Chapter 73 Shrek Academy

Seeing this force, the surrounding dark forces fled in all directions, as if a mouse had seen a cat.

It can also be seen from this that the power of the nether world is much stronger than the power of darkness.

Jiuyou's aura became deeper and stronger when he used his martial soul avatar, and seemed to swallow everything up. In hell, everything retreated.

"Huh? What kind of power are you using that can push back my extreme dark power?"

"After sleeping for so many years, I finally met a decent opponent. I hope you won't let me down next time."

At this moment, Di Tian, ​​who was fused into the darkness, noticed that the extreme dark power he had unleashed was forced back by an unknown force, and he couldn't get even half of Jiuyou's body.

The occurrence of this situation made Ditian's pupils constrict, he was very shocked, what was going on.

If there is no accident, it may be that Jiuyou's power level is too high, and even his extreme dark power can't hurt him.

Di Tian became very serious. It seemed that this human soul master was more terrifying than he had imagined.

The next moment, Ditian's right hand was in the shape of a claw, and the explosive power of the dragon soul burst out, probing forward, the terrifying force broke through the space, and pointed directly at Jiuyou's eyebrows.

Jiuyou remained very vigilant, the power of Netherworld and Martial Soul gathered in his right fist, and blasted forward without any fear.

"Bang bang bang!"

From the moment the two attacks collided, an aura that destroyed everything burst out.

The powerful counter-shock directly knocked them back, Jiuyou retreated dozens of steps, while Di Tian was only moved back five steps.

"Your physical strength really impresses me!"

"It can be said that among human soul masters, you are the first soul master who can equal my strength in strength."

Although Di Tian had a slight advantage in the first attack, but even so, Di Tian's heart became extremely dignified.

You must know that he is a soul beast with the blood of the dragon clan, and his own power is incomprehensible.

The human soul master in front of him also relied on his own strength, and he was even as good as him.

It is enough to see that the human soul master in front of him has a very strong physical body.

Originally, Ditian thought that in terms of physical body, he could completely defeat Jiuyou, but it is a pity that he was too naive when this scene happened.

This human soul master's physical body is so perverted, if coupled with his soul skills, Di Tian is not absolutely sure that he can defeat this human soul master.

Nowadays, the growth rate of human soul masters is many times faster than that of soul beasts.

Thinking of this, Di Tian's face became extremely angry, and lamented the injustice of the God Realm, why the soul beasts had to face the situation of being oppressed by the soul master.


Although Jiuyou was repelled, there was no expression on his face, instead, he was eager to try.

Raising his fist, he jumped up, the power of the martial soul gathered in his right fist, and blasted towards Ditian in front of him.

Ditian used the power of the soul beast without any fear, and confronted Jiuyou.

Just like that, Ditian and Jiuyou began to fight, and the scene created was countless times larger than before.

All the things within a radius of a hundred miles turned into nothingness one after another, only the Xingdou Auction Pavilion still stood in place without any damage.

Zi Ji felt the aura emanating from the two, and immediately left the range in fright.

If she was in the middle of the two attacks, she would not be able to bear it just by relying on the escaping breath, and she would be seriously injured.

This made Zi Ji feel a trace of fear from the bottom of her heart, she never thought that the strength of that man before was actually comparable to Di Tian.

so horrible!

Fortunately, that human soul master had no intention of killing her.

Otherwise, she really might not be able to live until now.


Shrek Academy.

"Rongrong, I don't know if you came home suddenly, what's the matter?"

On the square of Shrek Academy, stood seven boys and girls.

One of the bearded teenagers looked extremely mature, like an uncle.

This person is Oscar from Douluo Dalu, who possesses a food-type martial soul with innate full soul power.

The opposite of Oscar is Ning Rongrong who rushed back to Shrek Academy from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"It's nothing, the main thing is that my father suddenly called me home!"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong shook his head secretly and said.

"By the way, Rongrong, I wonder if your father told you what is going on with the soul power of the mainland?"

Oscar seemed to have endless words, and kept chatting with Ning Rongrong.

Suddenly, Oscar thought of something, and asked Ning Rongrong with a solemn face.

Now the concentration of soul power in Douluo Continent has increased by a hundred times. Although they are also aware of this situation, their dean, Mr. Zhao, does not know what is going on.

Who changed the concentration of soul power in Douluo Dalu?

No matter how they guessed, they couldn't guess it. Presumably only Ning Rongrong's father, or the two titled Douluo experts from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, could know some inside stories.

As soon as Oscar's words fell, the other five people also had doubts on their faces.

Especially Tang San among them, he felt the changes in Douluo Dalu very clearly.

Tang San was completely shocked by the soul master or soul beast that caused Douluo's transformation.

After all, the existence of the power that can change the world may have reached the legendary god-level realm.

"Oh, what are you talking about, my father said that the reason why the concentration of Douluo Continent's soul power changed is because of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion."

Ning Rongrong directly told about the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

After all, this matter is not a secret to the soul masters of Douluo Dalu.

The Star Dou Auction Pavilion exists, and almost everyone in Douluo Dalu seems to know it very well, so it is not worth hiding.


"Rongrong, you said that changing the concentration of Douluo Continent's soul power was done by Xingdou Auction Pavilion?"

After Tang San heard the familiar name of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, he immediately walked to Ning Rongrong's side in a hurry, with a dignified look on his face.

He heard the mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion more than once.

Even the 10-year-old soul bones are put up for auction, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really too mysterious and powerful.

Now that the concentration of soul power in Douluo Continent has increased, it is actually inseparable from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

This made Tang San impatient to know, who is the sacred Xingdou Auction Pavilion?
"That's right, the forces that participated in the auction last time knew it well, it was the news revealed by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, let us seize this opportunity."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong nodded lightly, confirming again and again that this matter is true.

"By the way, I have another treasure for you, which is also passed down from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion."

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong thought of something, and said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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