Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 146 Are you still a virgin...

Chapter 146 Are You Still A Virgin...

Seeing Fanchen's surprised appearance, Wuyan covered his big blue eyes with his paws, and said mysteriously: "Uh, master, you..."

Fan Chen didn't know what shocking words he was going to say, so he stood silently and didn't answer.

Sure enough, in the next second, Wuyan thief came over with his furry head, "Master, in fact, you are still a virgin... Oh, in your Buddhist parlance, it is... a child's body?"

Fanchen, who was about to stay away from Wuyan, heard this sentence, his body tilted, his feet staggered, and he was about to fall. He looked at Wuyan awkwardly, "You..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his face flushed red.

How can a generation of holy monks who have always been pure-hearted and ascetic want to bicker with Wu Yan, who wants to pretend to be a scholar, but is actually very shameless and obscene?

For a moment, he stood there at a loss.

This is the first time that Master Fan Chen has seen someone who speaks so boldly in front of him... Let me ask, who would dare to say in front of a generation of holy monks, 'You are still a virgin, are you looking for my girl?'

No matter which sentence it was, it was enough for Fan Chen to be at a loss for a long time.

Wuyan smiled and waved his paw at him, "Ouch, master, don't be shy, everyone is a man, I can understand it, it's human nature to have emotions and desires, it's normal for you to have some reactions when you see those voluptuous scenes , my girl is so beautiful and beautiful, and even forced you, it's normal for you to be attracted to her..."

Fan Chen's face turned even redder, not because he was said to have committed a crime of lust, but because he was angry, and his eyes were stained with a little sullenness.

Master Fanchen, who has always been indifferent to the world,... unexpectedly sometimes gets angry.

What is angry is not that he speaks nonsense, but that he casually slanders people's reputation.

Seeing that Fanchen seemed to be angry, Wuyan quickly covered his mouth with his paw, exposing only a slit, and said, "Oh, master, don't be angry, no, scholar, I'm just joking with you, look at you scared."

Saying so on the mouth, but roaring in the heart, there is adultery!Absolutely adulterous!Seeing how he looks like he is being talked about, he doesn't believe that this magic stick has no ghosts in his heart!

Fanchen lowered his eyes, brushed the plain white robe over the corner of the table, sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense, it will ruin her reputation."

He is just a monk, let alone mess up his pure heart.

Wuyan nodded 'hmm', his eyes full of disbelief, but would he say it?

Of course not!

Fan Chen slightly raised his eyes to look at Jun Mochu, who was in the middle of the night, turned sideways, and walked out.

Lonely men and widows will only increase criticism, and he is not a human being, so it is inconvenient for him to stay here.

Wuyan didn't stop him either, it's better for him to do things when the monk is gone, isn't he?

He watched Fanchen leave with a smile, and closed the door as soon as he stepped out of the room.

Hearing the sound of the door closing behind him, Fan Chen just shook his head, his expression still regained his composure, and left on foot helplessly.

As soon as the door was closed, Jun Mochu, who was still in meditation, hadn't woken up yet. This was his world. Wuyan jumped onto the large wooden cabinet where Fanchen put the scriptures, and he flipped out the scriptures inside. The furry He poked his paws to the bottom scriptures, took out two books, and smiled immediately.

Fortunately, the two erotic books were not found.

Wuyan smiled triumphantly, held the two books in his arms, jumped onto the bed where Fan Chen was sleeping, and stuffed them under the quilt.

Then, he snorted as if he had succeeded in a prank, he really wanted to see how far the monk could control it.

After doing all this, he acted as if nothing had happened, swayed his tail, and left arrogantly, telling Xiao Xian'er about the good news.

Jun Mochu was the only one left in the quiet room.

By the time she woke up from the meditation, the sky had already darkened, and it was almost night.

As soon as Jun Mo thought about it, she noticed a wave of clarity rising in her mind, which made her feel refreshed, and her body was not as weak as before.

The supreme method of Buddhism is to calm the mind and mind. With this method, you will no longer be afraid of going crazy when you practice in the future, and it is even the best method for healing.

Jun Mochu was full of gratitude to Fanchen, and he never thought that the Great God would teach her this method of heart.

Looking up and looking around, the room was a bit dark, she looked out the window, only to find that the sky had already darkened, and she sat in meditation for an entire afternoon.

Fanchen was not in the room, and Wuyan must have gone out too. Jun Mo stood up at the beginning, feeling that the strength in his body had returned to normal, his brows were relieved, and he gradually showed a little smile. Following the Great God really benefited a lot.

She walked out of the room, and as soon as she went out, she saw Master Enlightenment guarding the door.

Seeing Jun Mochu coming out, Master Wu put his palms together and saluted, "Miss Mochu, you are awake, Master Fanchen told Wu to wait here."

"Oh? Where's Master Fanchen?" Jun Mo wanted to say thank you to Fanchen face to face. ,

Enlightenment said: "Madam is hosting a banquet in Moxiang Pavilion, and came to invite the master, but the master has already gone."

"A banquet?" Jun Mo was puzzled at first, "What kind of banquet?"

"It is said that it is for Lord Huangzun's fiancée to clean up the dust, and Miss Mochu is also invited, but you have not woken up before, so Master Fanchen asked Wu Wu to wait for Miss Mochu here and report again." Wu Wu explained.

Hearing this, Jun Mochu frowned in an instant, "To clean up the dust for the emperor's fiancée?"

Is Mo Yantian's fiancee Haiyang?

What a great face.

"I won't go." Jun Mochu said lightly, she didn't want to see how the woman performed, how she acted.

Su Wu said: "This is an invitation specially sent by Madam, I'm afraid it would be impolite for Ms. Mochu not to go."

Jun Mochu frowned even tighter. Indeed, if Mo Yantian called her, she might not go, but now it is his mother, the wife of the dark world.

Thinking of this, Jun Mochu's mood sank little by little, let's just go for a while and find an excuse to leave.

A servant girl was found, and she followed her to Moxiang Pavilion.

Moxiang Pavilion is not far from the Bieyuan, and it takes about a while to walk there. The lights inside are brightly lit, and there are many pavilions and water pavilions.

Jun Mochu casually walked in and looked up.

I saw Mo Yantian, who was dressed in a cold, sitting on the front seat. Beside him, Haiyang smiled softly, like a kind wife, slowly pouring wine for him, talking and laughing sweetly.


the third

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