Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 38 Light Ling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo

Chapter 38 Light Ling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo

"I'm not very clear either, maybe the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has some ulterior motives, but no matter what, to win this 10-year-old soul bone and pay 8000 million gold soul coins, it's a relatively cost-effective deal."

"When my strength reaches a higher level, all difficulties will be solved."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong was completely puzzled, and didn't know the purpose of Xingdou Auction Pavilion's doing so.

But she didn't say anything at the moment. After her strength improves, all confusions will be solved, and it won't take too long.

However, if Bibi Dong was in charge of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, she definitely would not exchange the golden soul coins for 10-year soul bones.

Today, the main purpose is still to improve her strength. As for this question, one day the real answer will be found.

If Lu Yun heard the discussion of everyone present, he would definitely feel a little helpless.

After all, he didn't want to exchange the golden soul coins for 10-year soul bones.

But for the sake of the follow-up interests of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he was reluctant to part with the child and could not get a wolf.

It is also a very worthwhile plan to use a 10-year-old soul bone to open up the follow-up market of the Star Auction Pavilion.

On the other hand, this 10-year-old soul bone was bought by him for nothing, and he used this 10-year-old soul bone to collect a large number of auction sites.

All in all, Lu Yun is not too bad this time.

For the subsequent 10-year soul bones, Lu Yun will not auction off so few of them, and must severely slaughter the soul masters of Douluo Dalu.

In the eyes of all soul masters, a 10-year soul bone is an unimaginable treasure, and almost no force can resist its temptation. This is where Lu Yun's confidence lies.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will hold another auction in a month's time. Can we go there?"

At this moment, many titled Douluo powerhouses fell into silence, apparently with endless doubts in their hearts.

But since I couldn't get an answer, I had to suppress these thoughts in my heart.

Soon, several people were eager to try one after another, and wanted to go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion one month later.

If you really come across a treasure that suits you, you might as well auction it off. After all, they have accumulated a lot of gold soul coins over the years.

"Yes, but you must remember to hide your identity, and you must not let outside forces discover that you are from the Spirit Hall. We still have to hide our strength at the Spirit Hall."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong thought for a while, and agreed to let more titled Douluo experts go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to participate in the auction.

The Xingdou Auction Pavilion brought out countless treasures, maybe there really are something suitable for many elders.

However, Bibi Dong specially reminded the few people present that they must hide their identities.

The true strength of Wuhundian will not be disclosed to the outside world in a short period of time.

Otherwise, there will be very big disadvantages to the follow-up plan of Wuhundian.

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope!"

After hearing Bibi Dong's agreement, many titled Douluo experts all smiled.

At the same time, a little thought came into their hearts. They would definitely try their best to collect gold soul coins in the next month.

After a month of striving, take a treasure that is useful to them!
In the end, Bibi Dong continued to explain some things, and let Ju Douluo and others leave.

She is going to start absorbing this 10-year-old soul bone, and she also wants to see what kind of soul bone skills this soul bone will bring her.


In the depths of the Spirit Hall.

Worship Hall.

Inside a resplendent and resplendent hall, from time to time there was a powerful Title Douluo aura, making the surrounding space tremble slightly.

In this splendid hall, there are seven soul masters standing.

Carefully feel the coercion emanating from these people, all of them are Title Douluo above level 95.

These seven people are the real foundation of Wuhundian, and they are also the most powerful existence in the whole Wuhundian.

"What do you think about this matter?"

The leader was a middle-aged man, with long golden hair fluttering in the wind, exuding a strong angelic light all over his body.

This man is one of the three extreme Douluo in the Douluo Continent, known as Qian Daoliu who is invincible in the sky.

He is the real controller of the Spirit Hall. Although Qian Daoliu has been practicing in seclusion, he still found out through his eyeliner that Bibi Dong had obtained a 10-year-old soul bone today.

Originally, Qian Daoliu didn't care about this matter, and felt that it was no big deal.

But it made him think of a deeper problem. It is definitely not simple for a force to put up a 10-year-old soul bone for auction.

On the other hand, Bibi Dong obtained a 10-year-old soul bone, and her strength will definitely increase by then, and perhaps her prestige in the Spirit Hall will rise to a higher level.

If Bibi Dong were allowed to truly rule the Spirit Hall, it would be terrible.

"Great offering, I think we'd better go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion next month to see their true background."

"A 10-year spirit bone is extremely precious. Even we don't have such a spirit bone. But that woman Bibi Dong has absorbed a 10-year spirit bone. Her strength must far surpass ours. We can't sit still and wait for death."

"If the background of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really so deep, we may be able to get some benefits from it."

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire palace fell into silence, and soon another middle-aged man spoke.

This man's muscles bulged, and he also exuded a powerful pinnacle Douluo aura. This man was the second enshrined in the hall of worship, Golden Crocodile Douluo.

He is a peak Douluo at level 98, and his martial soul is the top beast martial soul: Golden Crocodile King.

It can be said that in the worship hall, the strength of the golden crocodile is second only to Qian Daoliu.

"What the second priest said is indeed very reasonable. Maybe we really need to go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

"We old guys have been here for many years, and we haven't left here. It's time to see the outside world."

At this moment, another priest agreed with the idea of ​​the golden crocodile very much.

Whether this unknown Star Dou Auction Pavilion can threaten their Wuhun Palace to dominate the mainland.

For this hidden danger, we still need to investigate clearly.

Of course, the main purpose is to see what kind of auction items will be presented in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in a month's time.

Maybe they can also auction off the treasure and improve part of their strength.

They knew that woman Bibi Dong was very ambitious, and it might not be long before she would stretch out her demonic claws to them.

The top priority is absolutely not to let Bibi Dong succeed.

"In that case, do as you say."

"Guangling, Qingluan, I will entrust you two with this task. You must remember to find out the real background of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion for me."

"Your main purpose is to monitor Bibi Dong, lest she make any deal with the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

Qian Daoliu then ordered Guangling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo to go to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion a month later.

(End of this chapter)

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