Chapter 86 Purple Long Sword
Sure enough, as expected.

After hearing the heaven-defying effect of these five talismans, almost all the soul masters could no longer keep calm.

Never thought that there is such a powerful killing intent in these talismans.

The fact that only one talisman can seriously injure a Titled Douluo level powerhouse shocked everyone.

In the eyes of many soul masters, Titled Douluo is a symbol of invincibility.

But he didn't expect that this simple piece of paper could reach the level of seriously injuring a Titled Douluo.

Of course, what surprised them the most was that these five talismans were combined into one, and the deadly force released could seriously injure the ultimate Douluo powerhouse.

Limit Douluo, but the group of people who are closest to God.

But it still couldn't withstand the combined attack of these five talismans.

Suddenly, everyone had a strong idea in their hearts that these five talismans must be taken down.

Although these talismans are only disposable items, the power that erupts in the end is enough to ensure the safety of the sect.

If other forces have to know that they have these five talismans.

Which title Douluo powerhouse can disregard his own life to attack the forces they belong to?
So, this is also a guarantee.

"These five talismans are put together for auction at the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. The first auction price for these five talismans is [-] soul crystals."

Afterwards, Xuanshuang announced the first auction price of these five talismans, which was the same as the first auction price of the previous puppet.

On the whole, the functions of these five talismans are no more precious than that puppet, but these five talismans are also very magical, and they are extremely heaven-defying treasures.

In some respects, the value of these five talismans is much higher than that of the previous puppet.

"Twenty thousand soul crystals!"

One of the forces was the first to call out the price, with a tone full of impatience, wanting to auction off the five talismans immediately.

"Take these five talismans!"

After Bibi Dong got the heaven-defying effect of these five talismans, she said to Ju Douluo and others beside her with the same tone of urgency.

In any case, these five talismans should be auctioned off.

Even she felt extremely looking forward to the power of these five talismans in one.

With these five talismans, Wuhundian is equivalent to having a powerful hole card, so Bibi Dong was moved by this treasure.

"Your Majesty the Pope, did you auction off these five talismans regardless of the price, but we have already auctioned off a puppet."

"If these five talismans are auctioned off again, the soul crystals paid will be countless, and the soul crystals we brought this time are not many."

Hearing this, Ju Douluo fell into silence, and then asked Bibi Dong worriedly.

In his heart, these five talismans are indeed very precious treasures, but the auction of a puppet has already cost [-] soul crystals.

Not surprisingly, the final transaction price of these five talismans was also extremely heaven-defying.

If it is auctioned off again, it may not be eligible for subsequent auctions.

"Continue the auction. If it really exceeds our expectations, we can only give up these five talismans."

As soon as Ju Douluo's words fell, Bibi Dong woke up instantly.


Their Spirit Hall had already spent one hundred thousand soul crystals this time, and Bibi Dong had a premonition in her heart that the transaction price of these five talismans would not be much lower than that of the last puppet.

So for the follow-up auction, Bibi Dong had no choice but to temporarily set an expected price.

If it exceeds this expectation, their Spirit Hall can only decisively give up these five talismans.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope."

After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Ju Douluo began to participate in the competition.

In this way, the rest of the forces competed with each other, wanting to get these five extremely heaven-defying talismans, and leave a life-saving thing for their forces.

"Sixty thousand soul crystals!"

At this moment, His Majesty Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire immediately called out the super high price of [-] soul crystals.

His Majesty Xue Ye stared at the five talismans in front of Xuanshuang with bright eyes, and clenched his fists beside him, symbolizing the excitement in his heart.

He also didn't expect that in addition to the last puppet, these five talismans would be able to unleash an attack that would seriously injure a Titled Douluo level powerhouse.

If the Heaven Dou Empire auctions it off, it will be equivalent to having five hole cards. As for the Ultimate Douluo powerhouse, His Majesty Xue Ye has not considered it for the time being.

If ordinary titled Douluo powerhouses attacked the Heaven Dou Empire, they would have five chances to save their lives.

The last puppet, the Heaven Dou Empire, had already missed them, so he was bound to get these five talismans.

Even if he missed the subsequent auction, His Majesty Xue Ye would still take these five talismans.

