Chapter 39 The Haotian School Moves Out

Guangling Douluo is the fifth enshrinement in the hall of worship, and his soul power level is at level 96.

And Qingluan Douluo is the third enshrinement in the hall of worship, with a soul power level of 97.

The strength of the two of them belonged to the top level in the enshrining hall, so Qian Daoliu was more at ease when he sent them to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"Follow the orders of the Great Priest!"

After hearing Qian Daoliu's order, Guangling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo nodded respectfully.

He secretly decided in his heart that he must thoroughly investigate the background and combat power of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

With the strength of the two of them, even if they encounter an enemy, they can escape safely.

As for the rest of the priests, although they also wanted to go to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, due to Qian Daoliu's order, they could only stay in the worship hall obediently.

The safety of Wuhundian still needs their protection.

This time let Guangling Douluo and Qingluan Douluo go together.


Haotian Sect!
Between a cliff, a group of figures quickly shuttled through it, flying towards the top of the mountain.

When these figures arrived at their destination, there was a huge building in front of them that was poured like iron and stone, and it was filled with a heavy momentum.

This resident is the original No. [-] sect in Douluo Continent: Haotianzong.

It's just that due to the suppression of Wuhundian, the sect had to be closed and fell into a state of seclusion.

In the past few days, the disciples of the Haotian School who were outside naturally also heard the rumors about the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and all rushed towards the Haotian School.

He planned to report this earth-shattering event to the suzerain so as to deal with the situation in Douluo Continent.

Everyone in Douluo Continent has a hunch in their hearts that the arrival of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion may really disrupt the current peaceful situation.

The major forces have fallen into a strange situation, and if there is a little carelessness, there will be a war that will spread to the entire Douluo Continent.

In this way, after several disciples who were away arrived at the Clear Sky School, they met the suzerain Tang Xiao and several other elders.

He told Tang Xiao and the others verbatim of the news they had heard from the outside world.

"Are you sure the news is true?"

Tang Xiao heard a series of things about the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, especially the 10-year-old soul bone.

Unable to keep calm anymore, he stood up suddenly and stared at the disciples of the Haotian School in front of him with serious eyes.

"Sovereign Master, what you said is true. The big event that happened in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion has spread throughout the Douluo Continent. I believe that in a few days, almost everyone will know about it."

Afterwards, the disciple below repeated in a solemn tone that what he said was true.

After all, he didn't dare to report this earth-shattering event to the suzerain before he had investigated it clearly.

"This is trouble!"

After a while, Tang Xiao calmed down his restless mood, sat on the chair, and frowned, feeling a little embarrassed about the situation.

"Elders, what do you think about this matter?"

Tang Xiao couldn't make up his mind for the time being, so he could only cast his eyes on the elders beside him.

I hope they can give some good suggestions, after all the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really too mysterious.

Although their Haotianzong is now in a state of seclusion, they do not participate in the disputes in the Douluo Continent.

But the appearance of Star Dou Auction Pavilion will definitely disrupt all their previous plans.

"As for whether it's true or not, we'll just go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in a month's time."

At this moment, the seventh elder with a fiery temper immediately expressed his intention to go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to lie down.

"This method doesn't seem to work. As we all know, our Clear Sky School has announced the closure of the mountain gate. If we re-enter the Douluo Continent for no reason, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of other forces."

"What's more, there is the Hall of Spirits watching us all the time, we can't let go, and we absolutely can't go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion with great fanfare."

The Second Elder at the side immediately refuted the Seventh Elder's opinion.

After all, if they left Clear Sky School hastily, perhaps the Spirit Hall would attack again, and the disciples of Clear Sky School would suffer an unprecedented blow.

"Hmph, what is there to be afraid of in Wuhundian, the worst is to fight to the death with them."

At this time, after the Seventh Elder heard about the Wuhun Palace, his eyes burst into flames and he slammed on the table.

His tone was full of hatred for Wuhundian, and he wanted to fight Wuhundian to tell the difference between life and death.

"Old Seven, calm down."

Seeing the seventh elder who was on the verge of getting angry, the second elder snorted coldly to calm him down.

This matter needs to be considered, Spirit Hall is in full swing, and after so many years of cultivation, their Clear Sky School is not as strong as before, it is impossible to head-to-head with Spirit Hall.

If a war is really launched, their Haotian School will definitely suffer another unprecedented heavy blow.

"Then what do you say?"

After a while, the Seventh Elder tried his best to calm down his anger, and asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"Xingdou Auction Pavilion, our Clear Sky School must go, but we have to go secretly. If so, Second Elder, this trip will trouble you."

"Second Elder, you should choose two disciples from the sect to go to the Star Auction Pavilion with you."

"When the time comes, you need to hide your identities, and remember not to use the Clear Sky Hammer spirit. In this way, no matter how powerful the Spirit Hall is, it won't be able to find out that our Clear Sky School violated the original oath."

After a long time, Tang Xiao came up with an idea.

Since they, Haotianzong, can't leave here without authorization, then they will secretly go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

How to put it, the second elder is also a titled Douluo powerhouse, and this time he went to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

As long as the Haotian Hammer is not exposed, there is a great deal of confidence, and it is not necessary to be discovered by the Spirit Hall.

"Since you have decided, suzerain, I can only go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion."

The Second Elder frowned upon hearing Tang Xiao's words, and immediately took over the task.

The degree of mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion made it impossible for the Haotian School to predict.

Hao Tianzong wanted to gain a firm foothold in the next situation, so he had to go to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Who is the sacred Star Auction Pavilion that can stir up the situation in the mainland?
"Since that's the case, then this matter is settled."

Seeing that the Seventh Elder wanted to continue talking, Tang Xiao immediately interrupted him.

You don't need to think about it to know that the Seventh Elder wants to leave Haotian School.

If he is allowed to lead the team, it will inevitably cause conflicts with Wuhundian. After all, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

It was still the second elder, who was extraordinarily prudent, leading the sect disciples to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.


In this way, the situation in the mainland gradually rose, and the major forces began to fall into a period of calm.

Those who had actually participated in the first auction began to collect a large amount of gold soul coins from the entire faction in a short period of time, preparing to participate in the auction in a month's time.

The three previous auction items shocked them all. The major powers would absolutely not allow other treasures to slip out of their hands at the auction a month later.

(End of this chapter)

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