Chapter 89 Soul Pavilion

"20 soul crystals!"

In an instant, a serious voice spread throughout the entire Xingdou Auction Pavilion, making the atmosphere suddenly quiet.

No one thought that the previous 18 soul crystals had soared to [-] soul crystals this time. This price increase must be too much.

Some forces that participated in the competition before shut their mouths unwillingly and chose to withdraw from the competition.

This is 20 soul crystals, and with their one-year background in power, they haven't gathered that many at all.

I don't know which faction has so many soul crystals?

At this time, after Ning Fengzhi called out the price, he listened to the movement around him with a solemn expression.

The 20 soul crystals are already all the soul crystals in his body. Due to the previous four auction items, he did not auction a single item.

Otherwise, Ning Fengzhi would die of regret, missing this top martial spirit for no reason.

A trace of rejoicing arose in his heart, fortunately, their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect did not keep fighting against other forces in the previous auction.


After Bibi Dong heard the price, knowing the remaining soul crystals in the Spirit Hall this time, her expression became ugly.

Staring unkindly at the box where Ning Fengzhi was, she never thought that so many soul crystals could be produced in that box.

It's so nasty!

Originally, after she bid 18 soul crystals, she thought it was inevitable, but a force suddenly appeared and directly raised the price to 20 soul crystals.

This made Bibi Dong extremely angry in her heart, if she hadn't photographed that puppet before, she would have obtained this Dark Chain Martial Soul.

But the current scene had to make Bibi Dong give up this top martial spirit.

This is the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, Bibi Dong didn't dare to do anything out of line, she could only sit on the chair extremely angrily, her eyes flickering with unknown meaning.

As for the other forces, they also chose to keep their mouths shut, and gave up the auction of this top martial soul with gloomy eyes.

"20 soul crystals once!"

"20 soul crystals twice!"

"20 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then the finale of this auction will belong to..."

After Xuanshuang heard that no one continued to increase the price, she directly announced the ownership of the last auction item, which was the box where Ning Fengzhi was.

"Huh, I finally got it!"

At this moment, after Ning Fengzhi heard the ownership of the last auction item, he slumped on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

His eyes were fixed on the black ball in Xuanshuang's hand.

I can't wait to follow the method taught by Xingdou Auction Pavilion to absorb this top martial spirit: Dark Chain.

If he absorbed this brand new spirit, he might be able to become a Contra on the spot and continue to absorb the first eight spirit rings of the Chain of Darkness spirit.

In the end, his soul power level will probably increase a lot, and it shouldn't be far from the legendary Title Douluo powerhouse.

If in the future, he obtains another supreme treasure from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it will help his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul fully evolve.

Ning Fengzhi didn't dare to think about the future. At this moment, Ning Fengzhi was extremely grateful for the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

It is precisely because of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion that he has undergone such a big change now.

A while later, Xuanshuang handed over the final auction item to Ning Fengzhi, and told him the specific method of absorbing this top martial spirit.

"Just by crushing this ball, can you successfully absorb this top martial spirit?"

"So simple?"

After Ning Fengzhi heard the method Xuanshuang gave him, his face was full of astonishment. After all, he never thought that it was so simple.

However, Ning Fengzhi didn't have any doubts about Xingdou Auction Pavilion's words.

I watched this martial spirit from a distance before, but I didn't feel any powerful aura.

Until he touched this martial soul, a majestic dark aura rushed over his face, and after feeling the coercion of this top martial soul, Ning Fengzhi was ecstatic in his heart.

Once again, it was confirmed that the last auction item in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was absolutely real.

For this method of absorption, there is no doubt that Ning Fengzhi even wanted to directly absorb it here, but soon Ning Fengzhi gave up this idea.

After all, the top forces of the Douluo Continent are gathered in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. If you rashly absorb this top martial spirit here, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

The safest way is to wait for him to return to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and become the owner of twin martial souls under the protection of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

Immediately, Ning Fengzhi carefully put the black ball away, the whole process was done gently, for fear of breaking the black ball.