"Sixty-five thousand soul crystals!"

Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School continued to increase the price, and he was also full of curiosity about these five talismans.

However, Ning Fengzhi's idea is different from others, he intends to use these five talismans to study the specific production method.

At that time, their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will produce a steady stream of talismans, and the prestige of the sect will rise to a higher level by then.

The power that these five talismans finally erupted still made Ning Fengzhi and the others extremely excited.

Within his expected price, he still hopes to auction off these five talismans.

If Lu Yun knew Ning Fengzhi's thoughts, he would definitely smile lightly.

Even if Ning Fengzhi had a hundred years to study these five talismans, it would be impossible for him to research anything.

"How... how were these five talismans made? The energy contained in them really shocked me."

"Sure enough, human soul masters are a unique race. They can even make such magical talismans. I don't know if there will be a place for the soul beasts in the future Douluo Continent?"

After Di Tian and the group of beasts felt the energy contained in the five talismans, they all murmured with desolate expressions.

Among the auction items released by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, which one is not the most precious treasure in the world?
Most of the auction items are beneficial to human soul masters.

Their soul beast clan has yet to find a suitable treasure that can be used to improve the overall strength of their soul beasts.

Di Tian and the others felt a bit of fear in their hearts. If it continues like this, human soul masters will keep getting top-notch treasures from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

In the future, their soul beast clan will really have no place on the Douluo Continent.

Just like that, Di Tian and the other vicious beasts that shocked the mainland all showed a look of loneliness, hoping that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion could provide some treasures that would benefit their soul beast clan.

But it is obviously unrealistic, the people inside the Star Dou Auction Pavilion are almost all human soul masters.

Is there any reason to willingly provide treasures to their soul beast clan?

Lu Yun, who was on the third floor of the Star Auction Pavilion, looked at the auction below with great interest.


Suddenly noticing the disappointed expressions of Ditian and the others, he suddenly remembered this auction and the previous two auctions, and an idea came to his mind.

It seems that there are really no auction items useful for soul beasts.

There are two races in Douluo Continent, soul masters and soul beasts, and almost all the treasures he auctioned these few times are beneficial to human soul masters.

For soul beasts, there is really no auction item suitable for them.

Lu Yun knew that there were countless soul beasts in the Douluo Continent. If they took out their favorite treasures, there would be huge auction sites pouring into his pockets.

At this time, an idea emerged in Lu Yun's mind. It seems that the next auction is also time to take out some treasures that are beneficial to soul beasts and auction them.

The reason why Lu Yun did this was naturally due to his considerations.

Earning auction points is just one aspect.

On the other hand, the balance of the Douluo Continent cannot be broken. If we blindly help human soul masters improve their strength, the soul beast clan will gradually become extinct.

In less than ten years, the soul beasts in Douluo Dalu will be hunted and exterminated by human soul masters. After all, every soul master needs to absorb a soul ring to improve their strength.

Lu Yun remembered this serious problem. It seems that he will balance the strength of the soul beast family in the future, and he must not let this happen.

After a long time, Lu Yun cleared the messy thoughts in his mind and continued to watch the next auction.

"Eighty thousand soul crystals."

At this moment, His Majesty Xue Ye saw the price soaring all the way, soon surpassing all the soul crystals he brought.

As a result, an unclear look flashed across His Majesty Xue Ye's eyes, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and directly called out [-] soul crystals.

His Majesty Xue Ye had an idea in his heart, he wanted to take a gamble that no one would continue to increase the price.

The soul crystals he brought this time were only [-].

If the price increases little by little, it will inevitably exceed the number of soul crystals in his body at that time. For the outcome at this moment, His Majesty Xue Ye chose to take a gamble.

He raised the price by [-] soul crystals at once, and most of the forces should have no idea to continue to increase the price.

However, this bet has a great possibility to fail, but for the sake of the future of the Heaven Dou Empire, His Majesty Xue Ye had to do this.

As soon as His Majesty Xue Ye's price came out, he immediately probed the outside world with his mental power, wanting to see if there was any force to continue to increase the price.

At this time, His Majesty Xue Ye was extremely anxious, and no one could predict what would happen next.

