Chapter 90 The first day of business

After Lu Yun got this heaven-defying Soul Pavilion item, he fell into contemplation. Where should the Soul Pavilion be located?

The role of the Soul Pavilion is, on the one hand, to spread the souls to the entire Douluo Continent, and on the other hand, to collect a large number of auction points.

Therefore, the place where the Soul Pavilion is placed cannot be too remote, and an excellent place must be found.

In this way, after some deliberation, Lu Yun probably decided on the Soul Pavilion, and finally placed it on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Star Dou Great Forest is one of the largest soul beast forests in Douluo Continent, almost most of the soul masters will come here to obtain soul rings.

If he placed the Soul Pavilion outside the Star Dou Great Forest, it would definitely attract more soul masters to come and buy souls.

Wait for the next small auction, and then use the means of Star Dou Auction to promote it.

The business of the Soul Pavilion will be extremely hot, and he can also take the opportunity to collect a large number of auction sites.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun's thoughts sank into his mind.

He said directly to the system: "System, help me place the Soul Pavilion on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, in the area where people come and go."

As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, the Soul Pavilion in the system space suddenly turned into a stream of light.

Fleeing towards the distance, finally landed on the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Right now, there is no one on the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest. After all, the auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has already ended, and the soul masters who came here have already left here.

The fall of this soul pavilion did not cause much movement, but the surrounding soul beasts were still startled by the movement, and they ran around.

[Ding, the location of the Soul Pavilion has been successfully placed. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind.

After hearing that the Soul Pavilion was successfully placed, Lu Yun closed his eyes tightly, and with a thought, he disappeared in place instantly, and when he reappeared, he was in the Soul Pavilion.

The Soul Pavilion presented by the system, and the Star Auction Pavilion have the function of mutual transmission.

In addition, the Soul Pavilion also has a very heaven-defying function, that is, the invincible field is also applicable in this Soul Pavilion.

In other words, Lu Yun is in an invincible posture in the Soul Pavilion.

No one will be his opponent, which is a guarantee for safety.

He knows how powerful the souls in the Soul Pavilion are. If other masters come to the Soul Pavilion to snatch the souls, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Although the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has a great reputation, it is inevitable that unexpected situations will not occur.

Every time the Star Dou Auction Pavilion holds a small auction, there will be a month of free time.

Taking advantage of this free time, Lu Yun can go to the Soul Pavilion when he has nothing to do besides cultivation, and treat it as a little relaxation.

Lu Yun strolled inside the Soul Pavilion, looking at the endless space inside.

Lu Yun knew about the Soul Pavilion outside. On the whole, it was just an ordinary attic, and there was nothing strange on the surface.

Lu Yun also did not expect that the area inside the Soul Pavilion would be so huge.

Lu Yun looked around the entire Soul Pavilion, and found that the entire Soul Pavilion was divided into areas, on which were written souls with life attributes and souls with dark attributes...

One of the classifications is naturally divided by the attributes of the soul beasts themselves, but in other areas, the soul beasts are also divided into plant-type soul beasts, animal-type soul beasts, and so on.

There are too many classifications of souls in the Soul Pavilion, let alone the previous classifications, and even the divisions about bloodlines, which are simply too detailed.

However, these divisions are relatively more convenient for Lu Yun. In the future, if customers come up and ask what type of soul they need, he will have to go through a lot of searching.

With this specific classification, it will be much easier to find in the future.

Afterwards, Lu Yun walked forward with light steps, opened the door of the Soul Pavilion, and began to formally welcome the guests.

Lu Yun sat quietly on the chair in front, waiting for customers to come to the door.

In the Soul Pavilion, the soul power inside is very strong, and it is a very suitable place for cultivation.

Just like that, Lu Yun sat on a chair, fell into a slight meditation, and waited for customers to come to his door by the way.

After a long time, the entire area where the Soul Pavilion is located fell into silence.

At this moment, three figures suddenly came from a distance, walking towards the direction of the Star Dou Forest.

The three people walking towards them were all women, a middle-aged woman and two young girls.

Everyone is wearing a light blue long dress, with an icy aura that cannot be ignored.

"Dean, what do you think that is?"

I saw one of the girls looking towards the Soul Pavilion outside the Star Dou Great Forest, and questioning the middle-aged woman beside her with a puzzled face.

Usually when they came to the Star Dou Great Forest, they didn't find this building.

But why this building appeared just after arriving at the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest today is really a bit strange.

"Huh? Strange, I remember that when I came here this morning, there was no such attic."

This middle-aged woman also showed curiosity. After all, she came to participate in the auction held in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion in the morning, and there was no such attic yet.

But when she came in the afternoon, this new attic appeared, which made the middle-aged woman very curious.

"Soul Pavilion?"

One of the girls looked at the name on the attic with a look of doubt on his face.

Suddenly, I don't know what came to mind, the girl became unbelievable, the word "soul", could it be what she thought?

"Dean, could it be that this attic is a place for selling souls?"

The girl's eyes lit up, and she said solemnly to the middle-aged woman beside her.

Naturally, she had heard of the soul that came out from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, it was simply amazing.

Not only can it bring a few soul rings to a soul master, saving the trouble of finding the soul ring again in the future, but the soul can also fight with the soul master.

For such a soul, she also wants one very much, and her current soul power has also reached level [-].

He is about to absorb a soul ring and be promoted to a real soul master.

"Bing'er, don't be fooled by the scene in front of you."

"How could the soul be in that attic? The soul is something unique to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. How can there be a place dedicated to selling souls? It should be impossible."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman raised her head and looked at the three big characters of Soul Pavilion, and she was also extremely shocked.

But soon he shook his head secretly, everyone knew that souls were exclusive to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, how could there suddenly be a loft dedicated to selling souls?

Obviously not practical!

The three people at this time were the three who came from Tianshui College, and the middle-aged woman was the dean of Tianshui College.

The two girls next to her are Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu, both of whom have reached level [-] spirit power.

The principal of Tianshui College came to the Star Dou Forest to help them obtain the third soul ring.

"Dean, do you want us to go in and take a look? If the soul is really sold, wouldn't we make a lot of money?"

Xue Wu at the side had a curious thought in her heart.

Dare to openly sell souls outside the Star Dou Great Forest, there must be a means in the Soul Pavilion, otherwise, wouldn't it be the siege of other forces.

"That's right, Dean, let's go and have a look. If it's true, we'll make money. Even if it's fake, we won't waste too much time."

At this moment, Shui Bing'er on the side also became interested, and turned to the dean of Tianshui College and said.

(End of this chapter)

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