Chapter 87 The Last Auction Lot

As for the understanding of swords, I am afraid that no one in the entire Douluo Continent knows better than Sword Douluo.

Maybe Sword Douluo knew the origin of this purple long sword.

As soon as Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, he didn't hear Jian Douluo's response.

Then he turned his head and found that Jian Douluo was looking obsessively at Xuanshuang, the purple long sword in front of him.

From time to time, there was a sound of surprise.

Seeing this scene, Ning Fengzhi realized that this long sword was extremely extraordinary, otherwise it wouldn't be worth being so obsessed with Sword Douluo.

Ning Fengzhi's sight awakened Jian Douluo beside him, so he told Jian Douluo about the previous question again.

Ning Fengzhi wanted to know the origin of this long sword?
"I don't know the name of this sword, but this sword is the most perfect long sword I have ever seen in my life, even my Seven Killing Sword is far inferior."

"However, what I'm wondering is, why does this long sword take on the form of a physical body instead of a martial spirit?"

"It's hard to imagine how powerful a soul master who can forge this long sword is. I have a very strong premonition in my heart. I'm afraid there is no soul master in Douluo Continent who can forge this peerless long sword."

"Only the Xingdou Auction Pavilion can produce such a treasure."

Sword Douluo sighed leisurely, his tone filled with admiration for this long purple sword.

According to his guess, no one in Douluo Continent can forge this purple long sword, not even the three existing master craftsmen.

It seems that this purple long sword does not belong to Douluo Dalu at all.

When he thought of the treasures brought out by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, he probably understood.

Only the Star Dou Auction Pavilion can take out this purple long sword.

"This long sword is so extraordinary. If so, this sword is my gift to you, Uncle Jian."

Seeing Jian Douluo's love for this long sword, Ning Fengzhi immediately said to Jian Douluo with a smile on his face.

He planned to auction off this purple long sword and give it to Sword Douluo.

"No, this sword will find someone who is destined for him, and I am not qualified to inherit this long sword. For the next auction, let's just follow fate!"

"If nothing else happens, the final transaction price of this purple long sword will also be astonishing. If it exceeds our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's expectations, we will abandon the auction of this long sword."

Hearing this, Sword Douluo said lightly, this long sword is really difficult for him to control.

He noticed that the sword intent in this purple long sword is similar to his Seven Killing Sword, although it has the same effect.

But it is very different, he himself specializes in the Seven Killing Sword, so this long sword left with him is no different from a piece of scrap iron.

However, if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School possesses this purple long sword, it will also have great benefits for the sect's strength improvement.

If the final auction price is too outrageous, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can make an appropriate choice and give up the purple long sword.


"Second Elder, do you know how this purple long sword was forged?"

At this moment, everyone in the Haotian School in the No. 20 box, after seeing this purple long sword, everyone showed surprise.

One of the disciples asked the old man sitting at the top, this person was the second elder of Haotian School, and also the second elder who participated in the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion last time.

"It's too mysterious. The aura of this purple long sword, combined with light and light, doesn't look like a weapon forged by a human soul master at all. No one in our Clear Sky School can do it."

"Not to mention now, even the disciples of the Haotian School in the future, none of them can forge this peerless sword!"

The Second Elder's eyes were also very obsessed with this long sword. Looking at the lines on the sword and the natural sword intent, the Second Elder felt ashamed.

With the methods of their Haotian School, it is impossible to forge this purple long sword.

"Although we can't forge it, if we can figure out how to forge this long sword, our Haotian School will give birth to several master craftsmen again."

The second elder's tone became extremely serious, full of the imperative to win the purple long sword.

They don't know the forging method of this purple long sword, but if they can get a little method from it, it will be very scary for their forging ability to improve.

Maybe, there will be a few more master craftsmen among their disciples of the Clear Sky School, and there are even some disciples who can reach the realm of transcending master craftsmen.

"First of all, let me introduce to you. This purple long sword is a spiritual weapon called Tianlei Sword. This kind of spiritual weapon is what our Xingdou Auction Pavilion calls this long sword. It is similar to the soul guide you know. There is a huge difference between the two, and the two should not be confused."