It took 20 soul crystals to auction off this martial soul, and there must be no mistakes.

"Okay, this time the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has come to a successful conclusion. Before that, let me tell you one thing."

"From now on, the auctions in our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will be divided into two types of auctions, large auctions and small auctions."

"The large-scale auction is held once a year, similar to the previous three auctions. The items that are auctioned with such specifications are all the top items in the Douluo Continent."

"As for the small auction, it is held once a month. The treasures that are brought out are very common, but they are very useful to ordinary soul masters. Of course, there will be one or two top auction items from time to time. Please stay tuned, all soul masters. ..."

Finally, Xuanshuang announced the end of the auction, and told all the soul masters what Lu Yun had told her before.

The previous Lu Yun was also aware of this problem. After the first three auctions, almost all the auction items were obtained by the top forces in the Douluo Continent.

Weak soul masters and forces, participating in the auction, won't get anything at all.

If things go on like this, it will be very unfavorable for the auction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. In the end, only the top forces in the Douluo Continent will come to participate in the auction.

The future auctions of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion must take into account other weak forces and soul masters.

A small auction is held every month, and the things that are brought out are not too precious, but they are also very rare treasures in Douluo Continent.

Ordinary soul masters can definitely afford it. As for some top forces, they may not care much about these things.

But in order to prevent other top forces from participating in this small auction, Lu Yun chose to occasionally release one or two top treasures, so that every auction should be full of excitement.

Regarding the selection of auction items, Lu Yun still has to consider carefully. If there are some items of low value, but the advantage is that they are too rare and magical, it is inevitable that other big forces will not compete.

Lu Yun must take all these factors into consideration.

"This Star Dou Auction Pavilion is really enjoyable. I never thought that one day, our weak forces will be able to participate in the competition."

"Indeed, in the previous three auctions, all the items that appeared were bought by the top forces in the Douluo Continent. We didn't have any chance at all."

"The Star Dou Auction Pavilion has taken some of our weak forces into consideration. It's really great. I look forward to the small auctions every month..."


As soon as Xuanshuang's words fell, all the weak forces and soul masters said with genuine excitement.

The rest of the top forces showed a bit of regret, but it's a pity that the large-scale auction is only held once a year.

Some top forces have other ideas. After all, with the means of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, even the small auctions every month, the treasures that come out should be tempting to them.

What's more, in small auctions, top treasures appear from time to time.

For such an auction, almost all top forces will also choose to participate.

What if you come across the top treasure that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is talking about?Didn't they make money?

Following the end of the auction, all major forces left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion one after another.

Xuanshuang also gave all the soul crystals obtained this time to Lu Yun.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun converted all of them into auction sites. After seeing the number of auction sites he had, Lu Yun showed a look of joy on his face.

The items in this auction did not cost 50 auction points from the god-level store, but this auction abruptly withheld 50 soul crystals, which is equivalent to [-] auction points.

No matter how you think about it, it's very cost-effective. He only needs to be a spoiler, and he doesn't need to conduct the auction. He only needs to restrain the auction site.

This kind of life is so enjoyable.

It's a pity that before Lu Yun could continue to be happy, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind, making Lu Yun wake up instantly as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him.

He looked at the system in his mind with resentment on his face.

[Ding, it was detected that the host was too lazy, so the system issued a long-term task next. 】

[Long-term task: Ask the host to spread the soul to the entire Douluo Continent for five years, reward: mysterious and unknown. 】


After this long-term task appeared, Lu Yun's face became ugly.

He still wanted to continue living this kind of life, but the system issued a task, which forced him to act immediately.

Lu Yun looked at the reward after completing the task, the mysterious and unknown reward, which seemed to be pretty good.

I don't know what kind of things he will get when he completes this task?

In Lu Yun's view, this task is relatively difficult, but overall it's okay!

