Douluo: I am an extraterrestrial demon

Chapter 201 The Impulse to Abduct the Sea Witch, Bo Saixi

Chapter 201 The Impulse to Abduct the Sea Witch, Bo Saixi
The shock on the sea witch's face became more and more intense. Although she knew that Shang An was very strong, and her Zhenhai Divine Comedy might not be able to help her, she never thought that Shang An would still enjoy it.

This is too shocking.

The sea witch puffed up her small face, and her soul power spurred on, and the voice of Zhenhai Divine Comedy became louder and louder.

Even the surroundings were affected, those people in yellow quickly backed away to avoid unintended disasters, while Bibi Dong used her soul power to protect herself and Purple Pearl.

After a long time,

The sea witch stopped her soul skills helplessly, her soul power was almost dried up, but the expression on Shang An's face became more and more enjoyable, making herself look like a musician playing for him, it was too bullying.

"I lost."

Looking at Shang An who opened his eyes, Sea Witch said a little discouraged.

"Your voice is very good and you have great potential. I appreciate it very much. Why don't you follow me in the future, with food and shelter included."

Shang An recovered from the music, his eyes were extremely clear, and he looked at the sea witch in front of him with a hint of admiration.

Just for a moment, he really wanted to take the Sea Witch away as his exclusive musician, but he quickly abandoned this idea. After the things he planned were completed, the entire Sea God Island would only be in his pocket. What's the matter, I'm afraid that the sea witch will run away.

"No, I am the guardian of the sacred pillar, and I cannot leave Sea God Island casually."

The sea witch said with some regret.

"Cough cough." Seahorse Douluo, who came back from a distance with a disheveled face, coughed twice quickly, and looked at Shang An with a slightly unkind look.

The Sea Witch is the only woman among the Seven Sacred Pillars, and it would be fine if Shang An abducted her.

"How about it, I can go see the great priest."

Shang An also looked back at this moment, and said to Seahorse Douluo.

"Well, wait a moment, I'll notify the great priest." Seahorse Douluo said these words with a dark face.

Afterwards, he turned around and prepared to go to the shrine.

"No, I'm here."

A gentle goddess sounded, one looked about 1.8 meters long, holding a three-meter-long scepter in her hand, her whole body was covered in a bright red robe, with long sea blue hair close to the ground, her face was as soft as a sea goddess Ordinary women appeared here.

Shanlun's appearance and temperament, she is not inferior to Bibi Dong, the most important thing is her pair of eyes, the clear blue eyes are deeper than the sea, but the vicissitudes of kindness in them seem to have gone through ancient years.

Seeing this person, Shang An couldn't help but compare him with his teacher Bibi Dong, and in the end Bibi Dong was better, because now he only saw Bo Saixi's appearance, but he already had a deep understanding of Bibi Dong's inner self.

"Great offering!"

Seahorse Douluo and Sea Witch hurriedly saluted when they saw Bo Saixi's figure.

"En." Bo Saixi nodded, then looked at Shang An.

"You want to see me, right? People from Wuhundian, what do you want me for?"

She didn't show any hostility. After all, Shang An was more measured in his actions just now. She was not so stingy, because she was a member of the Wuhun Temple.

Moreover, Shang An's face really made people feel bad. If it wasn't for the shadow of a person in her heart, maybe she could not help being moved like those little girls.

"I have seen the great priest, let me re-introduce, I am Shang An, the holy son of the Spirit Hall, and this is my teacher—— Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall."

Shang An slightly nodded at Bo Saixi, "This time I came to Sea God Island to inquire about a piece of news, and also to discuss important matters with the high priest."

"Ask for news?" Poseidon frowned, "What news?" "

She didn't really care much about Shang An's identities.

"News from the Deep Sea Demon Whale King." Shang An said with a smile.

"What!" The Sea Witch on the side exclaimed, obviously she knew how terrible the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was, and their group still passed on the teachings of the sea demon Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

"What are you asking the Deep Sea Demon Whale King for?" Bo Saixi frowned even deeper.

In the legend of Sea God Island, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is an extremely powerful demon, the incarnation of evil in the sea, the former enemy of the great Sea God, and the chief culprit of the cholera sea. If Lord Sea God did not suppress the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, perhaps The whole sea will be under its poisonous hands.

Although Bo Saixi is powerful and can be called the peak of the world, and if he can arouse the power of the Sea God's faith on the Sea God Island, he can even display the strength of a demigod, but he has no confidence in defeating the Deep Sea Demon Whale King in the sea. It can be seen that it is powerful.

"My teacher is still missing a soul ring, and I think the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is very good." Shang An's tone was indifferent, as if the terrifying Deep Sea Demon Whale King was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Soul ring?" Even Bo Saixi's calm face couldn't help revealing a hint of shock. Even she didn't dare to hit the idea of ​​the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. This person actually wanted to make it a soul ring?

