Chapter 157 The Hardworking Fiance (Gold Medal Plus)

The breeze is cool, it is early autumn.

The seasons have changed, and the weather that has just entered autumn still carries the heat of summer.

Wuyan was lazily enjoying the shade under a tree in the garden, Xiaoxian was lying on his open belly, squinting his eyes in the same laziness, the lives of the two beasts were extremely chic.

After these days of recuperation, and the fact that he secretly ate many geniuses and treasures from Mo Yantian Jubao Pavilion, Wuyan felt that his strength could be mobilized vaguely.

But still too little.

Wuyan was a little entangled, but then he was relieved. The geniuses and treasures here are indeed good things for human beings, but in his eyes, they are still too low-level.

He misses his Myriad Beast Forest very much, and wonders how much of the treasure he hid back then is left...

Of course, he also understands that these are extravagant ideas, ten thousand years have passed, I am afraid that there will be no scum left of those things.

It's a pity that he can't go back to his country now, otherwise, he might be able to recover that power earlier there.

But it was too far away, and even he could not predict the dangers he would encounter on the way, so he had to endure it.

Wuyan sighed heavily.

The king of all beasts who once unified the beast clan and made it the most glorious generation of the kingdom of all beasts has fallen to the point where it is today...

Wuyan wanted to wipe away his tears with his paws, but found that... oh, he has been too happy recently, and he really can't cry, so he can only be sentimental occasionally, and then take the opportunity to pretend to be pitiful, to deceive Xiaoxian'er's little sympathy.

Seemingly feeling Wuyan's mood, Xiao Xiaoxian dug his ears with his paws, and opened his black pearl-like eyes to look at him.

"Zhizhi—" seems to be asking, what's wrong?

Wuyan patted Xiaoxian with his paw, and sighed incomparably heavily, "Hey, you are still young and don't understand, scholar, I am lamenting life... oh, lamenting the sorrow of beast life, look, How do you find beautiful women with your master like this? How do you marry a wife, how do you pick up girls?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xiaoxian looked like it was a big deal, patted her hairy chest, and said, with me here, the big deal is that if you don't get a wife, my brother will reluctantly follow you.

"..." Wuyan seemed to want to twitch the corners of his mouth, but he found that he was in the body of a beast and couldn't twitch his mouth, so a few black lines were drawn beside his big blue eyes, "I'm not interested in your husband, do you want to marry me? Go transgender first, wait until you become a mother."

"Squeak!" Xiao Xiaoxian tugged at his ear, how dare he despise him.

Before one ear was caught, there was a loud shout not far away.

"What the hell is this!"

Xiao Xiaoxian and Wuyan were taken aback at the same time, turned their heads, and looked not far away.

I saw a middle-aged man, holding what seemed to be a medicine jar, and slammed it hard on a young man on the floor.

The medicine pot hit him, and then fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. The medicinal materials in the medicine pot fell to the ground, very broken, the broken kind, if it wasn't for the strong smell of medicine, it would probably be No one would have known that the shattered mud-like thing was a medicinal material before.

The man didn't speak, his lowered eyes couldn't clearly see the emotion deep in his eyes, only his tightly pursed lips showed the great anger in his heart.

"The third elder wants you to crush these medicinal materials and then blend them together. Look at you, what the hell have you made of them!" The middle-aged man seemed to have not scolded enough, he raised his foot and kicked at the man again .

The man let out a muffled grunt, and was kicked out. The sun fell on his face, revealing the faint blue marks on his face, which were obviously wounds.

Looking at the man's face, Wuyan's big blue eyes, which were enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree, popped out, and the eyeballs almost popped out.

This, this, isn't this the man who claims to be Mo Chu's fiancée?

What's your name?

Lin Feng!

By the way, it is Lin Feng!

Wuyan rubbed his eyes with his paws, what's going on, how could Lin Feng be scolded by that middle-aged man?

It seems that he was asked to do some work. He didn't do the work well, so he started to scold him?

Seeing Lin Feng's outfit, Wuyan was even more surprised. When did Lin Feng become a servant of the dark palace?

Isn't this clothes the clothes worn by servants of the dark palace?

Wuyan was right. That man was indeed Lin Feng. He came to this dark world with Jun Mochu, but he didn't want such chaos to happen outside the imperial city. Jun Mochu couldn't protect himself, so he was helped by Fan Chen Bundle.

And Mo Yantian didn't care so much at that time. After returning to the dark palace, thinking of Jun Mochu in his heart, he naturally forgot about Lin Feng.

In the dark palace, the lowest level of guards is above the sixth level of martial strength, while Lin Feng is only at the third level. In their eyes, such strength is not even qualified for the current people.

However, the chief manager of the servants in the dark palace saw that he was brought back by the emperor, even though the servants were no longer needed, he still arranged an errand for him.

At first, everyone was a little polite to Lin Feng, because after all, he was brought back by Mo Yantian.

However, for several days in a row, Mo Yantian didn't mention Lin Feng again. Coupled with Lin Feng's natural temper as a young master, everyone gradually began to get tired of Lin Feng, and often bullied him when they had nothing to do.

A few days ago, the Third Elder of the Dark Palace was about to start practicing pills again. The Third Elder’s Courtyard was a place where all servants were unwilling to go, because the Third Elder had a weird temper and was extremely difficult to serve. Half-life, some with only one breath left.

Therefore, everyone unanimously pushed Lin Feng to the Third Elder's House. From that day on, Lin Feng's life was in dire straits. The people in the Third Elder's House were extremely tyrannical, beating and scolding servants at every turn, and Lin Feng's strength was only at the third level. , naturally became the target of everyone's bullying, asked him to do everything, and beat and scolded him if he couldn't do well.

At first Lin Feng would fight back, but the price of fighting back was even more severe. Gradually, he could only bear it, gritting his teeth.

But today, it was this middle-aged man named Li Wan who told him to crush the medicinal materials first, the more crushed the better, he did so, but he still had to be beaten.

Wuyan didn't know about Lin Feng's situation. However, no matter what, Lin Feng was still Mochu's fiancé in name, so how could he have any reason to be beaten as a slave?

What's more, Lin Feng came to the Dark Realm with them, if Mo Chu knew the situation of her hard-working fiancé...

Wuyan turned his big blue eyes, and decided that it would be better to tell Mochu first. Thinking of this, he left Xiaoxian to let him stay here, and quickly ran to the other courtyard.


Lin Feng seems to have a bad mouth, but he is actually a good person. Now that he has fallen to this point, ahem, isn't his voice too bad?

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