Chapter 187

On the first day of school, a certain toothache and a certain deaf freshman successfully offended the teacher.

So when the test of perseverance began, they were punished. The so-called test of perseverance was to exercise and test how strong their perseverance was. To assess the teacher, the two thousand freshmen in the square were directly divided into 10 groups.

What is the content of the assessment?


And still run ten laps around this square, you can't use force, let alone use any skills, you can only fight physically.

Ten laps!

When they heard the content of the assessment, everyone was stunned.

This square, counting down one lap, is nearly 1000 meters, and ten laps means running tens of thousands of meters.

This is really too difficult for those noble sons who usually have to ride a carriage even to go out.

If you can use force, it's better to use skills.

Running tens of thousands of meters is not a problem. The problem is that nothing can be used. Many supervisors have prepared a lot of teachers in the field. Once they find that they have useful force or skills, they will be eliminated immediately.

The most tragic thing was Cheng Chencheng and Jun Mochu. Because they offended the teacher at the beginning, they were ordered to leave without running fifteen laps.

I heard that Jun Mochu called it messy.


She was sure that she heard correctly, it was indeed running, but the sports wind of the 21st century came here, and the test of perseverance was actually to let them run.

By the way, how long has it been since she ran?

It seems that when she was in the middle school of the previous life...she didn't even pass 800 meters, and now she needs to run [-] meters?

Although... this is indeed a good way to test one's perseverance, but...

"Teacher, I can't see." Would it be unbelievable to let her run blind?

In fact, this assessment teacher was taken care of by Mr. Mu early in the morning, especially when he specially named two strange freshmen. Originally, the assessment teacher decided to stay and study when the assessment was in progress. Shangxin, but he didn't want those two guys to make him angry as soon as they appeared on the stage, and it would be difficult for her not to pay attention.

The assessment teacher saw that Jun Mochu's eyes seemed to be really blind, hesitated for a while, and thought that the other party was a girl after all, so he said: "In this case, you should run ten laps like other freshmen, and you don't need fifteen laps." Circled, since you have come to enroll in Shengnan College, you are a person who has confidence in your own strength, even if you are blind, then you are no different from other freshmen, so you can go with them."

Hearing what the assessment teacher said, Jun Mochu could only nod helplessly, okay...Although five laps are missing, ten laps is still a lot.

It was literally a marathon.

But she also understood what the assessment teacher said. She had already gone through the back door when she signed up. If the assessment is released now, it will appear that Shengnan College is unfair.

So she could only nod silently.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chencheng looked at the assessment teacher eagerly, "Teacher, what about me...?"

The assessment teacher glared at him, "Line up for me! I'll be eliminated before I finish fifteen laps!"

"..." Cheng Chencheng was indignant, why!Why can sister Mochu reduce back to ten laps, but he must have fifteen laps?

Sure enough, women are more popular!

Cheng Chencheng is full of anger, my mother is grandma's, why is my brother so unbelievable, why is he born to be a man with handles!

The protest is invalid, and all freshmen can only accept the assessment obediently.

Jun Mochu and Cheng Chencheng were assigned to the fifth group, and at this time the two hundred freshmen in the first group had already started running.

On the first lap, everyone ran down without blushing or panting.

On the second lap, someone started to get out of breath.

On the third lap, someone started to slow down, gasping for breath.

In the fourth lap, several female freshmen fell to the ground and were eliminated.

On the fifth lap, more than half of the boys and girls fell to the ground and were eliminated directly.

Seventh lap...

Until the tenth lap, only 40 or so of the [-] freshmen persisted until the end. After completing the task, they just lay down on the ground and vomited.

In one group, more than 150 people were eliminated, and only forty or so remained.

Jun Mo couldn't see it at first, but listening to the surrounding discussions, he could still predict such a tragic situation.

More than 100 people were eliminated in just one group, and there are still nine groups to come. I am afraid that after this assessment is over, there may be only a few remaining freshmen...

What's more, there is a potential assessment later.

The second group of freshmen came on the stage. With the second group prepared in mind, it was obviously better than the first group. In the end, there were more than 70 people left, but still not many.

There were more than 80 people left in the third group, and in the fourth group, there were more than 100 people left.

The assessment teacher is more and more satisfied.

This shows that there are quite a lot of good students this time. If they can't even pass the perseverance test, what qualifications do they have to enter Shengnan College?

After the fourth group finished the test, it was the turn of the fifth group.

In order not to affect his own route, Jun Mo first lined up at the end of the line, and Cheng Chencheng volunteered to join her. He said that he was afraid that others would bump into her, so he lined up with her.

With one drink, the 200-person marathon officially begins!

Jun Mochu tried to slow down her speed as much as possible, paying attention to the direction of the flow of breath. She was familiar with Cheng Chencheng's breath, and with Cheng Chencheng leading the way for her, she did avoid the embarrassment of not being able to see the way.

Looking at the freshmen who were gradually running away, a young teacher next to the assessment teacher smiled and asked, "Mr. Fang, what do you think? Do you think that girl can pass the test?"

The assessment teacher's gaze was on Jun Mochu's back, and he suddenly smiled, "The people that Mr. Mu valued shouldn't be much different."

"Yeah, haha." The young teacher also smiled, "If it weren't for the fact that her eyes were covered with a black cloth, no one would be able to tell that she couldn't see her, such quick movements."

The assessment teacher didn't know, but he was puzzled in his heart. Even if he was blind, he didn't need to cover his eyes with a black cloth. The assessment teacher looked at Jun Mochu and became more and more puzzled.

At this time, no one noticed that on an attic not far away, a handsome and handsome man was quietly looking in this direction, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

"Your girl?"

"So... it's already here."


I've been a little busy recently, so there are fewer, don't be surprised.

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