Chapter 71
"Who are you? How could this kind of martial soul become your human martial soul!"

"And your soul ring configuration, the first few soul rings have reached the ten thousand year level, how is that possible?"

At this moment, after Zi Ji felt the coercion of Jiuyou's martial spirit, her huge body sank slightly.

Moreover, the power of the dragon bloodline also stagnated slightly at this moment.

It is enough to imagine that the coercion of the Nine Nether Martial Soul has caused a full sense of oppression to her dragon blood.

But her strength at this time could not be used to [-]% at all, which caused a storm in Zi Ji's heart.

She is the top dragon clan among soul beasts, and the power of her bloodlines is the most advanced existence in the Douluo Continent.

Generally speaking, very few soul masters and soul beasts can beat her within the bloodline.

But the human soul master in front of her has prevented her own dragon blood from functioning just by relying on the coercion of her martial soul. How could Zi Ji not be shocked by this?

What shocked her the most was that the nine soul rings on Jiuyou's body were full of dazzling colors.

Although she doesn't know the current human soul masters, according to the weak physique of human soul masters, it is of course impossible to achieve such a soul ring configuration.

All these doubts emerged in Zi Ji's heart, which made her unable to recover for a short time.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
Why did she sleep for thousands of years, and why did such an unknown top powerhouse appear among human soul masters?
"This seat is the protector of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. You have destroyed this area without authorization, and you still refuse to leave. Under the order of the pavilion master, I will take you back and wait for your punishment."

Jiuyou, who was surrounded by a black dragon, looked at Ziji with serious eyes, an unprecedented solemnity appeared on her face.

She tried to persuade Zi Ji not to leave before, but resisted so late, so don't blame him for being merciless today.

"Sixth Soul Skill: Nether Chain."

The sixth black soul ring on Jiuyou's body suddenly released a strong light.

Wisps of ghost power emerged from the right hand, forming chains, breaking through the space in an instant, and flying towards Ziji in front.

Use these chains to completely restrain Zi Ji's actions, and finally hand it over to his cabinet master.

"not good!"

At this moment, Zi Ji noticed several chains approaching rapidly, mixed with terrifying ghost power, which made her feel a sharp sense of crisis in her heart.

She knew that the human soul master in front of her was absolutely invincible, swinging the huge dragon body, she wanted to escape from this place.

Absolutely can't go head-to-head with this human soul master!

This made her realize that she couldn't help being a little annoyed by the situation she was facing next, and she should have left this place if she knew it earlier.

But as a fierce beast, she naturally has her arrogance, and it is impossible for her to return to the lake of life in disgrace just because of a word from a human soul master.

"You are a bit too naive to want to escape with my sixth soul ability."

Seeing that Ziji wanted to escape desperately, Jiuyou snorted coldly, clenched his right fist, and continued to increase the power of the nether world.

The new chain broke through the space, flew towards Zi Ji's direction in an instant, and entangled Zi Ji's whole body in the blink of an eye.

Zi Ji in front was restrained by the powerful Nether Force, which prevented her dragon blood from functioning and restricted her flying ability.


Finally, it fell heavily to the ground, unable to move for half a minute.

"Damn, who are you? Don't you know who I am?"

"If you dare to hurt me, your place will be razed to the ground."

The imprisoned Ziji's face became ugly, and at the same time, a flash of fear flashed in her heart.

He really didn't expect that the human soul master in front of him would be so strong, and it would be useless to run away with all his strength.

However, Zi Ji was not a ferocious beast waiting to die, and then continued to threaten Jiuyou.

While speaking, his right hand shook slightly, and a ray of purple light flew towards the distance in an instant, intending to tell Di Tian what happened here.

If the delay continues, her life may really be lost.

But at this time, the innocent Ziji thought that Jiuyou didn't see her public release of the news, but she was completely wrong.

Jiuyou saw everything Ziji did, but he didn't stop it.

It happened to find out the mastermind behind this operation and get rid of it so that the pavilion master wouldn't worry about it.


Lake of life.

A ray of purple light cut through the sky and suddenly entered the lake of life without any waves.

Penetrate everything, and finally fall into the different space at the bottom of the lake of life.


"Zi Ji's breath?"

Ditian and the others were naturally aware of the arrival of this message, and after seeing the content of the message clearly, Ditian became very puzzled.

But there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Ditian, what happened, why did Ziji send you a message at this time?"

At this moment, after seeing this situation and the change in Di Tian's face, Bi Ji asked in a soft voice.

With Zi Ji's strength, it shouldn't take too long to resolve this dispute.

Logically speaking, Zi Ji at this time should have brought those two new beasts back to the Lake of Life.

But why haven't you come back yet?A message came back.

"Zi Ji's current situation is not much better. I didn't expect that there would be a powerful human soul master who trapped her in place and had no choice but to spread the news."

With a serious tone, Di Tian told all the beasts present about Zi Ji's entrapment all the time.

After a while, his face became extremely indifferent, human soul masters really deserve to die.

However, Di Tian knew Zi Ji's strength, even if he was a super Douluo among human beings, he would not be Zi Ji's opponent.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, he hadn't sensed any Title Douluo's aura before.

And those two newly promoted beasts, even if they attack together, they can't do anything to Zi Ji at all.

But the occurrence of all these things was full of weirdness, which made Ditian fall into doubts.

"What! Zi Ji was trapped by a human soul master? How is this possible?"


As soon as Ditian's words fell, all the beasts present reacted in the same way.

The first time I was full of disbelief!

Of course they knew Zi Ji's strength, they never thought that they were trapped by a human soul master now, no matter how they thought about it, they felt too weird.

"In that case, let me go and see how far human soul masters have developed, and rely on a human soul master to trap Zi Ji here."

The hearts of every ferocious beast could not be calm, at this moment Di Tian immediately revealed his plan.

He wanted to see who was the titled Douluo powerhouse who forced Zi Ji into such a situation.

If necessary, Di Tian must act!
Human soul masters have more and more top-notch combat power. If this continues, it will be more and more difficult for their soul beast clan to survive.

For such a strong person, Ditian was unwilling to let him leave the Star Dou Forest alive.

With the loss of a top expert among the human soul masters, the situation of their soul beast clan will become much easier.

(End of this chapter)

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