Chapter 88 The Chain of Darkness
Bibi Dong's attention was always focused on the black ball in Xuanshuang's hand.

The look of shock in his eyes could not fade away for a long time.

Hearing the doubts of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo at the side, she expressed her guess in a solemn tone.

"If I'm not mistaken, the object inside this ball is most likely a martial soul..."

Once Bibi Dong uttered this astonishing guess, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were suddenly awakened.

The two of them once again suspected that there might be something wrong with their ears, how could they hear such weird things?
Martial soul?

Wasn't it born in the body of a soul master?How it was stripped out of thin air, this method is really unimaginable.

Martial spirit is innately possessed, how can it be increased through external force?
No matter how you think about it, it feels extremely wrong, and you still don't believe the speculation they heard.

"Your Majesty, are you sure that the thing inside that black ball is really a martial soul? Why does it feel so weird?"

Chrysanthemum Douluo was the first to express his doubts. After all, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was somewhat impossible.

"Absolutely nothing wrong, feel the power in the black ball carefully, it's almost the same as the power of a martial spirit."

"The previous introduction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion revealed the owner of the twin martial souls. After a series of speculations, it can be proved that the ball is filled with martial souls."

"As for how the Star Dou Auction Pavilion did it, it's unclear for the time being."

Bibi Dong tried her best to calm down her emotions, and began to tell the basis of her guess.

Even now, Bibi Dong still thinks that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the guessing in her heart.


After hearing that Bibi Dong was so sure, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo fell into suspicion.

Could it be that what Xuanshuang held in his hand was a kind of martial spirit, as guessed under the Pope's crown?

While everyone was thinking, Xuanshuang revealed the real thing inside the ball.

"Today, the final auction item of our Star Dou Auction Pavilion is the thing in this ball, called the Chain of Darkness. I believe you are very curious about what it is. It is a martial spirit!"

"The Chain of Darkness is a top-level martial spirit with the power of darkness. It can be said that the soul master who possesses this martial soul is born to be a control-type soul master and an attack-type soul master."

"After all, this chain not only has strong control power, but also has amazing attack power."

At this moment, Xuanshuang directly introduced this top martial soul, an unprecedented martial soul.

"This... I heard it right, the thing in this ball is a martial soul!"

"How could the martial soul be stripped out and auctioned off? Even if it is really a martial soul, how should we absorb it? The martial soul of every soul master is awakened when he is six years old. !"


As soon as Xuanshuang's words fell, most of the soul masters had doubts in their hearts.

The ball was actually filled with a martial spirit, so I was extremely surprised no matter what.

"Don't worry, every piece of the auction items that our Star Dou Auction Pavilion brought out is real. This is indeed a top-level martial soul named Chain of Darkness. How to successfully absorb this brand new top-level martial soul is naturally up to our Star Dou Auction The means of the court."

"Don't worry, after you absorb this martial spirit, you won't suffer any damage, and you will get great benefits."

"From now on, you will be the owners of twin martial souls, and become the top geniuses in the Douluo Continent."

Hearing this, Xuanshuang said with a natural expression, not worried at all about the auction of the Dark Chain.

This is a very precious treasure!

As long as all soul masters are sure that this is true, they will definitely be willing to spend a lot of soul crystals to auction this dark chain martial soul.

Even a soul master with ordinary talent will eventually transform into a peerless genius after absorbing this dark chain martial soul, reaching the pinnacle of the Douluo Continent.

"This top-level martial soul is a brand-new martial soul. It can completely create a top genius. I don't need to say more about the ultimate value. The first auction price of this chain of darkness martial soul is [-] soul crystals."

Xuanshuang announced the first auction price for this Dark Chain Martial Soul. Such a top-notch treasure is worthy of the prestige of the finale auction.

The final transaction price is also incomparably against the sky, so there is no need to worry.

No force would choose to ignore this top martial soul.

"I didn't expect that it was really a martial spirit!"