Most of the forces were dumbfounded when they heard this price. They had never heard of it, and the price was increased by [-] soul crystals at once.

This price increase is really outrageous.

Individual forces chose to withdraw from this competition, and [-] soul crystals are really too many.

They don't have so many soul crystals to participate in the competition.

Among them, the main force in the competition is Wuhundian and Qibao Liulizong. At this time, these two forces are showing a thoughtful expression.

Although these five talismans contain powerful attacks, they are only disposable items.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Wuhun Palace have top experts, so if there are five talismans, but obtaining them can also increase the sect's heritage.

The [-] soul crystals really exceeded their expected price, so they had no choice but to give up the five talismans secretly.

Keep more soul crystals and auction off subsequent treasures.

As we all know, the subsequent auction items are worth countless times more precious than the previous auction items.

After His Majesty Xue Ye noticed the atmosphere in the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion, his breathing became short of breath.

Soon after seeing that everyone did not continue to bid, His Majesty Xue Ye let out a long sigh of relief.

The whole person still didn't dare to relax, fearing that some force would continue to increase the price suddenly, until Xuanshuang said a word, which completely relieved His Majesty Xue Ye's heart.

"Eighty thousand soul crystals once!"

"Eighty thousand soul crystals twice!"

"Eighty thousand soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one raised the price, these five talismans will eventually belong to the NO.15 box."

The atmosphere of the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion fell into silence. After Xuanshuang checked again and again, she found that no one continued to increase the price.

Announcing these five talismans, they were taken in box No. 15, which is the box where His Majesty Xue Ye is.

"It's finally here!"

After Xuanshuang confirmed the ownership of these five talismans, His Majesty Xue Ye felt relieved.

This competition was so fierce, it was even more stressful than the powerful soul masters he faced before.

The end result is very satisfying!
Fortunately, the other forces did not continue to increase the price, and these five talismans were obtained by their Heaven Dou Empire.

His Majesty Xue Ye couldn't wait to hand over the soul crystal to Xuanshuang, and he got the five talismans as he wished.

Carefully put it away, this is the future of the Heaven Dou Empire, there must be no mistakes.

"The third auction item is over, please watch the fourth auction item next."

Xuanshuang announced that the auction of these five talismans was completely over, and began to announce the true face of the fourth auction item.

Xuanshuang waved his big hand, and the void in front of him rippled.

A purple long sword was floating in front of Xuanshuang. The sword was filled with terrifying thunder and lightning, flashing with astonishing explosive power.

On the hilt of the sword, however, a shrunken version of the Thunder Dragon was engraved, bursting out with a powerful aura.

The entire sword body looked like a big killer, and the surrounding space began to vibrate slightly because of the existence of this long sword.

"The fourth auction item turned out to be a sword, but what is the origin of this parallel sword? Why is it filled with such amazing lightning, and it contains violent killing intent."

"Indeed, this purple long sword gave me a deadly sense of crisis, but this sword doesn't seem to belong to a soul tool. On the whole, it looks like a newly forged thing. Could it be that this forging method is also a star weapon? Unique to the auction house?"


After seeing the purple long sword in front of Xuanshuang, all the soul masters felt the power of violent thunder and lightning contained in it, as well as the frightening aura, they made surprise voices one after another.

Of course, there are also some soul masters who know about soul tools, and there are voices of doubt.

The existence of soul guides is only known to a small number of people in Douluo Dalu.

The forging method of soul guides has been completely lost in the Douluo Continent, so the soul guides in their hands are only left over from history.

Without exception, they are just ordinary storage soul guides, and they have never seen such a purple long sword that exudes great power.

Everyone is full of curiosity about this long sword, and it can be the fourth auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Its final value should far exceed the first three auction items.

"Uncle Jian, what is the origin of this purple long sword? Why do I feel extremely extraordinary?"

Suddenly, after Ning Fengzhi saw the long sword, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

This purple long sword is really beautiful and full of arrogance.

And the flickering electric arc made him feel extremely frightened.

Ning Fengzhi asked Jian Douluo in a soft voice.

After all, Sword Douluo's martial soul is a sword-like martial soul: the Seven Killing Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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