Douluo: I am an extraterrestrial demon

Chapter 200 Shang An's Fist

Chapter 200 Shang An's Fist
"It's the Seahorse Sacred Pillar!"

"The Sacred Pillar of the Seahorse is here, hahaha, these few people look good now."

The men in yellow were immediately overjoyed when they saw Seahorse Douluo's arrival, they had long been annoyed by those strangers who looked like no one else.

Seahorse Douluo took a step, and arrived in front of Shang An and the others as if teleporting. Seeing the two sitting there as if on a picnic, he always felt that this style of painting seemed a bit wrong.

"Are you from the Spirit Hall?"

He frowned and looked at Shang An and asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter, are your big offerings here yet?"

Shang An put another chopstick into his mouth, then puffed out his mouth and asked.

"Hmph, you can see the great priest whenever you want." Seahorse Douluo snorted coldly, revealing the mighty aura of a titled Douluo, "I don't know what you guys are here for, but I, Sea God Island, don't welcome martial spirits. People in the temple, you'd better leave by yourself, otherwise."

The men in yellow looked at Seahorse Douluo with admiration, this is the strength of the Guardian of the Sacred Pillar, a titled Douluo powerhouse, so terrifying, what can these Wuhundian people stand against.

"Otherwise, what about?" Shang An picked up a piece of fish, "Otherwise, are you going to steal our food?"

Seahorse Douluo's old face turned dark when he heard this, the old man is not the kind of person who is greedy for delicious food.

The faces of the men in yellow were a little red, and they covered their mouths one by one, for some reason they wanted to laugh, obviously they should be on Seahorse Douluo's side.

"Boy, leave quickly, or I will really make a move."

"Oh, make a move, do you really want to grab it?"

Shang An was startled, the fish on the chopsticks accidentally turned into a parabola and landed in front of Seahorse Douluo, "Here, here you go, eat."

"Pfft~" A man in yellow couldn't help laughing without covering his mouth, and then there was a chain reaction, and the suffocated laughter sounded one after another.

Seahorse Douluo's face suddenly became black with red, red with black.

"Good boy, how dare you tease the old man like this."

Why can't he see that Shang An is teasing him, dare to play the titled Douluo, he wants to see what this kid is capable of, Seahorse Douluo's face is full of anger, and he directly summons his own martial spirit .

His martial soul is just like his title, it is a light blue seahorse, two yellow, two purple and five black standard soul rings float around the body of the martial soul seahorse.

"Hmph, let the old man try your weight."

Seahorse Douluo actually seemed to be quite a gentleman, he didn't attack directly, but waited for Shang An to release his martial spirit.

"Okay, it seems that if I don't defeat you, I won't see the great priest today."

Shang An put down the chopsticks in his hand, rubbed his stomach and stood up, "Teacher, protect the table, I'll play with him."

After all, he stood opposite Sea Horse Douluo, with a casual and lazy figure, looking like a traveler who came to visit the scenery.

"Aren't you going to release the martial soul?" Seahorse Douluo frowned and asked.

"No need, just go ahead and finish the fight early." Shang An casually waved his hand at Seahorse Douluo.

This contemptuous attitude made Seahorse Douluo furious, and he couldn't help but want to teach this ignorant kid a profound lesson.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul!"

"The fifth soul skill, Raging Sea Fist."

Seahorse Douluo's two spirit rings lit up, and he punched Shang An.

There was a huge roar, and a monstrous wave condensed in front of Seahorse Douluo's fist, driving boundless wind and waves, blowing the surrounding trees creaking, if Bibi Dong hadn't protected the table, I'm afraid the All the delicacies on the table must be overturned.

"This is Lord Seahorse, really powerful." A man in yellow looked at Seahorse Douluo adoringly, little stars appeared in his eyes.

"Of course, that young man will suffer for angering Seahorse Sacred Pillar." The leader, the middle-aged man in yellow, commented.

"It's a pity, that young man won't be broken." Another woman in yellow lamented. Although she was in a hostile relationship with Shang An, she was really obsessed with Shang An's appearance. If it wasn't for Sea God His belief has been deeply rooted in his heart, and he might not be able to help but want to switch to Shang An's embrace.

"Hmph, who told him to provoke Master Haima." Another young man in yellow snorted coldly.

The words of several people could not affect the battle situation. After Seahorse Douluo used his soul skills, he gave Shang An a little time to react before he swung his fist at him.

Although the old bastard Seagod is not very good, the residents of Seagod Island are indeed quite simple. Apart from looking down on land soul masters a bit, they are actually very kind in nature.

Facing Seahorse Douluo's attack, Shang An calmly raised his right hand slightly in a fist-clenching posture.

"Taiyi Boxing Sutra - Heavenly Lord Subduing Demons!"

The invisible Dao rhyme condenses around his body. Tianzun subduing demons is the most self-centered move in "Taiyiquan Jing", and it is also the most difficult move. It took too much thought, but after so many years, this boxing scripture has reached the state of great accomplishment.