"Let me introduce the specific power of this Heavenly Thunder Sword. The Heavenly Thunder Sword itself can release the power of thunder. You should be very clear about how powerful the power of the thunder attribute is. I don't need to introduce too much."

"The most important thing is that this Heavenly Thunder Sword is strong when it is strong. As long as your strength is strong enough, the power of the Heavenly Thunder Sword is unimaginable."

"To give an example, if a titled Douluo powerhouse uses the Heavenly Thunder Sword to inject all his soul power, he can even use the Heavenly Thunder Sword to summon the power of thousands of thunderbolts to destroy everything around him. Killed, there is no possibility of survival."

"However, such ranged killing moves should not be used frequently. If you are not careful, you will be seriously injured by the sky thunder sword."

Xuanshuang briefly introduced the name and origin of this long sword.

The Sky Thunder Sword is a spiritual weapon carefully selected by Lu Yun from the god-level store. It is an ordinary spiritual weapon in the plane of cultivating immortals, and its level is only a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Due to the aura needed to activate this Heavenly Thunder Sword, after being converted into soul power to activate it, its power is no longer as powerful as before.

Even so, the power of this Heavenly Thunder Sword is enough to kill everything. Even if it is the top soul tool of the peerless Tang Sect period ten thousand years later, it cannot compare to the power of the Heavenly Thunder Sword.

"You guys should be aware of the power of this Thunder Sword. In this case, the first auction price of this Thunder Sword is [-] soul crystals."

Xuanshuang introduced the Tianlei Sword, and by the way told the price of the first auction.

As expected, the rest of the forces began to participate in the competition, and only a very small number of forces competed for the Heavenly Thunder Sword.

This kind of berserk weapon cannot be kept by a weak force, so for the sake of the force's safety, they can only give up the competition of the Heavenly Thunder Sword.

It's up to the major forces in the Douluo Continent to fight each other.

After 10 minutes passed, this fierce competition gradually came to an end.

"12 soul crystals once!"

"12 soul crystals twice!"

"12 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then this Sky Thunder Sword will belong to the NO.20 box."

At this moment, Xuanshuang saw that no one continued to raise the price, and announced that the Tianlei Sword had been auctioned in box No. 20, that is, the box where Haotianzong was located.

After the second elder saw that the Sky Thunder Sword was captured by their Haotian School, he showed a relieved expression on his face.

He also didn't expect that the competition for this Heavenly Thunder Sword would be so fierce. Fortunately, he brought enough soul crystals this time, otherwise this peerless divine sword would have no chance with their Clear Sky School.

However, when the disciples behind saw this scene, their faces showed pain.

This is 12 soul crystals, and Hao Tianzong has reached this number after a year of accumulation.

In the end, it was all spent because of a Heavenly Thunder Sword, so why not make them feel distressed?
"Second Elder, after taking this Heavenly Thunder Sword, we have already spent all the soul crystals we brought with us. What should we do with the final auction item?"

The disciple of the Haotian School behind him said to the second elder in front of him in pain.

Before the suzerain came, he had already given an order to take enough soul crystals to compete for the last lot.

For the first two auctions, the value of the last auction item was far higher than that of the previous auction items.

If they were able to obtain it from the Haotian School, it would be unimaginable for the improvement of the sect's strength.

But because of the fourth auction item, the second elder spent all the soul crystals they brought this time.

I really don't know how to explain to the suzerain when I return to Haotianzong?
"A group of elm heads, the last auction item, we don't know what it is, and this Tianlei sword, although a bit expensive, has indescribable benefits for our Clear Sky School."

"If someone from our Haotian School can comprehend the forging method of this Heavenly Thunder Sword, our Haotian School will become the veritable number one forging force in the Douluo Continent, and even be able to forge weapons comparable to this Heavenly Thunder Sword .”

"At that time, our Clear Sky School's prestige will rise in a straight line, and the series of benefits it will bring about are inestimable."

