Chapter 186

The test for freshmen is actually very simple. It is nothing more than a test of rank, perseverance, and potential, and then select elite students to focus on training.

The rank level is recorded when each new student registers, so the new students' test focuses on the two aspects of perseverance and potential.

In the sunshine, all the freshmen stood on the square of Shengnan College. There were about 2000 people, and the number was astonishing.

Cheng Chencheng couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he was led by the teacher, otherwise, judging from the situation, queuing up that day would have been a problem.

Although Jun Mochu couldn't see it, he knew that there must be many people in the square when he heard the chaotic sounds around him.

In order not to attract attention, she didn't ask Wuyan to follow, and let him stay outside the academy to play by himself, as long as it doesn't cause trouble.

There are many people and the air is not good.

Jun Mochu has always disliked places with many people, but now she can't see it and is more sensitive to the surrounding atmosphere, which makes her frown slightly and feel a little irritated in her heart.

Didn't it mean that the academy will only enroll 2000 people this time?But according to Cheng Chencheng, there are about [-] freshmen here.

With so many, is there going to be a knockout round?

Sure enough, as soon as Jun Mochu's thoughts fell, there were people around him quietly discussing.

"I heard that if you don't pass the test, you won't be able to enroll, even if you register."

"I've also heard that the academy only accepts more than 500 people. Now that there are so many people, it is estimated that many of them will be eliminated. Lian'er, don't worry, your rank is high, and you will definitely not."

"I'm a little worried. I hope so. By the way, Brother Feng, have you heard what they said? They said that a blind man will sign up this year."

"Blind man? Hahaha, Lian'er, are you kidding me? A blind man can't even walk, so how can he practice?"

"Hush... Brother Feng, don't say it so loudly. I heard that the blind man is very fierce. I don't want to hear others say that she is blind. She is also very skilled. The day before yesterday, she almost destroyed Liu Qing, the young master of the Liu family."

"Real or fake? Young Master Liu seems to be a sixth-level master, right?"

"Yeah... so let's keep our voices quiet..."

The voices of the two of them gradually lowered. They didn't know that the blind man they were talking about was facing them with his back, standing in front of them and saying nothing.

There were too many freshmen who signed up that day, and Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng were at the back. Although many people were shocked, many people at the front of the line didn't know it, so they spread the word. In their eyes, Jun Mochu Mo Chu became that kind of person.

Jun Mo was not angry at the beginning. Other people's opinions are irrelevant to her. Their mouths grow on them. It is their business to say what they like.

Cheng Chencheng was in a hurry, as soon as he saw someone saying Jun Mochu's words behind his back, he rushed up to find someone to reason with.

They were close, and when they sensed Cheng Chencheng's fire-breathing breath, Jun Mo knew what he was going to do at the beginning, so he quickly pulled him back, and said lightly: "Let them go, I don't care."

"But..." Cheng Chencheng still felt dissatisfied, Mochu's sister was the one he was covering, how could she let others bully her?

"There's nothing wrong with it. Are you going to scold all the students in the square?"

Indeed, it wasn't just the man and the woman who were talking about it. In fact, the news that a blind man who was not weak had signed up for Shengnan College had already spread, and besides them, many people were talking about it behind his back.

Hearing this, Cheng Chencheng opened his mouth, and suddenly felt that the emperor was not in a hurry to kill the eunuch.

Just at this time, the teacher of the assessment came, and he could only hold that anger in his heart.

The assessment teacher said the rules and content of the assessment, and it was exactly as they had guessed before, those who did not pass the test would be eliminated.

Cheng Chencheng was not in the mood to listen, and secretly asked Jun Mochu who was beside him, "Sister Mochu, are you really... all right?"

Jun Mo raised his forehead, "No."

"Uh, actually what brother wants to say is that you don't have to work so hard, you have brother here..." Before Cheng Chencheng finished speaking, he was interrupted.

"Cheng Chencheng."


"Can you stop being so verbose?"


Cheng Chencheng suddenly felt sad, feeling that life was gloomy, which broke his heart.

In fact, there was a reason for saving Jun Mochu that day.

When he came out of the mountains, his family members told him that even if he didn't enter the academy, he must bring a wife back.

But... a daughter-in-law is hard to find.

Originally, there were women who saw each other rightly with him, but when they heard that he came from such a remote place, they immediately ran away in fright.

So much so that even if Cheng Chencheng is a seventh-ranker, he can't find his wife's tragic fate.

When I first came to Shengtancheng to enroll in Shengnan College, I just happened to be molested by a self-righteous young man who was molesting a pretty girl. Cheng Chencheng's heroism suddenly swelled, and he was ready to be a hero to save the beauty, so that the beauty could see him as handsome Chic demeanor.

It was only when I got closer that I realized that the beautiful woman was blind.

As a result, the hero's plan to save the beauty fell through, and when he saw the beauty performing on the street, he suddenly became sympathetic, and decided to recognize her as a girl, but he didn't want to live in chaos from then on.

"Sister don't want to hit brother like this..." Cheng Chencheng held his heart in both hands, looking heartbroken.

Before the words fell, the assessment instructor in front shouted angrily, "Who is speaking below!"

"Uh." Cheng Chencheng quickly shut his mouth, but unfortunately it was too late, the assessment teacher's stern gaze had already fixed him.

Jun Mochu took a step away silently, resolutely not to get along with the nagging man.

"..." Seeing Jun Mochu's actions, Cheng Chencheng twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, "Sister Mochu, how can you refuse to save yourself."

Jun Mochu didn't turn his head back, and directly faced the front. He didn't know if the assessment teacher was in front, and said solemnly: "Teacher, I don't know him."


"Enough." The assessment teacher was furious, and pointed at Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu, "You, and you, repeat what the teacher said just now!"

"..." Jun Mochu.

"..." Cheng Chencheng.

What did the teacher say just now?

They didn't hear a word just now.

Jun Mochu calmly covered one side of his mouth, "Teacher, I have a toothache."

She had a toothache and couldn't speak, so it was needless to say, well, she believed a wise teacher would understand.

Cheng Chencheng immediately learned, covered his ears, "Teacher, I'm deaf."

Everyone: "..."

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