Chapter 158 I Heard You Are Prestige

In the vast expanse of space, there is no sun here, so there is no difference between day and night.

The boundless world was extremely silent, and she seemed to be the only one in the whole world.

Jun Mo carefully looked at the space of the universe bag. According to Wuyan, this is only the lowest function of the universe bag...

Well, the most low-level role has already surprised her so much that she can't calm down.

The aura here is particularly strong, and even the soil is very strange. It is different from the faint yellow outside, but dark red. Standing on this land, she has a feeling that she has the ability of the earth system. She is the king of this world, who can control the life and death of any thing in this entire space. This feeling makes her feel surprised.

However, the fact is that as soon as she enters the space, she can feel that her strength suddenly rises to a higher level, and her whole body is filled with explosive power. When she leaves the space, she still stays at that stage, neither increasing nor decreasing.

However, Jun Mochu was not disappointed. No one can reach the sky in one step. Strength comes from his own hard work, not from the sky.

She also found that practicing in this space is almost more effective than outside.

She made a decision in an instant, and she will come to this space to practice every night from now on, of course, the premise is that Mo Yantian doesn't come to share a bed with her again...


Vaguely, Jun Mochu seemed to hear Wuyan's voice, her mind moved, and her mental power spread out, and she saw Wuyan running from outside the other courtyard to her room.

Seeing that he was running in a hurry, Jun Mo thought he had something to do, so he hurried out of the space.

Wu Yan came into the house just in time, when he saw her, he compared his paws and said: "Girl, we came to the dark world, did we forget someone?"

Jun Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately came to his senses, "You're talking about Lin Feng?"

Wuyan blinked his big blue eyes, and said contemptuously: "So you still remember, you don't still miss your fiancé, do you? Oh, you still think Mo Yantian has a fiancee, don't you miss your family?" That hole..."

Before Wu Yan finished speaking, Jun Mo Chu slapped his face expressionlessly, "Stop talking nonsense, what are you talking about, tell me quickly, what's going on."

Wuyan rolled his eyes, and roughly told the story of seeing Lin Feng.

Hearing this, Jun Mochu fell silent.

In fact, she really didn't like Lin Feng.

I am even more upset about the marriage between them.

But this marriage was arranged by their parents. Now that her parents are missing, Lin Feng's parents have also been arrested because of their family relationship. Both parents are not around, so the marriage is difficult to withdraw.

What's more, Lin Feng's family will be unlucky because of their relationship with Jun's family.

Speaking of which, I have known Lin Feng for so long, although this guy's mouth is a bit harsh, but he has never really done anything to frame her except for revealing that the key of Gu Jieyuan was on her.

In Shengjing before, such a young master who called the wind and rain, never imagined that he would be so looked down upon and bullied here now.

Thinking of this, Jun Mo frowned slightly, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

"Go, take me there."

She said decisively.

Seeing Jun Mochu's unhesitating appearance, Wuyan's eyes brightened a little, and he nodded in his heart involuntarily. The girl's character has always been clear about what she likes and hates, and she is brave enough to act. The contractor is not far enough, but he believes that he will be able to wait until that day!

And at this time in the garden.

Li Wan threw another medicine jar to Lin Feng, and said sternly, "I'll give you another chance to grind it again. If you don't grind it well, you won't have to eat today!"

Lin Feng didn't raise his head, let alone raise his eyes, he just held tightly the medicine jar in his hand, and veins appeared on the back of his hand, as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

I never thought that I would have a day when I was not even as good as a slave.

Once, as long as he said a word, he could have whatever he wanted.

Everyone has to look at his face, try to figure him out, and flatter him.

But now...

He looked at the medicine jar in his hand, and a sneering smile crossed his lips, it was really...worse than a dog.

Jun Mochu, I heard that you are very majestic, Mo Yantian favors you in front, and you are protected by a great god in the back.

Jun Mochu, I heard that you beat that man's fiancee, but no one dared to do anything to you.

Jun Mochu, I heard that even the four great generals are not your opponents, and you can even stand alone against several seventh-level masters.

Junmochu, Junmochu, Junmochu.

It turns out that you are not trash.

It turned out that I was the real trash.

The funny thing is, I have always foolishly thought that I was so great.

It turns out, it turns out...

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and go to work for me!"

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't move, Li Wan yelled, and kicked Lin Feng's body fiercely with force, "Hurry up! Stop dawdling!"

Lin Feng took the kick vigorously, but only groaned.

Holding the medicine pot, he gave a faint wry smile, and slowly got up from the ground. It's better to crush the medicine obediently. Perhaps, after this period of time, he will be fine in the future.

"Lost it."

The moment Lin Feng stood up, a cold voice suddenly entered his ears.

Lin Feng was startled, his whole body stiffened suddenly, this voice...Jun Mochu.

He didn't look back, and he didn't dare to look back, because he was afraid that if he turned around, he would see more clearly the fact that he was a waste. Now that she was in high spirits, she must have come to laugh at her stupidity and ignorance.

"Lin Feng, throw away the medicine jar."

Seeing that Lin Feng was not moving, Jun Mochu strode forward with a cold face and starry eyes.

Li Wan who was next to him saw that it was Jun Mochu who came, his face darkened suddenly, and he said very ugly: "Miss Jun, what do you mean, even if Lord Huangzun said that he would spoil you, this is the courtyard of the third elder , even if the emperor came here, he would not dare to disturb and destroy the third elder's medicine refining, I am teaching the slaves in my third elder's courtyard, why are you meddling in my own business!"


The first update, today is still the fifth update,

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