"In my opinion, instead of waiting for the final auction item, it's better to just take this Heavenly Thunder Sword."

The second elder reprimanded the disciples of the Haotian School behind him.

With their eyesight, they naturally don't know what this Sky Thunder Sword means to Haotianzong.

Thus, the second elder slowly explained the importance of this Heavenly Thunder Sword.

When the rest of the disciples heard the words of the second elder, they showed a clear look, and truly realized the importance of this Heavenly Thunder Sword.

"Okay, the fourth auction item is over, please watch it next, the finale auction item of our Star Dou Auction Pavilion this time."

After Xuanshuang handed the Tianlei Sword to Haotianzong, a serious expression appeared on his face, announcing that the final auction item was about to appear.

When all the soul masters saw this scene, they sat up straight and looked in the direction of Xuanshuang expectantly.

The preciousness of the final auction item is unimaginable. I really don't know what is the auction item brought out by the Star Auction Pavilion this time?

Based on the experience of the previous two auctions, it is extremely difficult to come up with the finale auction item this time.

When Xuanshuang saw that the atmosphere had reached the right level, she no longer held back, and immediately spread out the palm of her right hand.

In an instant, a pitch-black ball emerged, showing a transparent color as a whole, but there was an extremely black chain in the center of the ball, exuding a powerful dark aura.

This chain is only a trace of aura emanating from this ball.

It still made all the top powerhouses present realize how extraordinary the chains inside this ball are.

However, almost all the soul masters showed puzzled expressions when they saw the ball and the chain inside, and no one made a sound.

This ball is so unfamiliar, it is hard to imagine what kind of treasure the chain inside this ball is.

It doesn't look like the real thing. Since it can appear as the finale auction item, its final value is much higher than the first four auction items.

So, everyone had no choice but to curb their inner curiosity, and began to listen to Xuanshuang's next explanation.

"This is the grand finale of our Xingdou Auction Pavilion this time. As we all know, there is a peerless genius in the Douluo Continent: a person named Twin Martial Souls."

"On the premise that the twin martial souls will not die in the future, they will definitely become a soul master of Megatron Douluo Continent."


At this time, Xuanshuang did not immediately introduce the finale auction item, but slowly talked about an unrelated matter.

All the soul masters didn't feel impatient because of Xuanshuang's words, but studied these words carefully.

In the case of Xingdou Auction Pavilion, they would never speak nonsense, there must be deep meaning in these words.

The soul masters and soul beasts present still did not understand what Xuanshuang's words meant.

On the contrary, Bibi Dong who was in the private room suddenly thought of something when she heard these words, and her complexion suddenly changed drastically.

The whole person could no longer keep calm, stood up suddenly, and stared at the ball in Xuanshuang's hand in amazement.

"how can that be possible?"

"Star Dou Auction Pavilion, can you even take out such things?"

Bibi Dong shook her head in disbelief, trying to empty her mind of speculation.

But no matter how I thought about it, I felt that her guess was not half wrong.

It was precisely because of this thought that Bibi Dong was extremely shocked, and couldn't believe what happened next.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you? Do you know what the final auction item is?"

At this moment, after seeing Bibi Dong's behavior, Ghost Douluo on Bibi Dong's right made a sound of doubt.

Looking at Bibi Dong's reaction, it seemed that she knew what the grand finale was, so she asked in a low voice.

After repeated observations, he couldn't figure out what the black ball and the chain in it were.

As soon as the words fell, Ju Douluo at the side also looked at Bibi Dong in bewilderment.

Undoubtedly, Chrysanthemum Douluo, like Ghost Douluo, doesn't know what is the final auction item of this auction in Star Dou Auction Pavilion?
With Bibi Dong's identity, strength, etc., ordinary treasures can't make her so moved.

Even the first four auction items did not shock Bibi Dong so much.

Therefore, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo had an idea in their hearts at the same time, thinking that the value of this grand finale really far exceeded their imagination
The two of them were going to listen to Bibi Dong's explanation about the origin of the finale auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

This thing is really too mysterious!
Can't find any breakthrough direction at all!

(End of this chapter)

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