Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 126 The moon is dark and the wind is high, so it's time to run naked.

Chapter 126 The moon is dark and the wind is high, so it's time to run naked.

"Be careful, this place is weird."

The forbidden area is in the attic, Wuyan said, and the fiery red figure rushed in without hesitation.

Mo Yantian's purple eyes were cold, and he seemed a little hesitant, and didn't want Jun Mochu to go in with him.

The emperors of the dark world in the past have clearly reminded that this black hole cannot be entered, and once entered, it cannot be exited.

And Wuyan and Xiaoxiaoxian can still come out after entering, which shows that this forbidden place is not as terrifying as the emperors of the past generations said, but this warning message has been passed down from generation to generation, so no one dares to enter until now. .

But both Wuyan and Xiaoxiaoxian were injured, and she is so weak.

Thinking of this, Mo Yantian suddenly let go of Jun Mochu's hand, and said lightly: "You stay outside, keep watch."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu immediately retorted, "No, I want to go in too."

Mo Yantian frowned, "You are too weak."

Jun Mochu couldn't deny it, "I'm a little weaker now, but people grow up under adversity. If I stay in the greenhouse forever, how can I become stronger?"

The purple eyes were shining, bright and dark, Mo Yantian looked at Jun Mochu's firm appearance, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a vaguely satisfied expression, "Okay."

Sure enough, his vision was right.

He believed her.

Believe in your own eyes.

The two stopped talking and stepped into the black hole without hesitation.

As soon as they entered the black hole, a powerful sucking force came out from the depths of the black hole, as if there was a kind of magnetism, trying to drag them to the depths of the black hole.

Although this forbidden place is in the dark palace, it is Mo Yantian's first visit today. Seeing this strange suction force, he tightened Jun Mochu's hand even more.

A golden light spread from Mo Yantian's body. Jun Mochu didn't practice martial arts before, so he didn't know what the golden light was, but now she knows.

It is golden force.

Is it a golden force that surpasses the seventh-level purple force?

But she has seen Qing Ge, the only one among the four great generals of the dark world who has broken through to the seventh rank, which is obviously white, the power of the holy rank.

Jun Mochu's beautiful eyes froze, and he said, "Mo Yantian, what level are you?"

Hearing this, Mo Yantian's purple eyes looked over, "I don't know."

"...I don't know?" Jun Mochu's mouth twitched slightly, he was playing tricks on her, how many levels did he know?

Mo Yantian's expression remained unchanged, as if he was narrating an ordinary matter, with a wave of his hand, another purple light shrouded their bodies.

Seeing this purple light and feeling the looming powerful aura, Jun Mo was even more stunned at the beginning, "This... is also martial power, but it is not a seventh-level force, but a power that surpasses the seventh level. It seems to be a holy rank. .”

However, the strength beyond the seventh level should be white force.

How could he have two kinds of force?

Mo Yantian's expression was indifferent, but his purple eyes were extremely cold, "So this emperor is a demon clan."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu immediately understood.

Although Mo Yantian has two personalities, this does not completely constitute the real reason why everyone in the dark world is afraid of him, but that he not only has two personalities, but even has two types of force.

On the Yuncang Continent, there is no normal human being who will have two kinds of force at the same time.

Jun Mochu's heart tightened slightly, and when he looked at Mo Yantian's unusually cold eyes, his heart suddenly softened, "What's so strange about the two kinds of force, I don't have two kinds of force, look, this is my force .”

As he said that, with his palms up, a small cluster of red light flickered faintly in the black hole. However, that red light flickered for a moment, and was swallowed up by the black hole's sucking power in an instant.

In front of Mo Yantian's power beyond the seventh level, in front of the huge devouring power of the black hole, her little first level... really has nothing to show off.

Jun Mochu's face became hot, and he gathered that fragile force unwillingly, but it still only flickered for a moment, and was immediately swallowed up.

Jun Mo's face darkened at first.

In the darkness, the corners of Mo Yantian's lips rose inaudibly, and his mood suddenly improved, "Breakthrough to the first level in less than a day, um, not bad."

"..." Are you sure you are not hitting me but praising me?

Jun Mo Chu's face darkened even more, and he simply summoned his own supernatural power to fuse the force.

In an instant, the aperture doubled in size, and the power of red and yellow lingered around her, and finally she was no longer swallowed.

Jun Mo looked at him blankly at first, and said, don't think she is really weak.

The deeper you go into the black hole, the greater the devouring force, and the blue light circle on Wuyan's body in front of you gradually shakes, making it harder to move forward.

"Have you arrived yet? Wuyan, where is Little Fairy?" Jun Mochu felt a dangerous aura expanding, and she felt a little uneasy.

