Chapter 145 One Kiss and Heart Tribulation

After knowing that the strange treasure in his hand was called Qiankun Bag, Jun Mochu became more cautious.

Now she possesses two things that the whole continent would be crazy about, whether it is the Ancient Realm Key and the Cosmos Bag, once others know about it, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, here comes the question, since Qiankun Dai can be the master of itself, why does it recognize her as the master?

It stands to reason that although her supernatural powers are different from those of the Five Sects of Xianshan, her force is even less like the force common in this world. How could Qiankun Bag let her be the master?

"Perhaps..." There was a trace of sadness in Wuyan's eyes, "Isn't it because you are both souls from another world?"

His previous master was also a soul from another world who had traveled through time. The Qiankun Bag had a spirit. He had followed his master for thousands of years and already had feelings for him.

Now that Mo Chu is selected as the main one, the most important reason is that she is the soul of another world, plus the strange power on her body, so she values ​​her potential.

Hearing this, Jun Mo was stunned for a moment, and looked at Wuyan abruptly, his eyes narrowed slightly, "The soul of another world?"

How did he know he was born again?

Wuyan closed his claws, "Don't look at me, the monk told me."

He is different from Mo Chu, he grew up in this world, he destroyed his body and was reborn in Nirvana in order to understand the seal, but he didn't want to wait for him to wake up again, the years have changed dramatically, and ten thousand years have passed.

Holding the quilt tightly, Jun Mo got up from the bed, and his pale face showed a slightly surprised expression, "You mean, the previous owner of this Qiankun bag was also a soul from another world? How do you know? From what? From the world?"

Wuyan bit his paw and thought for a while, "It seems to be called the 21st century, and it comes from a place called China."

His former master always had a bunch of strange words, and after staying with him for a long time, he would occasionally say a word or two.

Jun Mochu immediately became excited, "Then what about him now? Could it be that he has gone back?"

After being reborn in this world, is it possible to go back?

This answer caused Wuyan's eyes to sink, and his voice sank, "Girl, the Cosmos Bag recognizes its owner. If the previous owner hadn't died, he wouldn't recognize you as the owner."

What's more, ten thousand years have passed, he should be gone long ago, but no matter what, he has to look for it.

Jun Mochu just came to his senses, that’s right, although the specific function of this Qiankun bag is still unclear, but Wuyan said that it can swallow the sky at the top and the earth at the bottom, so how can this be a simple treasure?If the previous owner is still there, how could he appear here.

Presumably, it is really dead.

"Girl, the Cosmos Bag is very important. Don't let anyone know about it unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, there may be no room for us in heaven or earth."

Hearing this, Jun Mo frowned, "So serious?" Suddenly he felt that he had brought back a bigger trouble.

Wuyan nodded heavily, "Don't underestimate it, you can use it as a space ring now, and when you become stronger, I will slowly tell you the function of this universe bag."

And back then, they ended up where they are today precisely because of this universe bag.

Jun Mo frowned at the beginning, although she felt that she was a bit overqualified, but if she really said what Wu Yan said, her current strength might not be enough.

Thinking of this, she secretly made up her mind that she must improve her strength as soon as possible.

"Why does the Great God know my identity?" Jun Mo first thought of what Wu Yan said, how could Fan Chen know that she was a soul from another world who had traveled through time?

This is unbelievable.

Wuyan loosened the claws in his mouth, flipped through the erotic books in front of him again, and said nonchalantly: "How do I know, but the monk Shenstick is not easy, um, just build a good relationship with him."

"You still say." Jun Mochu gave him an angry look, "If it wasn't for you and Xiao Xiaoxian's teasing, how could he fall from the high platform?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a generation of holy monks just fell like this, how much... damages the image.

Wuyan hecked twice, his eyes filled with the pleasure of calculating after the prank.

Jun Mochu didn't care about the weakness of his body, he got up from the bed, grabbed Wuyan on the table, and said with a cold face: "Go, go and apologize to the Great God."

"!!" Wuyan struggled hastily, "Let me apologize to the monk? Girl, you're out of your mind, the monk will kill me!"

"Be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting. I don't know." Ignoring his struggle, Jun Mochu walked all the way to Fan Chen's residence.

In fact, her real reason was just to ask Fan Chen how he knew that she was a time-traveling person.

Fan Chen's residence is not far from them, they are all in the same courtyard, bypassing the long corridor is Fan Chen's room, Jun Mo stood in front of the door at first, trying to put on a smiling face, then reached out and knocked on the door.

"Hey, God, are you there?"

The Great God doesn't like to go out, and usually stays in the room, Jun Mo knew it at first.