What a big breath!
She turned her scrutiny to the teacher Shang An said.

Sensing the gaze cast by Bo Saixi, Bibi Dong did not show any weakness. Perhaps because of the instinctive desire to fight among the beautiful women, Bibi Dong unreservedly released her aura of a peerless Douluo.

That powerful aura that was not weaker than Bo Saixi surprised everyone present.

I thought that Shang An's strength was already strong enough, but I didn't expect that the strength of the woman next to him was not weak at all. This feeling is not weaker than the big priest at all!

"Twin Martial Souls!" Sensing the aura on Bibi Dong's body, Bo Saixi couldn't help but shudder. In this world, besides herself, there is actually a second female Peerless Douluo.

And Bibi Dong obviously already has nine soul rings, but still needs a soul ring, so there is only one possibility, that is, she is the owner of twin martial souls.

This Wuhundian is really lucky.

Looking at Shang An, who couldn't see the depth clearly, and Bibi Dong, who was not weaker than him at all, Bo Saixi couldn't help feeling that maybe these two could really kill the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

"Okay, I can tell you the news about the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and there is no need for the discussion you mentioned."

Bo Saixi took a deep look at Shang An and said.

She didn't want to have too much involvement with Wuhundian. After so many years, her heart was already tired. The only thing she could care about was the Sea God's throne inheritance and Tang Chen.

"Why should the great priest refuse in such a hurry? The Deep Sea Demon Whale King is also a cancer in the sea. If we get rid of this cancer, we will be kind to Sea God Island. Since we have kindness, why should the big priest refuse? Is it because of me? Waiting for people from Wuhundian instead of Haotianzong?" Shang An said nonsense.

"Let's talk about it after you eliminate the Deep Sea Demon Whale King." Bo Saixi didn't say no again. If Shang An can really get rid of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, then it's okay to give him a chance to negotiate.

After telling Shang An the location information of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Bo Saixi left in a flash.

Shang An also put away the table and prepared to get up.

"Are you really going to deal with the Deep Sea Demon Whale King?" Sea Witch couldn't help but asked.

For the horror of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, she knew better than other people from Sea God Island.

Strictly speaking, she is not a human being, but a member of the mermaid family, or the royal family. The mermaid family lives in the sea, so they naturally know the existence of the taboo sea area where the deep sea demon whale king is. The various literatures are innumerable.

Growing up listening to the stories of the Sea God and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, in her heart, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has obviously become a demon, no longer a soul beast, but a powerful evil god!

Although Shang An and the others were strong, she didn't think that Shang An would be able to defeat the evil sea god, so she was a little worried about this human male who had a good impression when they first met.

"Don't worry, it's just a whale, I'm coming back to abduct you." Shang An blinked at Sea Witch.

Immediately, the deer jumped in Sea Witch's heart, and this man was seducing her again with his beauty.

She quickly turned her face away, not letting Shang An see the slight redness on her face, "Bad guy, I'll ignore you."


Shang An suddenly slapped the sea witch's head, and then flew towards the magic whale sea area together with Bibi Dong. As for the purple pearl, Bibi Dong still held it in her hand sadly, screaming in panic and slowing down. Slow down.

"Be careful!" Arranging her hair irritably, looking at Shang An and the others' backs, the Sea Witch couldn't help shouting at them again.

"Okay!" Shang An's voice came from the sky, and the person had already turned into a small black dot.

Hiding in the dark, Bo Saixi, who hadn't actually left, sighed softly when she saw the appearance of the Sea Witch.

Such a sea witch reminded her of her former self, and she didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Suddenly, she realized something.

That is, Shang An and the others came to Sea God Island through the sea area of ​​the Demon Soul Great White Shark. Why didn't Xiao Bai report to her?
It would be fine if ordinary people came to Sea God Island by accident, but Xiao Bai, a powerful person like Shang An, would never forget to inform her.

"not good!"

She immediately flew towards the Demon Soul Great White Shark sea area.


When she came to the top of the sea area, she didn't feel Xiaobai's breath, so she used her soul power to transmit sound, and shouted to the sea area below.

But after a long time, no one responded, and she found that the number of demon spirit great white sharks in this sea area was also much less.

Did Shang An and the others kill Xiaobai?
With Shang An's strength, it is not difficult to kill a 10-year-old soul beast.

Thinking of this possibility, Bo Saixi couldn't help feeling a little violent in her heart. She loves Xiaobai, this cute little sister-like spirit beast very much.When she was a little girl and first came to Sea God Island, it was Xiao Bai who played with her all the time.

It can be said that Xiaobai is both her younger sister and her elder sister, and also her guide.

(End of this chapter)

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