It is obviously a long-term task to spread the soul throughout the Douluo Continent, and it will take some time.

[May I ask if the host chooses to take on this long-term task. 】

At this time, the cold voice of the system continued to sound.

"Take the mission!"

Lu Yun said lightly.

[It is detected that the host has accepted this long-term mission, and in view of the difficulty of the mission, an auxiliary item is given: Soul Pavilion. 】

The system's cold voice continued to sound, but this sentence aroused Lu Yun's interest.

He didn't expect that the system would give him an auxiliary item after accepting this task.

Afterwards, Lu Yun found out the specific information of this Soul Pavilion.

[Soul Pavilion: Collect all the soul beast races that have been born since ancient times in the entire Douluo Continent. These soul beasts have been successfully transformed into souls. You only need to pay enough soul crystals to obtain a specific soul. The number is not limited. 】

At this time, lines of subtitles appeared in front of Lu Yun's eyes, which were the specific introduction of Soul Pavilion.

"I'm going, is it such a heaven-defying Soul Pavilion? With it, wouldn't the time to complete this task be shortened endlessly? This system is too good!"

After Lu Yun knew the specific function of the Soul Pavilion, a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

This Soul Pavilion came in a really timely manner!
Originally, he was still worried. He wanted to spread the souls throughout the Douluo Continent. Where did he find so many souls?

Although there are countless soul beasts in Douluo Dalu, they will be exhausted one day.

Moreover, Lu Yun was unwilling to take the soul beast in its heyday and transform it into a soul.

At that time, the balance of the entire Douluo Continent will be completely broken. He was thinking about how to solve this problem?

Who knew that the system directly gave him a heaven-defying Soul Pavilion, which contained all the souls of Douluo Dalu.

As for where these souls come from, Lu Yun will not go into the details, anyway, these souls are exactly the same as the souls of Douluo Dalu.

"Then if I sell these souls, can the soul crystals I finally get be converted into auction sites?"

A doubt suddenly appeared in Lu Yun's heart, so his thoughts sank into his mind, and he asked softly.

[Yes, but the host needs to pay a certain amount of soul crystals to buy souls from the Soul Pavilion, and then continue to sell them. As for the final price, it is up to you, the host. 】

The cold voice of the system continued to sound.

Hearing what the system said, Lu Yun had a smile in his eyes, and soon he said something that completely interrupted his thoughts.

Originally, he thought that the souls in the Soul Pavilion were free for him, and he would sell them at that time.

At that time, he will inevitably collect a large number of soul crystals, and then turn them into auction sites.

But who knows that the souls in the Soul Pavilion are not free, and he has to buy them, and then sell them to others.

After this series of procedures, he earned so much less soul crystals.

Lu Yun knew that if he wanted to spread souls throughout the Douluo Continent, some souls with a low age limit obviously couldn't be sold at too high a price.

Otherwise, some people can't afford it at all, so how can they spread the soul to the entire Douluo Continent in five years?

As for the final price, Lu Yun needs to consider it.

Of course, the higher the age of the soul, the final selling price is definitely higher.

For the top soul masters in Douluo Continent, they don't lack soul crystals, what they lack are high-life soul rings and soul bones.

He has to take care of the most common soul masters in the Douluo Continent, after all, the Douluo Continent generally has the most soul masters, so that he can complete the mission and obtain mysterious and unknown rewards.

After a long time, Lu Yun relaxed and didn't care about this matter anymore, anyway, he had the heaven-defying prop of Soul Pavilion.

And through the promotion of Star Dou Auction Pavilion, there will definitely be soul masters in Douluo Continent, who will come to buy souls in a steady stream.

At that time, it will only take time, enough to spread the soul throughout the entire Douluo Continent.


PS: I would like to ask, do you want to read the mission and related plot released by the system... (Book friends, rest assured, the whole novel will always be based on the theme of auction.)
(End of this chapter)

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