I always feel that this black hole is like a black hole that can swallow everything in the universe,

Wu Yan, who was walking ahead, hadn't answered yet, but suddenly stopped suddenly, with a more dignified expression.

"Damn it, the wind of nothingness is coming again, go back first." Said and quickly backed away.

Seeing him so dignified, Mo Yantian and Jun Mochu didn't hold back, and quickly retreated. Just as they turned around and retreated, suddenly the wind howled in the cave, and a creepy howling sound rang out sharply .

"What's going on." Mo Yantian asked in a deep voice.

Wuyan hurriedly explained: "The wind of nothingness, the power of the storm is comparable to a tornado, I don't have the strength to block the wind now, so go back first, and come in after the storm has passed."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu's pretty face sank. She had experienced the power of a tornado before, so naturally she didn't dare to be brave.

However, the speed of this storm was faster than the tornado, and the moment they turned around, it swept over in an instant!

The huge storm seemed to be mixed with sharp knives, and instantly shattered their defenses, and even the clothes on their bodies were instantly shattered. Jun Mo felt a strong suction at the beginning, trying to drag her into the black hole deep.

Biting her cherry lips tightly, she kept urging the fused supernatural power to resist. However, the power of the storm was too strong. Often when she condensed the protective shield, she was instantly shattered.

"Hurry up." Mo Yantian suddenly stretched out a big hand, grabbing her tightly, and the other hand grabbed Wuyan tightly, and the golden and purple force on his body continued to alternate, covering her and Wuyan. in.

The crushing force on his body suddenly loosened, and Jun Mo felt exhausted at first.

Looking up at Mo Yantian beside him, he saw that the clothes on his body were also torn apart by the storm, and there were still a few rags hanging loosely on his body.

Immediately, a person's appearance flashed in my mind - Brother Sharp.

Mo Yantian's current embarrassment is comparable to Brother Xili's.

When has he ever seen the cruel Mo Yantian look like this? Jun Mo wanted to laugh at first, but when it came to his mouth, he smiled wryly.

Because Mo Yantian is in a much better situation than her.

Nima, at least there are still a few rags hanging on her body!But she has nothing on her body!

Jun Mo lowered his head and looked at himself, naked!

Depend on!

It was the same when there was a tornado last time, and it was like this again this time. She swears that the thing she hates the most in her life is the wind!Especially tornadoes!

Mo Yantian, who protected Jun Mochu and Wuyan, seemed a little struggling, but Jun Jun's face was still indifferent, and there was no panic or anxiety at all, as if he had enough confidence to settle everything and protect her.

Fortunately, the storm came and went quickly. After about ten breaths, the storm gradually stopped.

Mo Yantian slowly withdrew his force, and before he could turn around, Jun Mochu suddenly rushed towards him, and began to pick off the only rags left on his body.

"Brother! Borrow clothes!"

Mo Yantian's expression changed, and annoyance flashed across his purple eyes, he hurriedly protected the only rags left on his body, and said coldly: "No snatching."

Jun Mo didn't care about it at the beginning, he would talk nonsense as soon as he jumped on it, she is not wearing anything now, can it be impossible for her to run naked?

"You." The purple light in Mo Yantian's eyes was flowing, and only then did he realize that Jun Mochu was actually naked, and his white and graceful body made him slightly startled.

Just at this moment, Jun Mochu quickly took off a long piece of rag from his body. He was tall, and the rag just wrapped around the important parts of his chest and lower body like a bath towel for her, and then He raised his head and smiled at Mo Yantian, "Thank you for the clothes, well, you have a good figure, take good care of it!"

After finishing speaking, he patted Mo Yantian on the shoulder symbolically.

She is very conscientious!Look at her leaving underwear for Mo Yantian!

Wuyan didn't seem to have thought that the two of them would be like this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "Hahaha, it's a good thing I have hair on my body, not clothes, so I can't blow it off." Run naked, Mo Yantian, He couldn't wait to see the terrified expressions on the dark world's faces.

"Jun, Mo, Chu." Mo Yantian, who was only wearing a pair of underwear, was furious, "What did you ask me to wear!" Could it be that she wanted herself to go out like this?

There are so many guards coming and going in the dark world, if other people see the majestic emperor of the dark world running naked in his underwear...

Thinking of this, Jun Mo smiled mischievously at the beginning, "Ahem, Mr. Huangzun, it's midnight, it's suitable for killing people, and the moon is dark and the wind is high..."

"It's just right to run naked." Wu Yan took the words very quickly, smiling sinisterly:

"Let's run naked, and bring a little light of dawn to your lifeless dark world! Great emperor!"

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