Chapter 127 Dark World Crisis!

"Let's run naked, and bring a little light of dawn to your lifeless dark world! Great emperor!"

"Get out!" Mo Yantian slapped him with a slap, and Wuyan, who was already injured, flew far away with his ass.

The handsome face was icy cold, and Mo Yantian, who erupted from an iceberg into a volcano, had purple eyes that turned into torches, and his teeth were gritting.

Mo Yantian's figure is really good. She saw it once when she was in the prison of Shengjing Jun's house. Now that she sees her again, she still feels that her vigorous body, with just the right curves, and the muscles without a trace of fat give people a kind of amazing power. .

Except for that fatal wound.

Worried that the angry Mo Yantian would come over and take off his clothes, Jun Mochu grabbed the lapel of his clothes with one hand, and said expressionlessly: "The storm is gone, go in and find Xiao Xiaoxian."

Wuyan rolled back silently, and there were a few less obvious wounds on his body. He thought he was injured when he encountered this emptiness when he came in for the first time.

"Girl..." Wuyan jumped onto Jun Mochu's fragrant shoulder, blowing his bloody wound and complaining, "If you let Mo Yantian rape me again, let alone two years, two months won't be enough." I know if I can hold on."

He was very aggrieved, his power was sealed, he sacrificed his life to be reborn, but he didn't want to be reborn with only one-tenth of the power before being sealed, but now he didn't even have one-tenth of the remaining power.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, he was the majestic king of all beasts in the dark world, and was bullied by some little emperor.

Roar - Wuyan roared in his heart, it was too much!

Jun Mochu twitched the corners of his mouth, "Then take care of your own mouth."

This guy, knowing that Mo Yantian has a bad temper, still keeps pushing him up. It's not obvious that he owes it to him.

"Hmph." Mo Yantian snorted coldly, and glanced at Jun Mochu, but in the end he still didn't take back her clothes.

How can I pick it up?

If you strip her, she will be naked, and there is a male here, what should I do if the male sees a little bit of spring?

As a result, Lord Huangzun, who was about to go berserk, immediately calmed down. In order to let the male see her body, he might as well sacrifice himself a little, and wait until he goes out...

A flash of purple light flashed across his eyes, and his deep purple eyes suddenly became gloomy like this bottomless black hole.

Jun Mochu unconsciously shuddered, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Continuing to explore the depths of the black hole cautiously, a faint blue light suddenly appeared in the bottomless black hole.

Wu Yan was overjoyed, "It's almost there, Xiao Xiaoxian is just ahead."

Mo Yantian also sensed Xiao Xiaoxian's aura, and involuntarily quickened his pace.

Jun Mochu's pretty face sank slightly, and he whispered: "What is in the depths of this black hole?"

Wuyan shook his head, with a solemn expression, "There is only one formation, one person."

"Alone?" Jun Mochu and Mo Yantian's expressions changed at the same time.

This strange black hole, this place that has been regarded as a forbidden place by the dark world for thousands of years, the depth of the black hole that can swallow everything, since there is only one person?

Jun Mo took a deep breath at the beginning. A person who can survive in such a strange black hole and has survived for thousands of years, she can't imagine how powerful the person in the depths of the black hole is.

And here is where the man was imprisoned.

She didn't dare to imagine that if one day, once that person broke out of the prison, the whole world of darkness... would face a huge massacre!

At that time, the Dark Realm is afraid...

Mo Yantian's cold and handsome face became even colder, and he knew the consequences after thinking about it.

"That's right, Xiao Xiaoxian and I broke in by mistake and were almost trapped inside." Having said that, he paused for a moment, then said proudly, "However, that guy still underestimated Xiao Xiaoxian and me. , I thought that would trap us, so we ran out, but the little fairy is still too young, and her soul is under attack, so I can only help it repair its soul first, otherwise if it encounters the wind of nothingness again, it will die again. Get sucked back to that guy."

"Nonsense." Mo Yantian's tone was cold, he had already told that guy that this forbidden area was not to be trespassed, yet he actually broke in without permission.

"It's really too nonsense. Fortunately, you are all fine, but that person... is really powerful?" Jun Mo asked with a frown.

It's really shocking to be able to make such a big commotion despite being imprisoned here.

"Very strong." Wuyan said, "Once you break out of the prison, the entire dark imperial city will cease to exist."

This is not alarmist talk, but Wuyan's affirmation.

Jun Mochu felt the palm of her hand tighten suddenly, and Mo Yantian's cold words came from his ear: "Don't even think about it."

The Dark Realm is his father's everything, it is the hard work left by his ancestors for generations, if it is destroyed like this...


He would never allow such a thing to happen.

Jun Mo first thought, it seems that the secrets of this forbidden area must not be known to any forces outside the dark world, if they know, and even help the big devil inside to break the prison, the dark world will be over.

"Xiao Xiaoxian." At this moment, they had come to the side of the blue light, and saw Xiao Xiaoxian was quietly wrapped in the blue light, her body curled up into a ball of white fur, and she was sleeping.

Wuyan calmly put the soul jade in his hand into the blue light, for a moment, the soul jade shimmered, submerged into Xiao Xiaoxian's head, and disappeared.

Xiao Xiaoxian moved a little uneasy, but she still didn't wake up.

"Let's go quickly, this place is still thousands of miles away from the cave, but that guy is very perverted, it is very likely that he has discovered us." Wuyan said in a deep voice.

"Let's go." Mo Yantian made a decisive decision, put Xiao Xiaoxian in his arms, and quickly ran towards the entrance of the cave.

Fortunately, the people deep in the cave really didn't seem to notice them. Jun Mochu and the others went back to the attic all the way, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Back at the attic, Mo Yantian handed Xiao Xiaoxian to Wuyan without saying a word, and said in a deep voice, "Treasure Julou, you take it there." There are many soul treasures there, I believe Wuyan will save the injured Xiaoxian cured.

Wuyan's eyes lit up, Jubaolou!

This is the place where all the geniuses and treasures of the Dark Realm are treasured!

Immediately, the red shadow flashed and disappeared quickly, leaving only one sentence in a daze, "Oh, you said this, then I won't be polite to you, don't blame me for emptying your baby!"

Jun Mochu blinked, "Hey, don't you follow up to have a look?" She was worried that the Jubao Pavilion would really be evacuated by Wuyan.

Mo Yantian turned his head and raised his eyebrows to look at her, a strange flame flashed in the depths of his purple eyes, "Do you want me to go out naked?"

Hearing this, Jun Mochu's heart skipped a beat. This guy couldn't be paying attention to her clothes.

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