Chapter 72

"Ditian, do you want us to go with you?"

At this moment, several other ferocious beasts also wanted to accompany Ditian to meet the human soul master who trapped Ziji.

Who is it that has such a powerful strength?

This person will definitely be a threat from the soul beast clan in the future, so the beasts present have the same idea as Di Tian.

Absolutely not let that human soul master leave the Star Dou Forest alive.

"No need, I'll go by myself, you can guard the Lord with peace of mind, and remember not to let other dangers approach."

Hearing this, Di Tian casually waved his hand and said, dispelling everyone's thoughts.

He wanted to go alone to meet that mysterious human soul master for a while.

After all, the safety of the lord is equally important, so the remaining beasts are left to guard the lord.

The rest of the beasts nodded slightly upon hearing Ditian's order, and began to stay where they were.

But Di Tian suddenly turned into a black streamer, disappeared in place instantly, and flew towards the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest.

At this time, Jiuyou was suspended in mid-air, looking indifferently at the trapped Ziji ahead.

Looking into the distance, he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming, and a solemn look flashed in Jiuyou's eyes.

"finally come!"

At this moment, Jiuyou stared into the distance, and spoke in a serious tone.

In an instant, a stronger coercion enveloped the entire area, but everyone in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion did not notice this coercion.

No matter how powerful the coercion is, as long as it gets close to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, it will disappear immediately.

"How can this spirit beast coercion be so powerful!"

"Why are there so many soul beasts with high ages in the Star Dou Great Forest, and where are they hiding?"

After the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape felt the coercion like heaven and earth, everyone seemed to have a mountain on their backs, and it was difficult to breathe.

He had to use all the soul power in his body to barely resist this horrified breath of a soul beast.

Even so, the throbbing in their blood was something they couldn't ignore.

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape realized that the incoming person might be the hidden top powerhouse among the soul beasts.

Afterwards, they looked at Jiuyou who was standing in the air beside him, solemn expressions appeared in their eyes.

I don't know if Jiuyou can deal with this coming beast.

"Are you the human soul master who defeated Ziji?"

In the blink of an eye, there was a sound of space shattering, and darkness struck, and a black-robed man appeared in front of Jiuyou.

This man is Di Tian who came from the Lake of Life.

However, Ditian noticed Jiuyou and realized how naive his previous thoughts were.

For some reason, he actually sensed a deadly threat from the human soul master in front of him.

How is this possible?
You know, he is a fierce beast with nearly 80 years, even if the ultimate douluo powerhouse is in front of him, he doesn't have any presumptuous capital.

But the human soul master in front of him gave him a full sense of threat.

Ditian didn't understand which human force he came from.

"You sent your subordinates without authorization to disturb our pavilion master's retreat, and you want to leave here in such a safe and sound way, how can you say that it is unreasonable?"

After seeing Ditian's figure, Jiuyou's expression became extremely vigilant, and his indifferent tone reached Ditian's ears.

It is simply impossible to take Ziji away safe and sound.

If you don't pay any price, the future Star Dou Auction Pavilion will let you come and go as you please.

"Hmph, it seems that you misunderstood, the Star Dou Forest is the area where soul beasts live, and you human soul masters stay here without authorization, can this be justified?"

Di Tian looked at Zi Ji who was struggling behind her, and the next moment the ultimate power of darkness surged in his palm.

The violent power violently acted on the chains on Ziji's body.


Under Ditian's power, the black chains crumbled into pieces one after another.

The free Ziji immediately came behind Ditian, feeling relieved.

With Ditian here, her life was finally saved, but she never expected that the human soul master in front of her would be so terrifying.

"Are you from Star Dou Auction Pavilion?"

At this moment, Di Tian's eyes fell on the Xingdou Auction Pavilion behind Jiuyou, and after seeing the name on the plaque, he probably understood the origin of this mysterious human soul master.

Seeing this, this made Ditian fall into complete confusion, shouldn't the ruler of Douluo Continent now be Wuhundian?

And where did this Star Dou Auction Pavilion come from?
How dare they put their station in the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest? Are they courting death?Or challenge the majesty of their soul beast clan?

"This place is the territory of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. Before the auction starts, no soul beasts or soul masters are allowed to enter it without permission."

"Offenders will be killed without mercy."

Jiuyou's icy tone spread throughout the area, without giving Ditian any face.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion naturally has rules, generally speaking, only during the auction period of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, soul masters or soul beasts are allowed to come to this area.

In normal times, no one is allowed to make trouble here without the permission of Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

But Ziji violated the rules of Xingdou Auction Pavilion today, so naturally he would not let her go easily.

"Really? Then I also want to see how strong you are, and whether it can become your arrogant capital?"

After hearing Jiuyou's unfriendly tone, Ditian's face became extremely ugly.

He is the beast god of the soul beast family, which soul beast is not respectful to him.

But this lifeless human soul master in front of him contradicted him again and again.

Ditian didn't intend to let the human soul master in front of him go, even though Jiuyou gave him a full sense of threat, but this is the Star Dou Forest, the home of soul beasts.

Ditian's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the ultimate power of darkness struck, everything died out, and the sun in the sky was blocked.

The area where the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was located was completely plunged into endless darkness.

"You two go back to the Star Auction Pavilion first."

Jiuyou noticed that everything around him was shrouded by the power of extreme darkness, and he couldn't see a ray of light, so his expression finally became serious.

With a wave of his hand, the majestic force instantly transported the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape to the interior of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Next, he intends to use his full strength, and the destructive power he will eventually cause is unimaginable.

Even with the beast-level bodies of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, they couldn't bear it.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Nether Dragon Avatar!"

When the two ferocious beasts returned to the interior of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, the Nether Dragon Martial Soul in Jiuyou's right hand immediately released the earth-shattering power of Nether.

(End of this chapter)

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