Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 176 Followed the wrong master.

Chapter 176

St. Frank recently had a strange thing happen.

Every evening, there will always be groups of people rushing to the most prosperous area of ​​Shengtancheng to watch the performance.

Some people will curiously stop people who are rushing to see the show and ask what show they are watching.

That person will tell you with a look of surprise, look at the show.


Someone is puzzled.

In the entire continent, the most indispensable thing is performing arts. Some people from poor families can only rely on some performing arts to make ends meet. Speaking of which, performing arts is a job, but it is actually the lowest-level job on the mainland.

Only the poor would be helpless to do it.

It is easy to be looked down upon and ridiculed by others.

Therefore, they really don't understand what's so good about this entertainer.

However, after they had been there, they realized why so many people came to watch the show.

Because the combination of busking is very strange.

A woman and a dog.

It is said that this woman is still blind, a woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, and lives with a dog, so she really can only go to show business.

Everyone felt some sympathy.

But they're not here for sympathy, they're...

"Oh, little girl, what is your dog going to do today?"

"Yeah, yeah, the striptease yesterday was so fun, I was so excited to see it, what are you going to do today?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's start, little girl, everyone is almost here."

Jun Mo couldn't see it at the beginning, but he could feel the turbidity of the surrounding air, presumably a lot of people had gathered.


She silently raised the corner of her mouth, which meant that she could make more money today.

"You are the dog, and your whole family is a puppy!" Wuyan silently greeted those who regarded him as a puppy in his heart, and then wiped away his tears.

Unexpectedly, he, the king of beasts who frightened the entire continent ten thousand years ago, would end up making money by selling his looks...

I followed the wrong master.

He could only growl bitterly in his heart, and then silently walked on a stick that was erected in the middle of the field, which was as tall as a person.

"Today's performance is pole dancing." Jun Mochu said with a smile.

"Pole dancing? Girl, what is pole dancing?"

"That's right, what about pole dancing, or a striptease, look at how cute this puppy is, let him do a striptease again, we all want to see it."

"That's right, little girl, can you book the show, let your puppy come to another striptease, how about I give you 1000 taels?"

"Tch, 1000 taels is amazing, little girl, I'll pay 1 taels, just watch this pole dance."

For a while, many people started arguing.

Wuyan burst into tears silently, you grave bastards, you actually want to see Lao Tzu sacrifice his appearance so much!Girl, don't agree, or else when this matter is reported back to the Beast Kingdom, where will he put his old face!

Pity, shows are always brutal.

In Jun Mo's shining starry eyes, he made a decision, "Of course, whether it's a strip dance or a pole dance, I guarantee you will enjoy watching it, Wuyan, you can start now."

...Girl, I will curse you.

Wuyan wiped his tears, and silently put on what he borrowed from the magic pet shop—the see-through outfit, well, it’s actually white transparent gauze.

Wearing a lace corsage borrowed from a brothel girl.

Then he tied a yellow fluttering ribbon on his tail—representing fresh and tender chrysanthemums.

Finally, with a tragic expression on his face, he touched the stick in the center of the field that was used as a steel pipe.

Before the dance started, the crowd burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, it can actually dress itself! It's so smart!"

"Where did you buy this magic pet? It looks so cute with flowers! I really want to buy it too!"

"Ah, it's male! It's male! I saw it's male!"

Wuyan was terrified, and quickly covered his lower body with two paws, wow, you hateful aunts... Do not see evil, do not see evil!

Lao Tzu's innocence, it's all regarded | raped!

"Haha, look at it, it's shy, it's so cute! It just so happens that my little dog belongs to the mother! Girl, can you let your puppy come to my house after the performance, and be more careful to mate with me and breed it?" , the children they give birth to must be cuter!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Wuyan.

Although, Jun Mo knew at the beginning that no matter what era it is, girls are the least resistant to cute things, especially some cute pets, but it is not so...crazy as this.

But Wuyan could only sigh silently that he might lose his virginity.

His chastity must be reserved for Mo Chu, and he will give birth to the most awesome blood baby in the world with Mo Chu, how can he just interbreed like this!

"Jump quickly, finish the dance early and go back early." Jun Mochu was communicating with Wuyan with all his heart.

Wuyan bit his paw pitifully, and said uneasy and uncertain: "Girl, are you sure I can keep my virginity after the dance?"

It's already so crazy now, he's really afraid that after he finishes dancing, these women will pounce on him...

Oh...don't ask him why he does striptease, what a pole dancing god, the girl just told him, as long as you wear a few clothes, twist and take them off.

He also thinks it's very simple, his butt is twisted, Xiao Xiaoxian often dances for him, and he understands it.

Who knew that these women would go crazy after the dance.

"..." Hearing Wuyan's words, Jun Mochu seemed to be amused, and felt that it was too meaningless to laugh at him like this, so he could only hold back and said, "Don't worry, just jump over here, love across races is even more so. People are hard-pressed, and people who are full of heart|beasts are taboos, np."

"Hmm... what batch?"

"Np, more than a dozen women attack you at the same time, this is np." Jun Mochu explained kindly.

Wuyan shuddered, "Girl, you can't just ignore death..."

While Wuyan was struggling for the last time, suddenly, a haughty voice came clearly, with extreme arrogance.

"Hey, blind man, this young master bought your dog."


The second change, there will be more later, continue to code words

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