Chapter 132 Breaking up costs a lot.

The sentence Jubao Pavilion was robbed instantly exploded in Jin Yuwei's heart.

What is Jubao Pavilion?

It is the place where all the geniuses and treasures in the dark world are treasured, and all the top-level weapons are stored, and now... it has been stolen?

Jun Mo glanced at Wuyan for the first time, and his face turned black into the bottom of the pot.

"Su Wuyan, what the hell are you doing!" she asked, her voice gnashing her teeth.

Where did he find such a big bag, and actually emptied the entire Jubao Pavilion, no wonder this super huge bag looks so bulging...

Wuyan blinked, with an expression of 'I'm all for your own good', while grabbing the bag with furry paws, he said hard: "Girl, I'm all for your own good, if someday Mo Yantian The guy likes the new and dislikes the old, he doesn’t want you anymore, he wants to break up with you, he wants to kick you, with these treasures, we don’t suffer, let’s just treat it as a breakup fee, look, the breakup fee is so much..."

Oh, it's called a breakup fee, right?

I remember that his previous master in his previous life said that if he wanted to dump a woman easily, the breakup fee must be high!

Don't be reluctant, it's a good deal to lose some treasures in exchange for a bunch of women's favors.

Wuyan looked up at the sky sadly, alas, it's a pity that his previous master is no longer here.

But it doesn't matter, as a qualified natal contractor, he will definitely carry forward this great spirit!

Hearing this, with Jin Yuwei's support, Ye Xuan, who was about to stand up, staggered and fell back to the ground.

The whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and he sat on the ground blankly, terrified.

He was surprised that this pet that looked like a dog could actually talk!Can speak human language!

Even the beasts may not be able to speak!Divine beasts also have to wait until they reach adulthood before they can speak!what is it

Divine Beast!Adult beast!

In their Dark Realm Imperial City, an adult divine beast unexpectedly appeared!At a moment when this divine beast is about to disappear on the Fengyun plane, it is so incredible that an adult divine beast appears.

Of course, divine beasts are not so rare in the Wind and Cloud Plane, but almost all of them are in the growth stage and cannot speak.

The fully-adult divine beasts are even rarer. At least so far, Wuyan is the only adult divine beast that can speak human language in the Imperial City of the Dark Realm.

Ye Xuan was in a mess, especially after hearing what the adult beast said, he became even more messed up.

What do you mean... Lord Huangzun likes the new and dislikes the old, don't you want this Jun Mochu?

What do you call breaking up?

Ye Xuan's pupils suddenly widened. Could it be that Lord Huangzun and this Jun Mochu... had an affair?

No, no, no, to say that having one leg is too degrading to the status of Lord Huang Zun, it should be said that they are behind the back of Master Fan Chen... have adultery?

Jun Mo was angry at the beginning, grabbed Wu Yan, and said coldly: "You said Mo Yantian would dump me? Impossible."

Hearing what she said, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, that is, who is the emperor, how could he do such a heartless thing.

"Why is it impossible?" Wuyan curled his lips in disdain, there is nothing impossible for a man to be guilty.

Jun Mochu said lightly: "Because before that, I will dump him first."

"..." Hearing these words, Ye Xuan's mouth twitched, and he dumped the emperor?How dare she dump the emperor?

But after hearing Jun Mochu's words, he reconfirmed in his heart that the relationship between Huang Zun and her is indeed a bit tricky!

No wonder the emperor dotes on her so much, it turns out that is the case, then she came out of the emperor's bedroom just now, could it be...

A picture of a naked man and woman embracing each other suddenly appeared in Ye Xuan's mind, and his expression suddenly became weird.

"That's true." Wuyan nodded his head, how could his natal contract be dumped by others?Of course, you have to dump it before others!

"But these treasures should be put away. It's not easy for me to pretend to be a scholar." He was exhausted, how hard it is to pretend.

Jun Mo gave him a disgusted look at the beginning, "You said you were stupid but you still didn't admit it, and if you want to take it, you have to take it secretly. How do you ask me to move it back now?"

With so many people watching, can they take it away?

"..." Hearing the words, Ye Xuan choked directly into his stomach. If he wanted to take it, he would secretly take you think she was really planning on Jubao Pavilion?

"Presumptuous!" The Golden Feather Guard named Huzi jumped out angrily just now, pointed at Jun Mochu angrily and said, "You really have a purpose! Did you premeditate a long time ago and divide the troops into two?" Lu, you trespassed on Lord Huangzun’s bedroom in an attempt to steal treasures, but this dog ran to Jubao Pavilion and stole the genius and treasures of Jubao Pavilion. You have such a vicious heart, how can you be so vicious around Master Fanchen? people!"

"..." Hearing his words, Jun Mochu's originally expressionless face showed a hint of disbelief.

Damn, isn't this guy too imaginative?Divide the troops into two groups?

"You are the dog." Wuyan stared at Huzi with sullen blue eyes.Lao Tzu, the majestic king of all beasts, was actually called a dog by you!Where is he like a dog?Where does it look like a dog? !

Huzi was still immersed in his own analysis, "I'm right, it's a waste of me being so right in the dark world... huh? What do you think I am?"

Suddenly hearing Wuyan call him a dog, Huzi was stunned and glared at each other.

Didn't you hear me clearly?Wuyan said it again with rare kindness, "I said you are the dog, and you are all dogs."

Hu Zi was furious, "You are his grandfather, how dare you call me Hu Zi a dog! Believe it or not, I cooked you in one pot!"

"Huzi..." Ye Xuan spoke suddenly, his hair was burnt into curly hair, his face was covered with black charcoal, and he even whispered - if he spoke loudly, the black charcoal dust would run into his mouth.

"General Ye, don't worry about me, my subordinate. Hu Zi won't boil the dog's skin today, and Hu Zi's name will be written upside down!" His grandfather dared to call him a dog.

"See clearly what is in front of you." Ye Xuan reminded him helplessly.

"What else can it be, isn't it just a..." Before he finished speaking, Huzi seemed to be greatly frightened, and then took a big step back, staring at Wuyan in fear, "You, you, you , just now, just now you were talking, talking, talking...?" God, a talking dog!

Adult beast!

"..." Everyone was speechless, dare he reflect it now?

"What's going on?" Suddenly, an extremely cold voice came, Mo Yantian was dressed in a cool purple robe, with icy purple pupils, walking towards here coldly.

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