Sure enough, after a while, Fanchen's elegant voice like the sound of nature sounded in the room.


The door was opened, and a faint scent of sandalwood came to her nostrils. Every time she smelled this fragrance, she felt a lot more awake in her mind.

Fan Chen hesitantly opened the door, and what he saw was a delicate pretty face, he took two steps back and stood five steps away, as if it was safer to stand far away, lowering his eyes, "Is there something wrong? "

Seeing that the great god was far away from him, Jun Mochu couldn't help touching his nose. She didn't seem to harm the great god, did she?How can I hide from her so terribly...

Jun Mochu gave Wuyan in his hand, "Wuyan came to plead guilty to the great god."

Fan Chen looked down, and saw a long strip of cloth tied to Wuyan's furry head covered in fiery red, and the cloth strip said 'Great God, I'm sorry'.

"There are still more." Wuyan was afraid that Fanchen would not see it, so he turned around quickly and pointed his butt at Fanchen, only to see the cloth strip on the back of his head, which also read 'Please forgive me, please forgive me, please forgive me' forgive'.

There is no doubt, this is to make Wuyan's apology more sincere, and Jun Mochu specially prepared such a weird apology for Wuyan.

Seeing Fan Chen was taken aback, and then, the corner of his mouth twitched inaudibly.

Putting his palms together, Fan Chen silently recited the Mantra of Purifying Heart. Who said it was not his calamity to meet such a weird master and servant?

Wu Yanxin said unwillingly: "Monk, I was wrong. I shouldn't have secretly replaced your scriptures with pornographic ones, and I shouldn't have caused you to fall off the high platform in fright. I'm guilty, please forgive me!"

As soon as Wuyan finished speaking, Jun Mochu slapped him on the head, and said dissatisfiedly, "Be more polite when talking to the Great God."

"..." Wuyan pursed his lips, hateful Mochu!He turned his arm out to help the monk and didn't help him.The more I thought about it, the more depressed I felt. Wuyan shook his head and wiped away the crystal tears, "Okay, I was really wrong, God! You are the God in the sky, and I am a villain on the ground. You will not follow me. Am I a villain who cares about it?"

"..." Fan Chen silently recited the Mantra of Purifying Heart, and was speechless for a long time.

How did a generation of king of beasts become... so shameless?

Fanchen didn't understand, and in fact he didn't want to understand. Although he entered the world of mortals, he only saw all kinds of worldly situations. He seemed to be in it, but he was outside of it.

After a while, he moved away slightly, his clear eyes glanced at Jun Mochu, and he said softly: "Come in, it's cool outside."

Jun Mo's eyes lit up for the first time, and he gave Wuyan a thumbs up secretly, very good, sincere attitude, God forgive us!

After entering the house, the smell of sandalwood became more intense. This was the first time she entered the room of the great god. Although this is the territory of the dark world, it is said that this other courtyard was specially built for Fan Chen, and only Fan Chen You will only check in when you come to the dark world, otherwise no one will enter this place.

"Sit there." Fanchen suddenly pointed to a lotus meditation sitting on the ground, and asked Jun Mochu to sit down.

Jun Mo blinked at the beginning, although he didn't understand why the Great God didn't let her sit on a chair and let her do meditation, but he still sat down according to his words.

However, just as she sat down, a warm feeling suddenly spread from her body, warm as if she was bathed in the sun, and her cold body due to excessive blood loss instantly warmed up.

Jun Mo was stunned, the Great God is helping her heal?Just as she was about to ask, Fanchen's voice pierced through the hazy light, and came over clearly, "Close your eyes, the Supreme Mind of Buddhism can help you calm down and get distracted."

Hearing this, Jun Mochu was a little puzzled, but he still closed his eyes quietly, and mobilized his abilities to rotate around the sky with the warm air.

Fan Chen stood at the side, watching her quietly, reborn in another world, and went upstream, a touch of the soul of another world surprised him, he couldn't help but take another look, but this one, settled down and took root.

A kiss in the heart disturbs Qingxiu. It is a god or a human being. Under the cold clothes, you and I are just living spirits. I can't help but help her, help her, and help her again.

I didn't know until today that it was a catastrophe.

She was his catastrophe, and he wanted to overcome the catastrophe, but he didn't want to be rescued instead.

Fan Chen lowered his eyes and sighed slightly inaudibly.

Beside him, Wuyan scratched his head, looked at him with sparkling blue eyes, and said with a tsk, "I said monk, you didn't read a page of erotic books, and you really reacted, and you fell in love with it." Is it my girl?"


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