Chapter 93 Evil Spirit Scepter
When the girl stepped into the Soul Pavilion, all the information about the girl herself appeared in front of his eyes.

After seeing the situation of this girl, Lu Yun was really surprised.

【Name: Murong Xue】

【Age: 12 years old】

[Soul Power: Level 30]

[Martial Soul: Scepter of Evil Spirits (sealed, gradually unsealed...)]

[Physical condition: seriously injured and dying]


That's what happened to this girl.

This girl is 12 years old and has reached level 30 spirit power, she is indeed a genius on Douluo Continent.

However, what surprised Lu Yun the most was the girl's martial soul.

The evil spirit scepter, from the name, it can be seen that this martial soul must be an evil martial soul.

Lu Yun learned through the inquiry system that this type of martial spirit is very evil, and if it grows to the peak in the future, it will definitely become a martial spirit that slaughters all living beings.

Originally, for some unknown reason, this martial soul was sealed within the girl's body.

But due to unexpected circumstances, the seal of her martial soul is gradually being unsealed.

At that time, the evil power released by the evil spirit scepter martial soul will definitely erode the girl's mind and turn her into a real female devil.

At that time, on the Douluo Continent, it is unknown how many soul masters will be killed by her.

For this kind of situation, Lu Yun can't turn a blind eye, can't he give birth to a soul master who will endanger Douluo Continent?

If this kind of consequences really happened, it would not be good for the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to continue to hold the auction. At that time, everyone would be in danger, and no one would be in the mood to participate in the auction.

So this matter, Lu Yun had to take care of.

After a while, Lu Yun looked at the girl's life experience, and it was really a bit of a twist.

This girl lived in a small family in Douluo Continent, and she enjoyed herself happily, but somehow, a mysterious person suddenly came and beheaded all of the girl's clan members.

Under the cover of the tribe, the girl escaped from the family, and was chased and killed by two soul saints.

In the girl's memory, it seemed that the purpose of those mysterious people who came to the Murong family was for her.

"Evil Spirit Scepter Martial Soul? Could it be..."

At this time, a guess gradually came to Lu Yun's mind. He was more curious about which mysterious force was behind the destruction of Murong's family.
Just like that, with a wave of Lu Yun's hand, the majestic soul power poured into the girl's body continuously, helping her contain the injuries in her body.

If the injury continued to worsen, the girl's breath of life would be completely lost, and she would eventually die.

He temporarily used his soul power to stop the injuries in her body, and healed the girl after he completely dealt with the two mysterious people.

At this moment, the two middle-aged men who were chasing and killing the girl suddenly stepped into the Soul Pavilion.

At this time, Lu Yun knew everything about them.

"I see!"

Thinking of this, a gloomy look flashed in Lu Yun's eyes, and he guessed right.

That's right!

According to the information introduced by these two people, Lu Yun knew that these two people were from the Holy Spirit Sect.

Lu Yun is very aware of the Holy Spirit Sect. In the peerless Tang Sect ten thousand years later, the Holy Spirit Sect is an extremely powerful force belonging to the evil soul masters.

However, Lu Yun did not expect that the Holy Spirit Sect already existed during this period.

Why did it start to endanger the Douluo Continent after ten thousand years?

This is obviously not in line with common sense!

Lu Yun carefully read the experience of the two of them again, and realized that the Holy Spirit Cult was just a small faction that had just been established, and the strongest among them was just a Contra.

Really dare not be so presumptuous!

It may be these reasons that caused the peerless Tang Sect's Holy Spirit Sect to develop into a very large force ten thousand years later, causing countless forces to fear.

These two mysterious men wiped out the entire Murong family precisely because of the girl's spirit.

The previous evil spirit scepter and martial soul were sealed, and the Holy Spirit taught to destroy the entire Murong family, causing killing, hatred and other negative emotions in Murong Xue's heart.

Only then can it be gradually unsealed, which belongs to the true power of the evil spirit scepter.

It seems that the Holy Spirit Cult has far-reaching plans.

Fortunately, he was aware of this situation in time, and this situation must be contained, so that the Holy Spirit Cult can no longer endanger the entire Douluo Continent.

"who are you?"

At this time, the two middle-aged men found that they had come to another strange world, the space inside was so big and boundless.

Seeing the woman they were chasing and killing lying on the ground, life and death unknown, a bad premonition suddenly emerged in the hearts of the two of them.

So he looked up and saw Lu Yun in front of him, the alarm bell in his heart suddenly rang, and he backed away.

They sensed a deadly threat from this man.

Although he didn't release any aura, it still made the two of them feel uneasy. It seemed that a great horror was about to come.

"Are you from the Holy Spirit Cult?"

Lu Yun asked the two people in front of him calmly.

"Huh? How do you know the Holy Spirit Cult, who are you!"

When the two middle-aged men heard Lu Yun's suggestion of the Holy Spirit, they were shocked, and there were waves of fear in their hearts.

The Holy Spirit Sect has just been established, but what is the origin of this human soul master in front of him?
Why do you know the existence of Holy Spirit Cult?

"I am the Pavilion Master of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. Naturally, you, the Holy Spirit Sect, slaughtering soul masters are not tolerated by me."

"Then you two should completely disappear from Douluo Dalu, so as not to do anything that endangers sentient beings again!"

Lu Yun's expression suddenly became extremely cold, and he didn't talk nonsense to the two men in front of him.

The next moment, a powerful wave of soul power erupted in the palm, directly using the invincible domain in the Soul Pavilion.

With a wave of his hand, two terrifying attacks instantly struck the two middle-aged men.


"You are the mysterious owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, why are you here?"

The two middle-aged men were terrified when they heard Lu Yun's self-introduction.

They have naturally heard about the mystery of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, and their leader repeatedly told them not to provoke the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

They also did not expect that the owner of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was in this small place.

There was despair in the eyes of the two, the strength of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is so strong, but as the master of power, how could he be weak?
"I can not be reconciled!"

The two middle-aged men finally let out an unwilling roar, and then turned into a little bit of soul power, dissipating between heaven and earth.

The entire Soul Pavilion returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

After finishing off the two middle-aged men, Lu Yun walked up to the seriously injured girl, and an idea flashed in his mind.

Their Star Dou Auction Pavilion lacked a waiter, and it happened that this girl was homeless, and observing her life experience, she was a pure-hearted and kind-hearted person.

Lu Yun planned to let this girl sell her soul.

"Her evil spirit scepter Wuhun is a trouble, but it is not very difficult for me."

Lu Yun thought of the girl's martial spirit. The seal was gradually being unsealed. In order to contain this evil force, Lu Yun had to think of a way.

In the god-level store, look for solutions to this kind of problem.

I really saw a method that could perfectly solve the girl's martial soul problem.

[Purifying Divine Water: It can purify all evil forces and return to the most essential state...]

Lu Yun likes this purification water, after all, it can purify all negative emotions.

This girl's martial soul also contains a huge amount of evil power. I believe that the effect of purifying the divine water can definitely solve the problem of this girl's martial soul.

Lu Yun directly spent 1000 auction points to buy a drop of purification water.

This was not given to her for nothing, it was regarded as an advance payment of Murong Xue's salary. He is a businessman, so naturally he would not make a loss-making business.

A drop of nine-colored liquid emerged from the palm of his hand, exuding a miraculous aura, and the majestic power of purification permeated the entire Soul Pavilion.

Immediately, Lu Yun flicked his fingers, and the purified water suddenly entered the girl's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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