

"Generally speaking, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is extremely difficult. Although they only brought out three items this time, all of them are the top treasures of the Douluo Continent."

"The background of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion must be very deep. If we say that this time we are lucky, we were lucky enough to take down this 10-year-old soul bone."

"The 10-year-old soul bone is the top treasure in Douluo Continent, and it is not measured by gold soul coins at all."

After Bibi Dong heard the words of the elders below, she murmured solemnly, but she couldn't help but feel joyful in her heart.

Possessing a hundred thousand soul bone, if she absorbs it, her strength will definitely be greatly improved.

"By the way, Your Majesty, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is offering 10-year-old soul bones for auction, which is a bit strange!"

"If a faction has a 10-year soul bone and wants to keep it for themselves, why would the Star Dou Auction Pavilion exchange some worthless golden soul coins for a 10-year soul bone?"

At this moment, another elder with the title of Douluo came up with his own puzzling thoughts.

The value of a 10-year soul bone is self-evident, and the golden soul coin is something outside the body, why would the Star Dou Auction Pavilion exchange it?

(End of this chapter)

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