Chapter 188

Chest tightness.

This is Jun Mochu's only feeling at this moment.

Fortunately, although she didn't run much in her previous life, the training she received in the Ministry of National Defense in her previous life was more difficult than today's test.

So when she started running, she realized that it was not as difficult as she imagined.

So after ten laps, Jun Mochu still didn't blush, only slightly panting.

As soon as the others stopped, many of them were close to fainting, and some had already run to the other side to vomit.

In this group, a total of more than 110 people remained.

It seems that these new students have gradually mastered some essentials, and more and more new students have passed this assessment.

At this time, in the huge square, Cheng Chencheng was the only one who was struggling and running wildly with tears.

The assessment teacher looked at Jun Mochu, and saw her bowing her head, standing alone outside the crowd, with a calm expression, she couldn't help walking over curiously.

"After running ten laps, how do you feel?" She looked very calm, not whimpering and complaining like other freshmen.

Sensing someone approaching, and hearing the voice, it was from the assessment teacher. Jun Mochu's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "Feeling? Teacher, do you really want me to tell you?"

"...You say." The assessment teacher hesitated for a while, and it was a little strange what she thought.


The assessment teacher pricked up his ears.

"I think so..."


"It's nothing new."

"..." The assessment teacher raised his forehead, pretending that he didn't ask anything.

Taking another look at Jun Mo's calm look, the assessment teacher thought silently in his heart, could it's really nothing new, so she came here easily?

Depressedly, he walked back to the group of teachers and dismissed the eliminated freshmen.

Those who pass the assessment only need to continue to participate in the potential assessment tomorrow.

Those who did not pass the assessment can leave directly. The assessment teacher made it very clear, and many girls who were eliminated were crying.

But they also understand that this is the rule of Shengnan College, they are not up to date, otherwise how can even a blind man run down easily, but they can't.

After knowing that she could leave, Jun Mochu didn't stay any longer. She was worried that Wuyan was outside alone, so she left directly.

When Cheng Chencheng returned to the spot after running fifteen laps and wanted to seek comfort from his sister Mochu, he only had time to see her back as she stepped out of the academy gate.

At the moment, regardless of what the teacher said, he quickly chased after him.

Following the other freshmen to the entrance of the college, Jun Mochu stood there and waited for a while, but Wuyan did not appear.

She asked Wuyan to wait for her outside the academy, did this guy run off to play?

Jun Mo frowned at the beginning, Sheng Tancheng is so big and has so many streets, how can she find him?Especially when she was blind and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.


While she was thinking, a milky voice came from far away, and threw herself on her body, hugging her thigh.

Jun Mochu's body subconsciously reflected that he was about to kick people away, but he vaguely felt that this breath was a little familiar.

"Mother - woo woo, I finally found my mother, woo woo, mother, don't leave me behind, okay?"

Jun Mochu's body stiffened instantly.


Although she felt his breath was somewhat familiar, she had never been someone else's mother.

Cheng Chencheng, who happened to be chasing him, saw this scene, unsteady, and staggered to the ground.

"Grandma Niangdi, sister Mochu, you actually have a five or six-year-old son?!"

Cheng Chencheng was in grief and anger, even Mochu's younger sister had a son, but his daughter-in-law didn't have a shadow yet, why is my brother so disappointing?

The corner of Jun Mochu's mouth twitched, "Cheng Chencheng, tell me, how can I give birth to a five or six-year-old son when I am 17?"

"Uh..." Cheng Chencheng rubbed his nose, got up from the ground, and said in surprise: "It turns out that sister Mochu is so precocious..."

Being able to have children at the age of eleven or twelve is really... powerful.

"...Your precocious sister." You are precocious, and your whole family is precocious.

Cheng Chencheng looked innocent, "Aren't you my sister? So you are really precocious?"


Jun Mo raised his foot and kicked it directly.

But he sighed softly in his heart.

It turns out that Mo Yantian is the only one who can say "I don't have a younger sister" in this world.

"Little ghost." Jun Mochu didn't bow his head, he directly pushed the child's hand away, and said lightly: "I'm not your mother, you have misunderstood the person."

"No, no, you are really my mother, mother... don't you want Xixi again, woo, I will be obedient in the future, mother, don't leave me, okay..."


Jun Mo was speechless at the beginning, where did this kid insist that she is her mother!

Does she look that old?

Is there anyone who looks like a mother?

"...Sister Mochu, don't you really know this brat?" Cheng Chencheng looked skeptical, seeing that this kid doesn't look like a liar, and it doesn't look like he's blind enough to admit someone wrong.

"Can you shut up?" Jun Mochu said blankly, this guy who is afraid of chaos in the world.

She grabbed the little devil and asked with a blank expression, "Little devil, you can see clearly, I look like this, I'm not your mother!"

"...You can see it clearly. Father said, mother looks like this."

"Your father lied to you."

"Mom, you lied to me."

"I am not your mother!"

"Mother, you are not old, not old lady, but mother."

"...I'm not your mother!"

"You are!"



"..." Cheng Chencheng watched the big and small arguing with stiff necks, for some reason, he suddenly felt very happy.

"Cough." He coughed unnaturally, looked at the pink and jade-carved doll in front of him, and asked, "Little ghost, what's your name?"

The little boy squinted at him, his beautiful big eyes rolled around, and then softly uttered two words from his pink lips: "Little... fairy."

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