"However, can this martial soul really be absorbed by a soul master and become the owner of twin martial souls?"

When Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo heard Xuanshuang's words, everyone's eyes were shocked.

Turning around and looking at Bibi Dong beside him, he never thought that the conjectures made by the Pope before were all true, and he really was a top martial spirit.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who had full confidence in the things that Xingdou Auction Pavilion brought out before, also fell into doubt at this moment.

Is this top martial spirit really like what the Star Auction Pavilion introduced?
So weird!

"Eighty thousand soul crystals!"

Before Bibi Dong could continue speaking, an eager voice spread throughout the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The forces in this box are none other than Ning Fengzhi and others from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi stared at the chain of darkness in front of him with bright eyes.

At that time, when he heard that it was a martial spirit, he also couldn't keep calm, and immediately bid, wanting to compete for this top martial spirit.

The limitation of the Qibao Liuli Pagoda's martial spirit is his lifelong regret, and he cannot be promoted to a real Contra powerhouse in his life.

Therefore, Ning Fengzhi was unwilling to give up such an opportunity.

If he can auction off this top martial soul and then absorb it, then he will become a veritable twin martial soul.

Even though the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul could not complete the evolution, it successfully attached the remaining two soul rings.

If he obtains this brand new martial soul, then he will be able to break through the titled Douluo above Contra in the future, or even more powerful.

Faced with such a temptation, even Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, could not keep calm.

"Fengzhi, are you sure this martial spirit is real?"

Sword Douluo at the side asked worriedly after hearing that Ning Fengzhi made the first bid.

From the moment the final auction item appeared, he immediately expressed disbelief.

But looking at the appearance of Xingdou Auction Pavilion so swearing, it seems that there is a little possibility.

However, Jian Douluo still had a skeptical attitude in his heart.

Hearing Ning Fengzhi's eager bid, he also knew what Ning Fengzhi had in mind.

Jian Douluo didn't object to Ning Fengzhi's approach, on the contrary, he fully agreed with it.

It still feels a bit strange, so I also want Ning Fengzhi to think about it for a while, and it will not be too late to bid for competition.

"It doesn't matter, I believe that with the means of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, naturally I won't deceive us with a fake thing, besides, my current level of soul power can no longer advance any further."

"If I get this top-level martial soul and absorb it, then I have a great chance of being promoted to Title Douluo in the future. I can't refuse such a temptation."

"Whether the danger ahead is dangerous or not, I have to try it. If I don't try, how will I know that this top martial spirit is real?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head secretly and said, he naturally knew what Jian Douluo and others were thinking, so he politely refused.

The final auction item in front of him is the key to changing his future, so naturally it will not slip away from his nose.

He must win this finale auction item.

After finishing speaking, Sword Douluo sighed leisurely, he had the same thought as Bone Douluo, and did not stop Ning Fengzhi from doing it.

They gradually began to decide in their hearts that this top martial spirit should be real, so let's bid according to Ning Fengzhi's idea.

"Ninety thousand soul crystals!"

Before Bibi Dong could respond to Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's words, after hearing that one of the forces raised the price, he immediately shouted out the price regardless of his status.

This time, Bibi Dong personally put up the auction, this top martial spirit is very likely to be real, so Bibi Dong also wants to take it down.

She is already a twin martial soul owner, but she doesn't want this top martial soul to be taken away by other forces.

As the pope of the Wuhun Temple, Bibi Dong has her own ambitions, and at this time another idea came to her mind.

She also wants this top-level martial soul, and wants to become the first owner of the three-life martial soul in the history of Douluo Continent.

What's more, the attributes of this Dark Chain Martial Soul are similar to her two Martial Souls, both of which belong to the power of darkness.

If she absorbs this spirit again, it won't have any conflict with her own spirit power, this is also Bibi Dong's purpose of photographing this spirit without any scruples.


"Your Highness, do you think this grand finale is real? If it is real, do you want us to take it down!"