This punch wasn't as powerful as Seahorse Douluo's, it looked like a breeze blowing, an ordinary punch without much power.

Those people in yellow seemed to have foreseen the scene where this arrogant outsider was beaten flying by Seahorse Douluo.

But in Seahorse Douluo's eyes, he seemed to see a great god whose body pierced through the sky, above the sky, swinging that giant fist like a mountain, pressing hard towards him, a strong sense of remorse came from his heart Shengqi, although he didn't know what crime he had committed, but he felt that he had committed a serious crime, and it was time for him to make atonement, so he began to repent deeply.

Even the fist he swung towards Shang An was a little lighter, and his power was greatly reduced.

Two fists are printed together.

Seahorse Douluo's fist seemed to have smashed on an immemorial sacred mountain, powerful power was transmitted from the fist to the body.

"not good!"

At this moment, he finally woke up from his confession and realized that he was affected by this special soul skill of Shang An.

But it was too late to react, the huge force pushed his body, flying towards behind like a rag bag.

"Master Seahorse!"

"Seahorse Sacred Pillar!"

The panic of the man in yellow rang out one after another.

It was not Shang An who flew out, but the extremely powerful Master Haima.

"What did you do to Master Haima?" The woman in yellow suppressed the fear in her heart and asked Shang An.

She didn't expect this overly good-looking man to have such terrifying strength, even the Seahorse Sacred Pillar was not his enemy.

Shang An slowly withdrew his fist, and smiled at the woman in yellow. This smile, which seemed to contain all the beauty in the world, made her look dazed for a while.

"Don't worry, I only used less than [-]% of my strength."

Seahorse Douluo didn't intend to hurt his life just now, so he didn't strike hard, this punch would at most make that Seahorse Douluo lose face, and it wouldn't cause any serious problems.

After all, he didn't come here this time to fight with Sea God Island. He actually doesn't like violence, but there are some things that need to be fought before we can talk about them.

"What a powerful human being."

At this time, a clear female voice sounded, and a woman with a fishtail body appeared in front of Shang An and looked at him curiously.

The Sea Witch has been hiding here for a long time. She just saw the battle between Shang An and Seahorse Douluo, and she was surprised by Shang An's strength. However, seeing that Shang An didn't hit hard, she knew that Shang An shouldn't have any hostility towards Sea God Island. , so I chose to show my figure directly.

Seeing Shang An's face, she couldn't help but stare brightly, her heart seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Oh my, it seems like I'm about to fall in love.

No, no, I am the guardian of the holy pillar, and I cannot pay attention to the personal relationship of my children.

Reluctantly suppressing the unhealthy thoughts in her heart, the sea witch shook her head again and again, resisting Shang An's beauty.

Among the seven sacred pillars, she is the liveliest and the youngest psychologically. Of course, she is also the one who cannot live without loneliness. However, the duty of the guardian of the sacred pillar is like a chain that binds her firmly, preventing her from Swim freely in the sea.

"Are you here to fight too?" Shang An rubbed his wrists, looking at the cute sea witch with a half-smile.

At the same time, I couldn't help but glance at the sea witch's fishtail from the corner of my eye, um, exotic style, I haven't experienced it yet.

"Ah, fight?" The sea witch finally realized her identity. She was actually seduced by Shang An's beauty just now. If you see the great priest, defeat me first."

The Sea Witch waved her small fist and said loudly, as if to encourage herself, this appearance is really cute.

"Then I'll give you a chance to make a move."

Seeing something that moved his heart, Shang An was not in a hurry.

"Okay, I'll do my best, be careful."

The sea witch said fiercely, and then the nine soul rings that also came standard appeared.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the martial soul!"

"The ninth soul skill, Zhenhai Divine Comedy!"

The Sea Witch knew that Shang An was powerful, so her first move was the most powerful killer move.

Zhenhai Divine Comedy is the most powerful skill of the sea witch. Even the other holy pillars dare not resist it. This soul skill can form an extremely powerful mental impact. If the mental power is too low, I am afraid that it will turn into an idiot in an instant .

In order to prevent accidental injury, the Sea Witch controlled the range of the attack, and the melodious and shrill voice only enveloped Shang An's surroundings.

In an instant, Shang An seemed to be trapped in the boundless sea, turning himself into a small boat swaying in the wind, sailing in the sea full of storms, the waves were getting bigger and bigger, as if the boat would be overturned in the next moment, The boundless gust of wind continued to tear the boat, as if it was about to tear the boat apart.

But although the boat looks fragile, the boundless wind and waves cannot destroy the boat.

Listening to the Zhenhai Divine Comedy, which was like the wail of the sea, Shang An couldn't help showing a hint of enjoyment.

After so many years, it was the first time I felt the sound of music that could arouse my inner spirit. This feeling is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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