Chapter 131

The relationship between the four kings and the three attendants is extremely good.

And Feng Fei came back with Mo Yantian all the way, so he naturally knew Jun Mochu's true identity.

Therefore, when their four kings asked Feng Fei about Jun Mochu's origin, Feng Fei naturally did not hide it.

What they didn't understand was why Master Fanchen would help Jun Mo show up at the beginning.

What worried them was that Huang Zun cared more about this woman than Feng Fei imagined, which made them sound the alarm in their hearts.

Leaving aside the identity of this woman, the power of the original earth element in her body alone is enough to make them doubt her origin and identity.

As long as it is related to the five sects of Xianshan, they have to be cautious.

Because, no one can be sure whether she really has nothing to do with the five sects of Xianshan, or whether she deliberately approached the emperor.

However, this woman is now related to Master Fanchen, which makes it difficult for them to do things in many ways.

After all, Master Fanchen is not an ordinary person, so they have never dared to act rashly. Now that they finally got such an opportunity, how could Yexuan not seize this opportunity well.

And Jun Mochu, how could he not understand their thoughts, his pretty face sank slightly, and he stood still, his eyes turned cold for a moment.

"General Ye, if you don't believe me, you can ask Mo Yan... Huangzun, someone will tell you who is right." But now, she has no time to spend time with him here.

After all, she turned around directly, worried about the current situation of Lvyi.

The Soul Jade has been absorbed by Xiao Xiaoxian, so I don't know if the Great God's method of erasing memory will work or not.

Ye Xuan had always been skeptical of Jun Mochu, but now that Jun Mochu refused to cooperate, he felt guilty and wanted to escape, so he couldn't help but sneer, "If Miss Mochu is really innocent, I will Naturally, you won't embarrass Miss Mo Chu, if that's the case, why are you leaving in such a hurry, isn't it a guilty conscience or something?"

Jun Mochu's eyes were full of sarcasm, guilty?If it wasn't for Mo Yantian's attitude, she would have turned around and left a long time ago, ignoring him.

But in fact, she doesn't bother to care about it now.

"Whatever you say, the mouth grows on your body."

"You, presumptuous!" Jin Yuwei became furious when he saw that this woman dared to speak to his general like this.

Seeing that she was about to leave, she stopped Jun Mochu with a spear, and said angrily, "Apologize to General Ye! Go back with us obediently, don't resist!"

Jun Mo first pursed his lips, then suddenly smiled, and asked him indifferently: "Why should I apologize to him?"

He wronged her and insulted her, and wanted her to apologize to him?

That Jin Yuwei was completely enraged, "If you don't apologize, you want to leave here today!"

After all, the long spear suddenly stabbed over, and he did it as soon as he said he would do it, without giving anyone a chance to prepare.

Jun Mochu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and he dodged away with a little toe. Jin Yuwei's spear pierced the air, and he became even more annoyed. With a shout of anger, he unleashed his full force, and turned into a sharp sword to stab Jun Mochu. .

Ye Xuan's expression changed, and he stopped him sharply, "Huzi, come back!"

Let's not talk about the identity of this woman, the emperor dotes on her now, if they do something to her without authorization, they will be the ones who will have no reason at that time.

And that Jin Yuwei named Huzi was angry at the moment, so how could he put his words in his ears, and quickly went towards Jun Mochu at an increasing speed instead of decreasing.

Ye Xuan yelled 'idiot' in his heart, and quickly shot, trying to hold Huzi back.

He was fast, but Jun Mochu was faster than him, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and Jun Mochu's cold face was like a snowy plum in the cold wind, exuding a strong chill.

"Hmph." Jun Mochu snorted coldly, grabbed the long spear that Huzi stabbed across, and with a twist of his wrist, he threw him out.

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes, seeing that Jun Mochu actually dared to fight back and hurt his own Golden Feather Guard, he couldn't help being furious, his five fingers turned into claws, and the purple seventh-level force formed a gorgeous lightning bolt.

"Is General Ye, one of the four great generals in the dark world, indiscriminately hurting people like this?" Seeing Ye Xuan's attack, Jun Mochu said sarcastically.

The hands in mid-air paused slightly, and Ye Xuan, who represented the reputation of the four great kings of the dark world, stopped suddenly when he heard Jun Mochu's words.

Jun Mochu curled his lips coldly, and taking advantage of his pause, he shook his backhand, and the supernatural power fused with martial power overflowed from his fingertips, and landed on Ye Xuan with a swipe in the air.

Ye Xuan was even more taken aback when he saw that the aura emanating from that force was that of a first-order force.

Tier [-] force?

How can this be?

Isn't this woman from the Five Sects of Xianshan?

Even if she is not a member of the Five Sects of Immortal Mountain, the power she showed at the gate of the Dark Realm Imperial City that day was not only one level, how could she only have one level of power now?

Because of this, Ye Xuan didn't change his face when he realized that it was a first-level force, and he dared to contend in front of him with a mere first-level force, he was really overwhelmed.

He didn't take that seriously at all.

However, when that aura approached, Ye Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and a huge impact force suddenly exploded on his body, and the powerful rebound force sent him flying.

"Cough... how is this possible?" With the power of the earth explosion, Ye Xuan's whole body was turned black, and even his hair was curled up like a dog chewing on it. It was ridiculous to look like a black charcoal head.

"Night General!"

Seeing this, Jin Yuwei hurried over, "General Ye, are you okay, General!"

My God, how did General Ye become like this? How high is that woman? General Ye is not her opponent.

Jun Mochu slowly withdrew her hand. This is a trick she has learned after two storms, but her ability is earth, which does not have the power of a powerful storm, but the explosive power of the earth-type ability is still very powerful. fierce.

Glancing at Ye Xuan's new look, Jun Mochu nodded in satisfaction, um, yes, Master Bao II has appeared.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Oh girl, hurry up, I'm going to be unable to handle the scholar, quickly pack up these treasures!"

Jun Mochu turned his head and saw that Wuyan had brought a super huge bag from nowhere, and he didn't know what was in it. It was bulging like a balloon. He bit the bag and dragged it all the way, which was very difficult.

Behind Wuyan, another team of Golden Feather Guards ran wildly, screaming hoarsely, "Quick! Get him back quickly! My God, the Jubao Pavilion has been robbed!"

"..." Hearing this, a black line was drawn on Jun Mochu's forehead, Jubao Pavilion... was robbed?

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