In the box where Qian Renxue was, the three of them couldn't keep calm when they heard that the last auction item was actually a Martial Soul.

Afterwards, Snake Lance Douluo at the side asked Qian Renxue out of breath.

If this Dark Chain Martial Soul is real, they must also take it down and let Qian Renxue absorb it.

Today's Qian Renxue possesses a god-level martial soul, and if she absorbs this martial soul and possesses twin martial souls, her future achievements will surely surpass all soul masters in the Douluo Continent.

"The background of this Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really deep. Even things like Wuhun can be auctioned. I really don't know what else it can bring out in the future?"

"After my careful observation, the aura of this martial soul seems to be of the dark attribute, which is completely opposite to the sacred and light attributes of my own angelic martial soul."

"Adding it rashly to become my second martial soul will repel my own soul power, and I can't predict the final consequences."

Qian Renxue began to analyze this martial spirit and her own situation, she was not suitable to absorb this dark chain martial spirit.

"Although I can't absorb it, there is always someone who can absorb it, and take this martial spirit for me at all costs."

Qian Renxue sighed leisurely, this Martial Soul is not very suitable for her.

But this Martial Soul is also incomparably against the sky, even Qian Renxue can't turn a blind eye to it.

So, he ordered Snake Lance Douluo and Porcupine Douluo beside him to auction off this spirit no matter what.

Regarding the ownership of this martial soul, Qian Renxue has her own plans.

In this way, almost all the top forces in Douluo Continent bid to compete.

Leaving aside whether this Martial Soul is real or not, as long as there is a slight possibility, many forces are not willing to let go of this opportunity.

This is an opportunity to change their fate, no matter how many soul crystals they spend, they will never regret it.

The appearance of the finale auction brought the atmosphere of the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion to a climax.

All soul masters put all their energy into bidding for this top martial soul, and the auction became hot again.

The price of this martial soul also soared to one hundred thousand soul crystals, and even continued to increase towards a higher price at an extremely fast speed.

For some weak soul masters, everyone showed amazement, saying that the price has soared too fast.

If the last auction item is really a top-level martial soul, it can make a soul master become a twin martial soul. It seems that such a price is also expected.

"One hundred and fifty thousand soul crystals!"


"13 soul crystals!"

After a while, Ning Fengzhi continued to increase the price regardless of any cost, this martial soul was the key to changing his destiny.

Can not give up!

"14 soul crystals!"

Bibi Dong followed Ning Fengzhi's price and continued to increase the price by [-] soul crystals.

This price increase once made most of the forces withdraw from this competition.

The increase in the price of this top martial soul is really outrageous. They don't have that many soul crystals at all, so they continue to increase the price.


Time is long, and the auction is still going on.

"Sure enough, as expected, the final transaction price of this martial soul is very heaven-defying. After all, no soul master can refuse the temptation of twin martial souls!"

Standing on the third floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Lu Yun showed a calm smile on his face after watching the intense atmosphere below.

He had long anticipated how intense the entire auction would be after the final auction item appeared.

This scene is what he wants to see.

The fiercer the competition for the final auction item, the higher the profit he will make from it at that time.

This top-level martial soul is also a kind of martial soul that Lu Yun bought from a god-level store, and the price of the auction is not very much.

Moreover, in the god-level store, there are countless martial souls.

There are even many martial souls that do not exist in Douluo Dalu, and they are also sold in god-level stores, and there are even a lot of god-level martial souls.

As for the martial soul above the god level, they also have it, but the price is a bit outrageous.

With his current wealth, he can't afford to buy it for the time being. Even so, there are very few top-level martial arts in the Douluo Continent.

A person with a top martial spirit, as long as he does not die in the future, at least he is a strong Contra.

There is even great hope to become the titled Douluo powerhouse of Megatron Douluo Continent.

After some thought, Lu Yun bought a top-level martial soul: Chain of Darkness from a god-level store.


PS: Old rules, there is one more chapter ([-] words), zero update...

(End of this chapter)

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