Evil Emperor steals relatives: cold special concubine

Chapter 177 Toys Come to Your Door Automatically

Chapter 177 Toys Come to Your Door Automatically

"Hey, blind man, this young master bought your dog."

The visitor was dressed in luxurious clothes, brocade and fur attire, at first glance he looked like a son of a noble family, slowly showing arrogance.

Sometimes when Jun Mochu didn't wear a bamboo hat, he would cover her eyes with a black cloth, so many people knew she was blind at a glance.

So along the way, she has heard many people call her blind.

At first she heard it in her heart, and she didn't feel very good.

Later, she got used to it, and she didn't care.

However, this man's words, in her ears, made her feel uncomfortable no matter what she heard.

After these days of self-cultivation, the disappearing powers have been cultivated, and even the force has advanced to the second level.

Every time she survives a catastrophe, her cultivation will always improve, so many people like to practice, and only when she is on the verge of life and death can she break through.

She looked for the man's voice, and she still couldn't see anything under the black cloth except for a piece of red, but he could clearly feel the man's cultivation level, which was level six.

Although she knew that the Shengjing Dynasty was very backward, so someone who was in the third or fourth rank was already considered a talented young generation.

However, since she went to the Dark Realm, her heart has become strong enough to be calm when the ground is full of seventh-level masters.

Therefore, when she got that person's cultivation base to be at the sixth level, she was already very calm.

Tier [-], if placed in Shengjing, is already a genius among geniuses, but placed here, it can only be regarded as middle-of-the-road.

So what if it reaches the seventh level.

There are so many seventh-level masters, but some seventh-level masters can also kill opponents who are also seventh-level in seconds, because that person has already reached the upper level of seventh-level.

And Jun Mochu's cultivation base is at the seventh level.

A sixth-order also came to provoke?Really strong bear guts.

The people who were busily waiting to see the good show couldn't help being startled when they saw this noble young master, and immediately became dissatisfied when they saw that it was an unfamiliar face.

"Hey, where's the boy? His tone is not small. Why do you ask someone to sell you his magic pet?"

"That's right. This puppy is the little girl's livelihood. If you buy him away, what will he eat in the future?"

"Get out! Get out of here, this is Sheng Tancheng, and our Sheng Tancheng is not a place for you to be arrogant."

Sheng Tancheng, as the junction of the two forces, is a big trading city. The people here are relatively simple, and they can't understand those who bully others.

However, the person named 'Roll' suddenly screamed, flew out of the crowd, fell heavily on the side of the road, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

I saw the two guards beside the noble young master with cold faces, and said coldly: "You should be damned for insulting young master Lei."

Lei Feng just glanced at the person who flew out indifferently, but said arrogantly: "What's the trouble, did my young master tell you to take action?"

The guard who made the move was stunned for a moment, and then slapped himself hard on the face, and apologized: "It's the young master, I'll make my own decision, slap my mouth."

Only then did Lei Feng snort in satisfaction, looked around at the crowd of performers, and said coldly: "What? This young master wants to buy this dog, do you have any opinions?"

Hearing this, everyone hesitated to speak, with aggrieved faces on their faces, but when the guard made a move, they also saw that it was a seventh-level expert.

Would it be small to use a seventh-level master as a guard?

No matter how angry they were, they could only look at Jun Mochu's sympathetically, and sighed silently, feeling sorry for the little girl.

It's fine to be young and slightly blind, but to meet such a bullying second-generation ancestor.

Many people left one after another. Although they haven't watched the performance yet, many people still left some money for Jun Mochu.

Jun Mo thanked each other one by one, and didn't put the money away until most of the people left. It seemed to be in his arms, but he couldn't help but put it away in the space.

These are all her property, and she cannot lose them.

After packing up his things, Jun Mochu stood up and said hello, "Wuyan, let's go."

Aww, I'm finally free.

Wu Yanle relaxed, pulled off the lace corsage in twos and twos, tore off the transparent gauze on her body, jumped on Jun Mochu's shoulder, and called it a day.

One man and one beast completely ignored Lei Feng from beginning to end.

"Hey blind man! Didn't you hear what Master Ben said! Master bought this dog!" Lei Feng directly stopped her way, and said contemptuously: "Didn't you ask for money? Master gave me 10 taels, and I bought this dog!" The dog bought it!"

He believed that she would not refuse.

No dog can be sold for 10 taels. He offered her enough silver taels. He believed that the blind man would not refuse such a precious price.

What's more, seeing that this blind man is going to come out to perform, he must be a lowly poor person in a slum. Giving them 10 taels is enough to make them live without worrying about food and drink for the rest of their lives.

Jun Mo stopped for a moment, didn't look up, and didn't look in his direction, but said blankly: "Not for sale."

After finishing speaking, according to the guidance of Wuyan's communication in the bottom of my heart, I walked directly to another direction.

The unexpected answer immediately changed Lei Feng's face, "Do you dare not sell it? I gave you [-], don't you think it's too little? Hmph, if that's the case, I'll give you another [-]!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Wuyan.

One person and one beast rolled their eyes at the same time.

Damn, where is this idiot young master, can't understand people's words, can he?

What she said was not for sale, why do you dislike the lack of money?

Jun Mochu directly ignored it, and didn't even bother to turn his head.

Lei Feng, who was completely ignored, suddenly became angry, "Blind man, how dare you ignore my young master! Do you know who this young master is? You dare to provoke people from the five sects of Xianshan. Since you are so ignorant, I will give you If you don't want money, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You two, grab that dog for my young master!" Lei Feng ordered his two guards to forcibly plunder it.

The five sects of Xianshan?

Hearing these four words, Jun Mochu stopped immediately, and the corners of his lips lifted slightly.


The toys are automatically delivered to the door.


The third update, thank you 13659437476, 1125448599 for the gold medal and red envelope, Yinyin will add more tomorrow

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