Chapter 185

These two... poor people have no money to pay for tuition!

The 100 taels on Cheng Chencheng's body was collected for him by the whole village when he left the village. There are many young people in the mountain village who have martial arts, but only Cheng Chencheng's martial arts are of the highest level, so the whole village puts their hopes on him. body.

Originally, there were more than 200 taels, but before I came here, I spent a lot of expenses and troubles along the way. I thought that as long as I could enter Shengnan College and be picked by the five sects of Xianshan, I would have no worries about food and clothing, but they all forgot There is also the matter of tuition fees.

Shengnan College, the largest college on Fengyun Plane, how could the tuition be cheap?

However, compared to other colleges, this 1 taels is indeed very cheap. At least, this is the first time that the registration teacher has seen someone who is clearly able to enroll, but has no money to pay the tuition.

Therefore, in a short period of time, he felt that his mind was a little messy.

"Sister you are so rich..." Cheng Chencheng looked at the purse in her hand with some envy.

Damn it, grandma, why is my brother so unbelievable, even Mochu's younger sister is richer than him!Cheng Chencheng hated himself in his heart.

72 taels more than him!

"Is this the point?" Jun Mochu asked calmly, the point is, how do they pay the tuition?

If you can't pay the tuition fee, you won't be able to enter the college, and if you can't get into the college, you won't be able to participate in the freshman competition.

"Cough..." At this moment, Mu Lao suddenly coughed lightly in embarrassment.

Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng immediately looked for their reputation.

Facing Cheng Chencheng's wolf-like tiger eyes, the corners of Mu Lao's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Teacher...uh, can I..." Cheng Chencheng wanted to ask, can I pay on credit.

Before he finished speaking, Mu Lao said helplessly: "Have you ever seen tuition fees on credit?"

"..." Cheng Chencheng circled weakly, could he say that it was the first time he went to school, even if he had seen it, he didn't know it.

Mu Lao was very helpless, but he was the one who brought the man, plus the talents of the two of them, especially the divine beast...

Yes, beast.

At that time, Mu Lao realized that the puppy must be some kind of divine beast.

Although I don't know where this little girl came from, but with the beast, her status in Sheng Tancheng will be different in the future. If she can't protect the beast, it may bring disaster to her in the future.

After all, on Yuncang Continent, divine beasts are really too rare.

Therefore, he made an exception and took this little girl with only second-level force into the academy. As for whether she really had extraordinary strength, he hadn't seen it with his own eyes before outside the academy, so he was still not sure.

Thinking of this, Mr. Mu directly said to the registration teacher, "Let's help them register first, and the tuition fee will be charged to the old man for the time being."

"Ah! Teacher, what you said is true!" Cheng Chencheng was a little uneasy and a little excited when he heard it, "Is this going to be bad?"

After all, this is 1 taels!

In his eyes, 1 taels is already an astronomical number.

Jun Mochu's heart moved slightly, and he also felt that this teacher seemed to be too kind to them, so good that people had to wonder if he really had any purpose.

Unexpectedly, Mu Lao turned his head and stared at them a few times, and said with a sullen expression: "I have to pay it back."

"..." I thought this teacher was really so good, so Cheng Chencheng was sad because he wanted to pay back the 1 taels, but he felt very pressured.

Jun Mo didn't care at first, she just paid it back, and she didn't like to do things that owed favors to others.

"After I finish participating in the freshman competition, I will return it immediately." She said flatly.

That demeanor seemed determined to win the [-] bonus.

"Oh?" Mu Lao looked a little surprised, and squinted his old eyes to look at the blind girl in front of him, "You still want to participate in the freshman contest?"

Jun Mo nodded expressionlessly at the beginning, without any concealment, "Yes."

"The freshman contest is a test of one's own strength, so you can't bring magic pets to participate." Mu Lao couldn't help reminding.

He believes that with Jun Mo's strength at the second level, maybe he can really challenge the challenge, but at that time, I am afraid that there will be many seventh-level masters, and she will definitely not be able to.

And the freshman competition is not allowed to bring magic pets to participate. Without the help of the beast, she might not even be shortlisted.

Sure enough, he guessed that Wuyan was a divine beast, and Jun Mochu said calmly, "I won't let Wuyan participate either."

Such a simple competition requires Wuyan to participate.This is too embarrassing for her.

At that time, let alone Wuyan, even she will despise herself.

Hearing this, a gleam flashed in Mu Lao's cloudy old eyes. She didn't expect that she planned to participate by herself, "Why would you want to participate in the freshman competition."

The strength of the second level, I am afraid that if you go there, you will only be ashamed.

He murmured in his heart.

"It is said that there is a lot of money." Jun Mochu said seriously.

"..." Mu Lao.

"..." Registration teacher.

So, she participated in the freshman competition not to get into a good class, let alone to make the teacher pay more attention to her, but for... money?

"Yeah, a bonus of [-] yuan." Cheng Chencheng also said quickly, he was also very excited, but with a perverted master like Sister Mochu, he guessed that he was hopeless.

"Actually." The registration teacher looked at the two strange freshmen with some difficulty, "Since you want to participate, as long as you enter the top five in the freshman competition, you can get free tuition."

Shengnan College has always maintained and given preferential treatment to extremely talented students. As long as they can enter the top five, not to mention not paying a penny for tuition fees, they will even be given a lot of rewards.

Of course, although these rewards are not as many as No.1, they are not few.

Hearing what the registration teacher said, Cheng Chencheng's eyes lit up instantly, "Then what are you waiting for? Teacher, please register us as soon as possible. We're going to book the freshman contest!"

Jun Mochu nodded lightly, "And me."

"Okay." The registration teacher spoke very well, "The teachers will help you with the matter of admission. In the morning after tomorrow, you will come to the college to gather and take part in the freshman placement test. You two should perform well and get into a good class. Don't let Mu Lao is ashamed."

Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mo patted their chests at the beginning and said no problem.

In fact, Jun Mochu has his own discussion, what to do with such a good class, as long as he can participate in the freshman competition, any class is the same, and she will leave when she gets the bonus, why keep it?

It is estimated that if Mr. Mu knew what she did, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.

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