Chapter 92 Mysterious Girl
Although Lu Yun selected five types of souls that were more suitable for Shui Binger and Xue Wu, he also selected in terms of price.

They brought only 5000 soul crystals on this trip, and Lu Yun could only choose two souls from them.

In terms of price, it is more suitable for two people, and the attributes of Wuhun are extremely suitable.

With a big wave of Lu Yun's hand, space ripples suddenly appeared, and two huge souls appeared in front of him.

It exudes a powerful ice-attribute aura, causing the three people in front to look horrified.

They have dealt with ice-type soul beasts for many years, so they can clearly feel how pure the power of ice released by these two souls is.

If there is no accident, these two souls must be very powerful.

"These are the souls I picked out for the two of you, namely the Ice Phoenix Soul and the Extreme Ice Tiger Soul."

"It just so happens that these two spirits are suitable for you respectively. The specific age of these two spirits has only reached the limit of the third spirit ring."

"As for the combined selling price of these two souls, it happens to be 5000 soul crystals. The ice phoenix soul is very suitable for the woman on your left. It has a very powerful soul beast bloodline: ice phoenix bloodline, so its price is as high as 3000 soul crystals." crystal."

"As for the other woman next to you, this Bingji Tianhu spirit is very suitable for her. It is also among the top ice attribute spirit beasts, and the price is only 2000 soul crystals."

Lu Yun introduced the specific information about these two souls to the dean of Tianshui College and others, and told their selling prices respectively.

As soon as Lu Yun's words fell, the three people present showed surprise on their faces, and they couldn't keep calm.

Since they came in, they have never introduced their own information and the situation of Wuhun.

They never thought that the man in front of them could actually judge the martial spirit they possessed, otherwise they wouldn't have shown these two types of spirits.

It is really suitable for them.

The three of Shui Bing'er realized the mystery of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and the Soul Pavilion is worthy of being a branch of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and it has an equally profound foundation.

"I wonder if you bought these two souls?"

Lu Yun naturally saw the change in the eyes of the three of them, and wanted to buy it, so he continued to ask.

"Bought it!"

After some thought, the dean of Tianshui College agreed to buy these two souls.

Although five thousand soul crystals are valuable money, for the future of Tianshui Academy, Shui Binger and Xue Wu have a bright future.

She can only give up part of the benefits in front of her and spend five thousand soul crystals to buy these two souls.

After hearing these words, a joyful smile bloomed on Lu Yun's face, and immediately handed over the two souls to Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu.

He also put away five thousand soul crystals and exchanged them for auction points.

The price of these two souls sold by the system is very cheap, but Lu Yun increased the final price by ten times.

Lu Yun plans to increase the cost of all souls by ten times, so that he can make huge profits from it.

The soul can't be sold too expensive, so that other soul masters can't buy it.

Of course, the more precious the soul, the selling price will be extremely heaven-defying.

Especially the soul of the 10-year level, I am afraid that no one in the Douluo Continent will be able to afford it in a short time.

It is precisely because 10-year souls are extremely rare, I believe there will always be a powerful soul master who chooses to pay the soul crystals he has accumulated over the years to buy 10-year souls.

"You should know the specific method of absorbing the soul."

Lu Yun once again told the three of them how to absorb the soul, so as not to make other mistakes during the absorption process.

"We know how to absorb souls!"

Hearing this, the dean of Tianshui College said lightly.

Afterwards, the dean of Tianshui College took Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu and left the Soul Pavilion full of rewards.

After these three people leave, they will definitely publicize the existence of the Soul Pavilion, and then they will definitely welcome a huge source of customers.

But there is a disadvantage in this, if he stays alone in the Soul Pavilion, it will definitely be very troublesome.

Lu Yun plans to find someone to guard the Soul Pavilion and sell these souls by the way. After all, he can't stay in the Soul Pavilion forever.

The business of the Soul Pavilion must not be interrupted, it can earn a lot of auction points, and it must not be given up, so Lu Yun confirmed his thoughts.

It's time to find someone to sell souls, which is equivalent to the waiter in the previous life.

Lu Yun pondered in his mind, who should be appointed to take up this position?

Just as Lu Yun was thinking, suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps from the periphery of the Soul Pavilion.

At the same time, there was the continuous sound of weapons colliding, especially loud in the entire Star Dou Forest.

"Stop for me, you have no way out."

Immediately, a voice of a middle-aged man resounded in the entire forest. His tone was filled with astonishing killing intent, which made people feel terrified.

Lu Yun naturally heard this movement, and immediately went to explore the outside world with huge mental power.

The scene that came into view was that there was a young girl in front of the Soul Pavilion, her clothes were torn all over her body.

A large amount of blood was stained on the clothes, and the whole person panicked and ran towards the Soul Pavilion.

As for her, there were two men in black robes, their faces covered by a strange mask.

But the faint murderous aura and bloody aura released from his body made it impossible for people to ignore it.

One can tell at a glance that these two middle-aged men have just killed someone before, otherwise the bloody smell on their bodies would definitely not be so heavy.

The girl running in a panic in front, her eyes full of despair, suddenly saw the Soul Pavilion in front of her.

A look of hope flashed in his eyes, and he immediately exhausted his last bit of strength and ran towards the Soul Pavilion.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows without any expression change on his face.

He wants to see this group of people, what exactly do they want to do?
Why were two powerful soul masters sent to chase and kill a girl who was powerless?
Through his perception, he found that the strength of the two middle-aged men was at the level of soul saints.

The girl who ran away in a panic in front had just reached the level of a soul master.

This made Lu Yun more curious, what is it that can send two soul sage level powerhouses to chase and kill a soul venerable?

This really makes people feel very strange.

Lu Yun rubbed his chin with his hand, wanting to see the next development of the situation. After all, Lu Yun is not a person full of sympathy.

If the girl who ran away in front was not a good stubble, wouldn't she bring him endless troubles.

Although he has invincible strength in the Soul Pavilion, he doesn't want to disturb his mood because of this matter.

From the moment the girl stepped into the Soul Pavilion, the world in front of her eyes completely changed, and a look of surprise inevitably flickered in the girl's eyes.

Immediately, the girl saw Lu Yun sitting on the chair, with a look of pleading for help on his face.

"help me!"

The girl exhausted all her strength at this moment, and finally said two words.

The whole person was completely unconscious and limp on the ground.

"Huh? Interesting!"

"It seems that this matter is not simple, but after they come in, all the answers will be revealed."

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun's eyes also flashed with astonishment, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted, and his expression changed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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